Anthony M Harris

Queensland Brain Institute University of Queensland, Saint Lucia, Queensland, Australia 
Attention, Awareness, EEG, Neural Oscillations
"Anthony Harris"
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Roger W. Remington research assistant
Paul E. Dux grad student
Jason Mattingley grad student
Nilli Lavie post-doc
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Williams JG, Harrison WJ, Beale HA, et al. (2024) Effects of neural oscillation power and phase on discrimination performance in a visual tilt illusion. Current Biology : Cb
Harris AM, Eayrs JO, Lavie N. (2023) Establishing gaze markers of perceptual load during multi-target visual search. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 8: 56
Harris AM, Bradley C, Yoo SY, et al. (2022) Neurophysiological evidence against attentional suppression as the source of the same-location cost in spatial cueing. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Harris AM, Remington RW. (2020) Late guidance resolves the search slope paradox in contextual cueing. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Harris AM, Jacoby O, Remington RW, et al. (2020) Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for a dissociation between working memory capacity and feature-based attention. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 129: 158-174
Harris AM, Jacoby O, Remington RW, et al. (2020) Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for a dissociation between working memory capacity and feature-based attention Cortex. 129: 158-174
van Heusden E, Harris AM, Garrido MI, et al. (2019) Predictive coding of visual motion in both monocular and binocular human visual processing. Journal of Vision. 19: 3
Harris AM, Jacoby O, Remington RW, et al. (2019) Taking a closer look at visual search: Just how feature-agnostic is singleton detection mode? Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Harris AM, Eayrs JO, Lavie N. (2019) The effect of perceptual load on gaze and EEG signals in multi-target visual search with free eye-movements Journal of Vision. 19: 273
Harris AM, Dux PE, Mattingley JB. (2018) Awareness is related to reduced post-stimulus alpha power: A no-report inattentional blindness study. The European Journal of Neuroscience
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