William C. Thompson

School of Social Ecology University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
"William Thompson"
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Thompson WC, Scurich N. (2019) How Cross-Examination on Subjectivity and Bias Affects Jurors' Evaluations of Forensic Science Evidence. Journal of Forensic Sciences
Thompson WC, Scurich N. (2018) When does absence of evidence constitute evidence of absence? Forensic Science International
Saks MJ, Albright T, Bohan TL, et al. (2016) Forensic bitemark identification: weak foundations, exaggerated claims. Journal of Law and the Biosciences. 3: 538-575
Vuille J, Thompson WC. (2016) An American Advantage? How American and Swiss Criminal Defense Attorneys Evaluate Forensic DNA Evidence International Commentary On Evidence. 14: 1-41
Thompson WC, Newman EJ. (2015) Lay understanding of forensic statistics: Evaluation of random match probabilities, likelihood ratios, and verbal equivalents. Law and Human Behavior. 39: 332-49
Koppl R, Charlton D, Kornfield I, et al. (2015) Do Observer Effects Matter? A Comment on Langenburg, Bochet, and Ford Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal. 6: 1-6
Risinger DM, Thompson WC, Jamieson A, et al. (2014) Regarding Champod, editorial: "Research focused mainly on bias will paralyse forensic science". Science & Justice : Journal of the Forensic Science Society. 54: 508-9
Thompson WC, Vuille J, Biedermann A, et al. (2013) The role of prior probability in forensic assessments. Frontiers in Genetics. 4: 220
Thompson WC. (2013) Rejecting the Evidence Science. 339: 34-35
Thompson WC, Kaasa SO, Peterson T. (2013) Do Jurors Give Appropriate Weight to Forensic Identification Evidence? Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 10: 359-397
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