Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Muhammad Umair AliCondensed Matter Physics; Semiconductors: Optoelectronics Department of Materials Science and Engineering20162020 Hong Meng (grad student)
Yan Baovisual attention Su Wang (grad student)
Ruyi Cai Peking university Yulong Li (grad student)
Mingbo CaiSpontaneous thoughts, Brain imaging, Decision making, Learning, Time Perception, Machine learning
Ye CalOrofacial pain
Xu Cao
Ye CaoOrofacial pain
Zuying ChaiNeuroscience IMM Zhuan Zhou (grad student)
Juan Chenvision perception Fang Fang (grad student)
Nihong Chenvisual system Fang Fang (grad student)
Long ChenAxonal degeneration
xi chenpsychology
HUAN CHENEnvironmental Engineering
Xiaoke Chentaste Zhuan Zhou (grad student)
Lihan Chen
Peng R. ChenChemical Biology
Jinxin Phaedo ChenSingle-cell imaging BIOPIC20202022 X. Sunney Xie (grad student)
Heping (Peace) Cheng
Jason Chuang20102013 Xin Huang (research assistant)
Linna DengCognitive neuroscience
Fei Deng School of Life Sciences20172023 Yulong Li (grad student)
Ran Dingin vivo imaging and electrophysiology
Xuehao Ding Physics Haitao Quan (grad student)
Ao Dong Center of Life Science Yulong Li (grad student)
Shan Dong Center for Bioinformatics20102015 Liping Wei (grad student)
Hui DongSleep20202023 Yulong Li (post-doc)
He DongjunVision20102015 Fang Fang (grad student)
Qichang FanAxon guidence
Jiahao Fancomputational neuroscience, reinforcement learning
Ying Fan School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences2017 Huan Luo (grad student)
Fang FangVision Science
Jiesi Feng Yulong Li (grad student)
Shengwei Fu Yulong Li (grad student)
Chientung GaoMRI
Jie Gao
Xiang Gao2021 Bo Shen (grad student)
Teng GaoBrain/Psychiatric disorders ( insomnia, anxiety, cognitive disfunction, neuronpathic pain)20222026 Lin Lu (collaborator)
Mengyuan GongVision Science20102015 Sheng Li (grad student)
Yueyang Eric GouOptogenetics and bio sensors Biological Sciences20162017 Yulong Li (research assistant)
Xiaosi Gucomputational psychiatry, decision making, social neuroscience20022006 Shihui Han (research assistant)
Shuchen Guan Cong Yu (grad student)
Jiaming Guo2021 Bo Shen (grad student)
Dingrong Guo
Shihui Han
Qiming Han School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences2017 Huan Luo (grad student)
Ziyang Hao Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Miaoqing HeEpilepsy
Wang Hongyunsensory and motivation
Hong-Ye HuQuantum Information, and Computation Biao Wu (research assistant)
Jingrun Huenvironmental chemistry
Xin Huang Renji Zhang (grad student)
Xin HuangVisual Cortex Anatomy20092015 Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Qiaoli Huang School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences2016 Huan Luo (grad student)
Jianrong JiaAttention, Vision
Xiaoming JiangLanguage Cognition, Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, Neuropragmatics Xiaolin Zhou (grad student), Yaxu Zhang (grad student)
Miao Jing Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies20122018 Yulong Li (grad student)
Niansheng Juconnectomics, two-photon imaging School of Life Sciences20152020 Shiming Tang (grad student)
Gao KaiSpatial navigation & episodic memory Acedemy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies20222027 Chenglin Miao (grad student)
Yacheng KangMulti-messenger astronomy, High-energy astrophysics, Gamma-ray bursts, Compact stars20222027 Lijing Shao (grad student)
Guangyi Lansomatosensation2020 Yulong Li (grad student)
Qili LanParenting,Child Development, Developmental Psychopathology, Psychophysiology School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences20192024 Li Wang (grad student)
Quan LeiVisual attention
Hui LiVisual attention
Sheng Livision, brain imaging
Xiang Licomputational modeling; working memory Department of Psychology Department of Psychology20172018 Yan Bao (research assistant), Hang Zhang (research assistant)
yinglin lineuroscience institute of molecule medicine2017 Zhuan Zhou (grad student)
Mengyao LI Yulong Li (grad student)
Xuelin Li Yulong Li (grad student)
Yulong Lineurotransmitter release, fluorescent indicators
Jiaqi Li School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences2018 Huan Luo (grad student)
Jie Lisynaptic transmission
Tairan LiEpigenetics, DNA replication Zhi Qi (grad student)
Xiaoxu LIQuantitative Psychology Psychology20032004 Xiaolin Zhou (research assistant)
Na Li2020 Zhuo Huang (grad student)
Bohan LiFluorescent sensors School of Life Sciences2021 Yulong Li (grad student)
Qin LiRNA editing, Genomics, Computational Biology College of Life Science20192014 Yu-Xian Zhu (grad student)
Yiman LiNeurobiology Institute of Molecular Medicine20152021 Zhuan Zhou (grad student)
Jialin LiReinforcement learning
Jian-Hui LiangNeuropharmacology
You Liangmotor adaptation
Yuan Lin Institute of Molecular Medicine20122017 Heping (Peace) Cheng (grad student)
Xiaoxiong LinPFC, working memory, time perception school of psychological and cognitive sciences20142016 Yan Bao (research assistant)
Jinting Liuthe neural and biological basis of social behavior Xiaolin Zhou (grad student)
Xiaofeng LiuImmunology
Zhuo Liureward and addiction
Ling Liu School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences2014 Huan Luo (post-doc)
Ruixin Liu Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Yuanjing Liu school of life science Chenglin Miao (grad student)
Yixuan LongExperimental Philosophy, Cognitive Neuroscience, Olfaction
Haoyang LuComputational psychiatry, Decision-making, Autism
Liju Luan Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Zheng LuoChemical Biology20092012 Peng R. Chen (research assistant)
Siyang Luoculture and social cognitive neuroscience
Huan Luo
Bin Luoneuroscience school of life sciences20212023 Yulong Li (post-doc)
Mingyue LvNeuorscience School of Life Sciences20202023 Yulong Li (post-doc)
Jiajun Ma
Yifang MaComplex Systems; Science of Science; Computational Social Science
Xiang Ma Longchuan Yu (grad student)
Yina . MaSocial & Affective Neuroscience
Yan Nan Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Rundong NingAutism
Hong Pan Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Deng Pandecision making, social cogntive neuroscience20182021 Lusha Zhu (research assistant)
Yujia PengComputational Psychiatry, Social Cognition, Cognitive Neuroscience,Causal Reasoning Psychology20112014 Fang Fang (research assistant)
Jiahui Peng20172020 X. Sunney Xie (research assistant)
Mingliang Puretina Anatomy2008 Jie Gao (collaborator)
Zhi QiPhase separation, single molecule biophysics20132016 Eric C. Greene (post-doc)
Cheng Qian Yulong Li (grad student)
Tongrui Qian20182023 Yulong Li (grad student)
Min Qian Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Kong Qingyaolearning and memory, drug addiction, neuronal circuit20082013 Long-Chuan Yu (grad student)
Guiqi RenHedgehog signaling
Qiushi RenLaser medicine, Bio-photonics, Neuro-medical engineering
chaoran renvisual system20072012 Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Xiang RenGIS
Hongyu Ruan Renji Zhang (grad student)
Jeniffer Rosemary Shangdecision making
zheng shenvisual perception
Bo ShenDecision making; Computational modelling; Neural circuit; Value; Decision dynamics; Social emotion; Social decision-making; Guilt; Psychology Psychology20122018 Xiaolin Zhou (grad student), Jian Li (grad student)
Ge Shen2021 Bo Shen (grad student)
Weikang Shisystem neuroscience; economic decisions
Li Shitwo photon microscopy imaging circuit tracing
Ying Song Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Junzhu Su Fang Fang (grad student)
Yang Suncolor vision
Rui Sunsocial psychology Psychology20082012 Shihui Han (research assistant)
Rongbo Sun Yulong Li (grad student)
Fangmiao Sun Yulong Li (grad student)
Suhua SunNeuroscience, neuro-immune institute of molecular medicine20142020 Zhuan Zhou (grad student)
Shiming Tang
Louis L. Tao
Sorgog Uzeennavigation
Xiaoang (Irene) WanCognitive Psychology Shihui Han (grad student)
Jinxia Wan Yulong Li (grad student)
Li Wangneuroscience, dopamine, ACh, neural circuitry, Taste20072015 Zhuan Zhou (grad student)
Su WangCognitive Psychology
Li Wang
JUNHUI WANGAlzheimer's Disease Neurobiology20032008 Albert Yu (grad student)
Huan Wang Yulong Li (grad student)
Yuanye Wang School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences2016 Huan Luo (grad student)
Yipan Wang Yulong Li (grad student)
Wenyao Wang Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Yanling Wang Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Xuanyu Wangworking memory, neural circuit dynamics School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences20172019 Yan Bao (research assistant)
Binxu WangVisual system, Computational modeling, Generative model, Geometry Center for Bioinformatics20162018 Louis L. Tao (research assistant)
Li Wang
Kunlin WeiComputational Motor Control
Anthony Y. WooGPCR, Chinese Medicine
Biao WuQuantum Gas, Quantum Computation, Cold Atoms
Qihui WuNeuroscience, TIRF imaging, electrochemistry/electrophysiology
Ling WU20132019 Yulong Li (grad student)
Zhaofa WU20192023 Yulong Li (grad student), Yulong Li (post-doc)
Xiuyun WuEye movements; Visual perception
Dazhou Chris Wumotor planning School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences Yang Zhou (grad student)
Huika Xia Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Xiju XiaNeurontransmission20192024 Yulong Li (grad student)
ma xiangmemory Long-Chuan Yu (grad student)
Chunxia Xiao Anatomy20052011 Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Wanze XieInfant Cognition and EEG
Hanbo XieDecsion making, reinforcement learning, LLM School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences20192022 Xiaolin Zhou (research assistant)
Weihong Xiong Renji Zhang (grad student)
shuai Xuion channels School of pharmaceutical science Zhuo Huang (grad student)
Xiang YanMotor control
Hua Yangvisual perception, brain imaging Fang Fang (research assistant)
Feitong YangVision Science, Decision Making20092013 Sheng Li (research assistant)
Xiao-Dun Yangstress, prefrontal cortex, dendrites and spines
Chaojuan Yang
Yini Yang20172023 Yulong Li (grad student)
Xiaoxu Yangmosaicism in development and its role in neurological disorders Center for Bioinformatics20132018 Liping Wei (grad student)
Youran Yang
Shuyang YaoSpatial navigation, memory
Jingyun YiNeuroscience
Hörmet T. Yiltizvision, multisensory integration Department of Psychology20112015 Lihan Chen (research assistant)
Yiming YinNeuroscience
Muhammad YounusDopamine recording and Drug Addiction Institute of Molecular Medicine20152020 Zhuan Zhou (grad student)
Qinlin YuVision20122017 Taiyong Bi (collaborator), Fang Fang (grad student)
Long-Chuan YuPain, Learning and memory
Dian YuVisual perception, Attention Psychology20102012 Shihui Han (research assistant)
Hongbo Yumoral cognition, social emotion, neuroscience Psychology20102016 Xiaolin Zhou (grad student)
Albert Yu
Huasheng Yu Center of Life Science Yulong Li (grad student)
Longchuan Yu
Xinchi Yu20182020 Yan Bao (research assistant)
Xiang YuNeural circuit development and plasticity
Yuanzheng YuPsychology School of Psychological and Cognitive Science20192021 Zhang Jun-yun (research assistant)
Jianzhi Zeng20152021 Yulong Li (grad student)
xiaoyu zengsocial affective neuroscience Yina . Ma (grad student)
Renji ZhangNeurobiology John G. Nicholls (research scientist)
Xilin ZhangAttention Fang Fang (grad student)
Yanyu Zhangcolor vision20112016 Fang Fang (grad student)
Jian-Jun ZhangDrug addiction, memory20072012 Long-Chuan Yu (grad student)
Huihui ZhangMultisensory time perception, attention, behavioral oscillations, Bayesian perception, serial dependence
Quanfeng ZhangGPCR and neurotransmission Institute of molecular medicine20132018 Zhuan Zhou (grad student)
Wen Zhangcircuit, inhibition, addiction, reward
Xilin ZhangATTENTION, VISION School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences20092014 Fang Fang (grad student)
Yan Zhang
Jingliang Simon Zhang Biological Science20162019 Hongkui Deng (research assistant)
Yaxu Zhang
Qi Zhang Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Jiakai ZHANGChemical Biology, Neurology Department of Chemical Biology, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20212025 Xing CHEN (research assistant)
Feitian Zhangrobotics
Yixuan Zhang2024 Bo Shen (grad student)
Zimo Zhang-renNeuroscience
Mo ZhaoAlzheimer's Disease
Tianjun Zhao Yulong Li (grad student)
Zhilei ZhaoSocial behavior
Yulin Zhao
Jie ZhengBiophysics Renji Zhang (grad student)
Hui Zheng Zhuan Zhou (grad student)
Yu Zheng Peking University Yulong Li (grad student)
Yong-Bo ZhengSleep; Dementia; Psychiatry20172025 Lin Lu (grad student)
Zhuan ZhouExocytosis19901993 Erwin Neher (post-doc)
Xiaolin ZhouLanguage, Attention, Social behavior
Yuan Zhou Anatomy Mingliang Pu (grad student)
Jingfeng Zhouassociative learning and decision making
Zhe ZhouComputer Architecture
Yu-Xian Zhu
Lusha Zhu
Quntao Zhuang Physics Biao Wu (research assistant)
Zihao Zhuang
Yizhou Zhuo Yulong Li (grad student)
Weijian ZongNeuroscience, two-photon imaging
Dong-jin ZouOlfactory system Renji Zhang (grad student)