Elisabeth Borg

2014 Management and Engineering Linköping University, Linköping, Östergötlands län, Sweden 
"Elisabeth Borg"
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Jonas Soderlund grad student 2014 Linköping University
 (Source: http://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:707642/FULLTEXT01.pdf)
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Söderlund J, Borg E. (2018) Liminality in Management and Organization Studies: Process, Position and Place International Journal of Management Reviews. 20: 880-902
Pantic-Dragisic S, Borg E. (2018) Creating the mobile engineer: a study of a training program for engineering consultants European Journal of Training and Development. 42: 381-399
Borg E, Söderlund J. (2015) Liminality competence: An interpretative study of mobile project workers’ conception of liminality at work: Management Learning. 46: 260-279
Borg E, Soderlund J. (2015) The nature and development of liminality competence: Narratives from a study of mobile project workers Journal of Workplace Learning. 27: 176-192
Borg E, Söderlund J. (2013) Moving in, moving on : liminality practices in project-based work Employee Relations. 36: 182-197
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