Marieke Scholvinck

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
"Marieke Scholvinck"
Mean distance: 12.84 (cluster 29)
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Tlaie A, Shapcott K, van der Plas TL, et al. (2024) What does the mean mean? A simple test for neuroscience. Plos Computational Biology. 20: e1012000
Psarou E, Vezoli J, Schölvinck ML, et al. (2023) Modular, cement-free, customized headpost and connector-chamber implants for macaques. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 109899
Spyropoulos G, Saponati M, Dowdall JR, et al. (2022) Spontaneous variability in gamma dynamics described by a damped harmonic oscillator driven by noise. Nature Communications. 13: 2019
Peter A, Stauch BJ, Shapcott K, et al. (2021) Stimulus-specific plasticity of macaque V1 spike rates and gamma. Cell Reports. 37: 110086
Genç E, Schölvinck ML, Bergmann J, et al. (2015) Functional Connectivity Patterns of Visual Cortex Reflect its Anatomical Organization. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Simons JS, Schölvinck ML, Gilbert SJ, et al. (2006) Differential components of prospective memory? Evidence from fMRI. Neuropsychologia. 44: 1388-97
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