Sarah E Hadyniak, PhD

2015-2022 Biology Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
 2022- Neurobiology Duke University, Durham, NC 
"Sarah Hadyniak"
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Hadyniak SE, Hagen JFD, Eldred KC, et al. (2024) Retinoic acid signaling regulates spatiotemporal specification of human green and red cones. Plos Biology. 22: e3002464
Kozlowski C, Hadyniak SE, Kay JN. (2023) Retinal neurons establish mosaic patterning by excluding homotypic somata from their dendritic territory. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Liu YV, Santiago CP, Sogunro A, et al. (2023) Single-cell transcriptome analysis of xenotransplanted human retinal organoids defines two migratory cell populations of nonretinal origin. Stem Cell Reports. 18: 1138-1154
Hussey KA, Hadyniak SE, Johnston RJ. (2022) Patterning and Development of Photoreceptors in the Human Retina. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10: 878350
Eldred KC, Hadyniak SE, Hussey KA, et al. (2018) Thyroid hormone signaling specifies cone subtypes in human retinal organoids. Science (New York, N.Y.). 362
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