Weijian Zong

2008-2012 School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science Peking University, Beijing, Beijing Shi, China 
 2012-2018 Institute of molecular medicine Peking University, Beijing, Beijing Shi, China 
 2018- Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway 
Neuroscience, two-photon imaging
"Weijian Zong"
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Zong W, Obenhaus HA, Skytøen ER, et al. (2022) Large-scale two-photon calcium imaging in freely moving mice. Cell
Obenhaus HA, Zong W, Jacobsen RI, et al. (2022) Functional network topography of the medial entorhinal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119
Zhao J, Liang S, Zhao Y, et al. (2021) Imaging of Calcium Activities from Pancreatic β-cells in Zebrafish Embryos Using Spinning-disc Confocal and Two-photon Light-sheet Microscopy. Bio-Protocol. 11: e4245
Zong W, Wu R, Chen S, et al. (2021) Miniature two-photon microscopy for enlarged field-of-view, multi-plane and long-term brain imaging. Nature Methods. 18: 46-49
Pang M, Bai L, Zong W, et al. (2020) Light-sheet fluorescence imaging charts the gastrula origin of vascular endothelial cells in early zebrafish embryos. Cell Discovery. 6: 74
Yue Y, Zong W, Li X, et al. (2020) Long-term, in toto live imaging of cardiomyocyte behaviour during mouse ventricle chamber formation at single-cell resolution. Nature Cell Biology
Lal A, Shan C, Zhao K, et al. (2018) A frequency domain SIM reconstruction algorithm using reduced number of images. Ieee Transactions On Image Processing : a Publication of the Ieee Signal Processing Society
Zong W, Wu R, Li M, et al. (2017) Fast high-resolution miniature two-photon microscopy for brain imaging in freely behaving mice. Nature Methods
Chen X, Zong W, Li R, et al. (2016) Two-photon light-sheet nanoscopy by fluorescence fluctuation correlation analysis. Nanoscale
Zong W, Huang X, Zhang C, et al. (2014) Shadowless-illuminated variable-angle TIRF (siva-TIRF) microscopy for the observation of spatial-temporal dynamics in live cells. Biomedical Optics Express. 5: 1530-40
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