Abdellah Fourtassi

2012-2015 EHESS 
"Abdellah Fourtassi"
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Emmanuel Dupoux grad student 2012-2015 EHESS
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Jiang H, Frank MC, Kulkarni V, et al. (2022) Exploring Patterns of Stability and Change in Caregivers' Word Usage Across Early Childhood. Cognitive Science. 46: e13177
Fourtassi A, Regan S, Frank MC. (2020) Continuous developmental change explains discontinuities in word learning. Developmental Science. e13018
Fourtassi A, Bian Y, Frank MC. (2020) The Growth of Children's Semantic and Phonological Networks: Insight From 10 Languages. Cognitive Science. 44: e12847
Fourtassi A, Frank MC. (2020) How optimal is word recognition under multimodal uncertainty? Cognition. 199: 104092
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