Andrea Handl

2016 Psychology Uppsala University, Sweden 
"Andrea Handl"
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Bakker M, Daum MM, Handl A, et al. (2015) Neural correlates of action perception at the onset of functional grasping. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 10: 769-76
Handl A, Mahlberg T, Norling S, et al. (2013) Facing still faces: What visual cues affect infants’ observations of others? Infant Behavior & Development. 36: 583-586
Warreyn P, Ruysschaert L, Wiersema JR, et al. (2013) Infants' mu suppression during the observation of real and mimicked goal-directed actions Developmental Science. 16: 173-185
Parise E, Handl A, Palumbo L, et al. (2011) Influence of eye gaze on spoken word processing: an ERP study with infants. Child Development. 82: 842-53
Parise E, Handl A, Striano T. (2010) Processing faces in dyadic and triadic contexts. Neuropsychologia. 48: 518-28
Hoehl S, Reid VM, Parise E, et al. (2009) Looking at eye gaze processing and its neural correlates in infancy-implications for social development and autism spectrum disorder. Child Development. 80: 968-85
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