Frederic Charles Bartlett

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
Experimental Psychology
"Frederic Charles Bartlett"

(1886 - 1969)
Sir Fredrick iBartlett is most famous for his book Remembering (1932) which provided a critique of the Ebbinghaus tradition of memory for lists of nonsense syllables and instead proposed that we encode and retrieve information in terms of Schemas. He argued that we search for meaning using schemas. His work on thinking (1958) was a landmark in cognitive research

Mean distance: 16.89 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Lionel Sharples Penrose research assistant 1921 Cambridge (SocTree)
Harry Kaye research assistant 1946-1951
Donald E. Broadbent grad student Cambridge
R Conrad grad student Cambridge
Malcolm A. Jeeves grad student Cambridge
Eamon Feichin O'Doherty grad student Cambridge
Gordon Speedie Pask grad student Cambridge
Magdalena Dorothea Vernon grad student
Alan Welford grad student University of Adelaide
Oliver  L. Zangwill grad student Cambridge
Richard Gregory grad student 1950 Cambridge
Terence (Terry) R. Lee grad student 1949-1954 Cambridge
George C. Drew post-doc
Richard C. Oldfield research scientist
BETA: Related publications


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Bartlett FC. (1943) Ferrier Lecture - Fatigue following highly skilled work Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 131: 247-257
Bartlett FC. (1943) Ferrier Lecture. Fatigue Following Highly Skilled Work Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 181: 329-330
Bartlett FC. (1941) Fatigue Following Highly Skilled Work Nature. 147: 717-718
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