Alison C. Bowling, PhD

2010- Psychology Southern Cross University, East Lismore, New South Wales, Australia 
Psychology, Higher education, Gambling, Marine science, Ageing, Eye movements, Mental health. Visual perception, Motion perception, Dyslexia, Sleep
"Alison Bowling"
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Grant LD, Bowling AC. (2014) Gambling Attitudes and Beliefs Predict Attentional Bias in Non-problem Gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies / Co-Sponsored by the National Council On Problem Gambling and Institute For the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming
Bowling AC, Hindman EA, Donnelly JF. (2012) Prosaccade errors in the antisaccade task: differences between corrected and uncorrected errors and links to neuropsychological tests. Experimental Brain Research. 216: 169-79
Bowling AC, Donnelly JF. (2010) Effect of nicotine on saccadic eye movement latencies in non-smokers. Human Psychopharmacology. 25: 410-8
Lovegrove W, Slaghuis W, Bowling A, et al. (1986) Spatial frequency processing and the prediction of reading ability: a preliminary investigation. Perception & Psychophysics. 40: 440-4
Bowling A. (1985) The effects of peripheral movement and flicker on the detection thresholds of sinusoidal gratings. Perception & Psychophysics. 37: 181-8
Bowling A. (1985) The effects of the contrast, spatial frequency, and temporal frequency of a surrounding field upon the detection thresholds of gratings. Perception & Psychophysics. 38: 387-91
Mapperson B, Bowling A, Lovegrove W. (1982) Problems for an after-image explanation of monocular rivalry. Vision Research. 22: 1233-4
Lovegrove W, Martin F, Bowling A, et al. (1982) Contrast sensitivity functions and specific reading disability. Neuropsychologia. 20: 309-15
Bowling A, Lovegrove W. (1982) Iconic memory: fallacies persist (?). Perception & Psychophysics. 31: 194-8
Bowling A, Lovegrove W. (1981) Two components to visible persistence: effects of orientation and contrast. Vision Research. 21: 1241-51
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