Noa Liscovitch

2011-2015 Brain Research Center Bar-Ilan University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel 
"Noa Liscovitch"
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Gal Chechik grad student 2011-2015 Bar-Ilan
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Liscovitch N, Bazak L, Levanon EY, et al. (2014) Positive correlation between ADAR expression and its targets suggests a complex regulation mediated by RNA editing in the human brain. Rna Biology. 11: 1447-56
Liscovitch N, French L. (2014) Differential Co-Expression between α-Synuclein and IFN-γ Signaling Genes across Development and in Parkinson's Disease. Plos One. 9: e115029
Liscovitch N, Chechik G. (2013) Specialization of gene expression during mouse brain development. Plos Computational Biology. 9: e1003185
Liscovitch N, Shalit U, Chechik G. (2013) FuncISH: learning a functional representation of neural ISH images. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 29: i36-43
Kirsch L, Liscovitch N, Chechik G. (2012) Localizing genes to cerebellar layers by classifying ISH images. Plos Computational Biology. 8: e1002790
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