Carlos D. Brody

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"Carlos D.Brody"

Brody, Carlos D., Analysis and modeling of spike train correlations in the lateral geniculate nucleus. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology (1998).

Mean distance: 12.52 (cluster 17)


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John J. Hopfield grad student 1998 Caltech
 (Analysis and modeling of spike train correlations in the lateral geniculate nucleus)
Ranulfo Romo post-doc National Autonomous University


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Max Bialek research assistant Princeton
Daniel J. O'Shea research assistant 2008-2009 Princeton
Marius Pachitariu research assistant 2009-2010 Princeton
Chunyu Ann Duan grad student Princeton
Jesse Kaminsky grad student
Timothy Doyeon Kim grad student Princeton
Jonathan Kopecky grad student CSHL
Kevin J. Miller grad student Princeton
Shraddha S. Pai grad student CSHL
Jorge Yanar grad student Princeton
Diksha Gupta grad student 2015- Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Sarah Jo Venditto grad student 2017- Princeton
Bingni Wen Brunton grad student 2012 Princeton
Alex Piet grad student 2013-2019 Princeton
Athena Akrami post-doc Princeton
Adrian Gopnik Bondy post-doc Princeton
Julie A Charlton post-doc
Timothy D. Hanks post-doc Princeton
Charles D. Kopec post-doc Princeton
Manuel Schottdorf post-doc
Benjamin Scott post-doc Princeton
Michael Yartsev post-doc
Christian K. Machens post-doc 2002- CSHL
Jeffrey C. Erlich post-doc 2006- Princeton
Christine M. Constantinople post-doc 2013- Princeton
Lucas Pinto post-doc 2015- Princeton
Thomas Zhihao Luo post-doc 2016- Princeton
Emily Jane Dennis post-doc 2018- Princeton
Joshua B. Julian post-doc 2019- Princeton
Abigail A Russo post-doc 2019- Princeton
Brian D. DePasquale post-doc 2016-2022 Princeton
Marino Pagan post-doc 2015-2023 Princeton
Maxim Nikitchenko research scientist 2005-2006 CSHL
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Gupta D, Kopec CD, Bondy AG, et al. (2024) A multi-region recurrent circuit for evidence accumulation in rats. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Tyler Boyd-Meredith J, Piet AT, Kopec CD, et al. (2024) A cognitive process model captures near-optimal confidence-guided waiting in rats. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Rich PD, Thiberge SY, Scott BB, et al. (2024) Magnetic voluntary head-fixation in transgenic rats enables lifespan imaging of hippocampal neurons. Nature Communications. 15: 4154
Venditto SJC, Miller KJ, Brody CD, et al. (2024) Dynamic reinforcement learning reveals time-dependent shifts in strategy during reward learning. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Gupta D, DePasquale B, Kopec CD, et al. (2024) Trial-history biases in evidence accumulation can give rise to apparent lapses in decision-making. Nature Communications. 15: 662
Brown LS, Cho JR, Bolkan SS, et al. (2023) Neural circuit models for evidence accumulation through choice-selective sequences. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Kim TD, Luo TZ, Can T, et al. (2023) Flow-field inference from neural data using deep recurrent networks. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Luo TZ, Kim TD, Gupta D, et al. (2023) Non-canonical attractor dynamics underlie perceptual decision-making. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Dennis EJ, Bibawi P, Dhanerawala ZM, et al. (2023) Princeton RAtlas: A Common Coordinate Framework for Fully cleared, Whole Brains. Bio-Protocol. 13: e4854
Gupta D, DePasquale B, Kopec CD, et al. (2023) Trial-history biases in evidence accumulation can give rise to apparent lapses. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
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