Clare Grall
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social neuroscience, affective neuroscienceGoogle:
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Tamborini R, Bowman ND, Prabhu S, et al. (2018) The effect of moral intuitions on decisions in video game play: The impact of chronic and temporary intuition accessibility: New Media & Society. 20: 564-580 |
Tamborini R, Hofer M, Prabhu S, et al. (2017) The Impact of Terrorist Attack News on Moral Intuitions and Outgroup Prejudice Mass Communication and Society. 20: 800-824 |
Hahn L, Tamborini R, Prabhu S, et al. (2017) The Importance of Altruistic Versus Egoistic Motivations: A Content Analysis of Conflicted Motivations in Children’s Television Programming Communication Reports. 30: 67-79 |
Tamborini R, Hahn L, Prabhu S, et al. (2017) The Representation of Altruistic and Egoistic Motivations in Children’s TV Programming Communication Research Reports. 34: 58-67 |