Flavio Roces
Affiliations: | Julius-Maximilans-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Bayern, Germany |
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Lazzari C, Farina W, Giurfa M, et al. (2015) In memoriam of Prof. Josué A. Núñez (1924–2014). Journal of Insect Physiology. 72: 52-3 |
Giurfa M, Farina W, Lazzari C, et al. (2014) Prof. Josué A. Núñez (1924-2014) Bee World. 91: 109-110 |
Wainselboim AJ, Roces F, Farina WM. (2002) Assessment of food source profitability in honeybees (Apis mellifera): how does disturbance of foraging activity affect trophallactic behaviour? Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 189: 39-45 |
Wainselboim AJ, Roces F, Farina WM. (2002) Honeybees assess changes in nectar flow within a single foraging bout Animal Behaviour. 63: 1-6 |
Roces F, Farina WM, Josens RB. (1998) Nectar feeding by the ant Camponotus mus: intake rate and crop filling as a function of sucrose concentration. Journal of Insect Physiology. 44: 579-585 |
ROCES F, NÚÑEZ JA. (1996) A circadian rhythm of thermal preference in the ant Camponotus mus: masking and entrainment by temperature cycles Physiological Entomology. 21: 138-142 |
Roces F, Núñez JA. (1993) Information about food quality influences load-size selection in recruited leaf-cutting ants Animal Behaviour. 45: 135-143 |
Roces F, Núñez JA. (1989) Brood translocation and circadian variation of temperature preference in the ant Camponotus mus. Oecologia. 81: 33-37 |