Max Freeman

St. John's University, NY, United States 
"Max Freeman"
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Freeman MR. (2023) Linking Language to Action: Enhancing Preschoolers' Communicative Abilities Within Language Stimulation. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. 54: 1308-1322
Freeman MR, Robinson Anthony JJD, Marian V, et al. (2022) Individual and Sociolinguistic Differences in Language Background Predict Stroop Performance. Frontiers in Communication. 7
Freeman MR, Marian V. (2021) Visual word recognition in bilinguals: Eye-tracking evidence that L2 proficiency impacts access of L1 phonotactics. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 44: 759-787
Freeman MR, Blumenfeld HK, Carlson MT, et al. (2021) First-language influence on second language speech perception depends on task demands. Language and Speech. 23830920983368
Schroeder SR, Rembrandt HN, May S, et al. (2020) Does having a voice disorder hurt credibility? Journal of Communication Disorders. 87: 106035
Freeman MR, Blumenfeld HK, Marian V. (2017) Cross-linguistic phonotactic competition and cognitive control in bilinguals. Journal of Cognitive Psychology (Hove, England). 29: 783-794
Blumenfeld HK, Schroeder SR, Bobb SC, et al. (2016) Auditory word recognition across the lifespan: Links between linguistic and nonlinguistic inhibitory control in bilinguals and monolinguals. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. 6: 119-146
Freeman MR, Blumenfeld HK, Marian V. (2016) Phonotactic Constraints Are Activated across Languages in Bilinguals. Frontiers in Psychology. 7: 702
Blumenfeld HK, Schroeder SR, Bobb SC, et al. (2016) Auditory word recognition across the lifespan: Links between linguistic and nonlinguistic inhibitory control in bilinguals and monolinguals Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. 6: 119-146
Konishi H, Kanero J, Freeman MR, et al. (2014) Six principles of language development: implications for second language learners. Developmental Neuropsychology. 39: 404-20
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