Nikolaus Kriegeskorte

National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, United States 
object vision, IT, pattern-information analysis
"Nikolaus Kriegeskorte"
Mean distance: 13.51 (cluster 29)


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Prashant C. Raju research assistant 2017-2020 Columbia
Aneesh Kashalikar research assistant 2019-2021 Columbia
Baihan Lin grad student 2017- Columbia
Seyed-Mahdi Khaligh-Razavi grad student 2012-2014 Cambridge
Tal Golan post-doc
Benjamin Peters post-doc
Ruben S. van Bergen post-doc 2019- Columbia
Paul Linton post-doc 2022- Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Vassilis Pelekanos post-doc 2015-2017 MRC CBU Cambridge
Robert M. Mok post-doc 2016-2017
Tim Christian Kietzmann post-doc 2016-2019 Cambridge
Heiko H Schütt post-doc 2018-2023 Columbia
Olivier Joly research scientist 2013-2015 MRC-CBU


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Roozbeh Kiani collaborator 2006-2009 Columbia
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Farzmahdi A, Zarco W, Freiwald WA, et al. (2024) Emergence of brain-like mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning in convolutional neural networks. Elife. 13
Lippl S, Peters B, Kriegeskorte N. (2024) Can neural networks benefit from objectives that encourage iterative convergent computations? A case study of ResNets and object classification. Plos One. 19: e0293440
Peters B, DiCarlo JJ, Gureckis T, et al. (2024) How does the primate brain combine generative and discriminative computations in vision? Arxiv
Golan T, Taylor J, Schütt H, et al. (2023) Deep neural networks are not a single hypothesis but a language for expressing computational hypotheses. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 46: e392
Taylor J, Kriegeskorte N. (2023) Extracting and visualizing hidden activations and computational graphs of PyTorch models with TorchLens. Scientific Reports. 13: 14375
Schütt HH, Kipnis AD, Diedrichsen J, et al. (2023) Statistical inference on representational geometries. Elife. 12
Doerig A, Sommers RP, Seeliger K, et al. (2023) The neuroconnectionist research programme. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience
Taylor J, Kriegeskorte N. (2023) TorchLens: A Python package for extracting and visualizing hidden activations of PyTorch models. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Jozwik KM, Kietzmann TC, Cichy RM, et al. (2023) Deep neural networks and visuo-semantic models explain complementary components of human ventral-stream representational dynamics. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Farzmahdi A, Zarco W, Freiwald W, et al. (2023) Emergence of brain-like mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning in convolutional neural networks. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
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