Harry Kaye, DPhil, CBE
Affiliations: | 1960-1973 | Psychology | Sheffield University, Sheffield, England, United Kingdom |
1973-1984 | Uniersity of Exeter, Irvine, CA, United States |
Psychology, Applied psychology, Learning, Memory, AgeingGoogle:
"Harry Kaye"Bio:
Source: Connolly, K. (2006). Harry Kay (1919–2005) [Letter to the editor]. The Psychologist, 19, 206. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/History%20of%20Psychology/Obituary%20-%20Harry%20Kay.pdf
"President of the BPS, the Experimental Psychology Society, and the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Section J (Psychology)"
Born, 1919, died 14 December 2005.
1938: Trinity Hall, Cambridge to read English
1939-46: Royal Artillery
1946: Cambridge
1949?: "postgraduate work in the Nuffield Unit for Research into Problems of Ageing. While in Cambridge he was much influenced by Sir Frederic Bartlett who believed that progress in psychology would come from addressing real-world problems that would in turn lead to theoretical insights"
1949: Psychologist to the Naval Arctic Expedition
1951: Lecturer in experimental psychology at Oxford
1959s: Oxford PhD [DPhil?] in "learning and memory in adults and the effects of ageing"
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Sign in to add mentorFrederic Charles Bartlett | research assistant | 1946-1951 | ||
(Not a research assistant, but influenced by Bartlett. Source: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/History%20of%20Psychology/Obituary%20-%20Harry%20Kay.pdf) |
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