Arnaud Rey

CNRS & Aix-Marseille University 
"Arnaud Rey"
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Tosatto L, Fagot J, Nemeth D, et al. (2024) Chunking as a function of sequence length. Animal Cognition
Pinto Arata L, Ordonez Magro L, Ramisch C, et al. (2024) EXPRESS: The Dynamics of Multiword Sequence Extraction. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218241228548
Yeaton J, Tosatto L, Fagot J, et al. (2023) Simple questions on simple associations: regularity extraction in non-human primates. Learning & Behavior
Tosatto L, Fagot J, Rey A. (2023) The dynamics of chunking in humans (Homo sapiens) and Guinea baboons (Papio papio). Journal of Comparative Psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983)
Rey A, Fagot J. (2023) Associative learning accounts for recursive-structure generation in crows. Learning & Behavior
Ordonez Magro L, Fagot J, Grainger J, et al. (2022) On the role of interference in sequence learning in Guinea baboons (Papio papio). Learning & Behavior
Tosatto L, Fagot J, Nemeth D, et al. (2022) The Evolution of Chunks in Sequence Learning. Cognitive Science. 46: e13124
Rey A, Fagot J, Mathy F, et al. (2022) Learning Higher-Order Transitional Probabilities in Nonhuman Primates. Cognitive Science. 46: e13121
Wilson B, Spierings M, Ravignani A, et al. (2020) Non-adjacent Dependency Learning in Humans and Other Animals. Topics in Cognitive Science. 12: 843-858
Rey A, Bogaerts L, Tosatto L, et al. (2020) Author accepted manuscript: Detection of Regularities in a Random Environment. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1747021820941356
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