David Ellis

Physiology, School of Life Sci University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom 
cardiac muscle electophysiology
"David Ellis"

PhD at Leicester (RA Chapman), post doc Bristol (RC Thomas), posts at Edinburgh University to retirement

Mean distance: 16.21 (cluster 6)
Cross-listing: Physiology Academic Tree


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Roger C. Thomas collaborator University of Bristol (Physiology Academic Tree)
Joachim W. Deitmer collaborator 1978-1980 University of Bristol (Physiology Academic Tree)
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Ellis D, Kalai G, Narayanan B. (2020) On symmetric intersecting families European Journal of Combinatorics. 86: 103094
Ellis D. (2009) Note on generating all subsets of a finite set with disjoint unions Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 16: 16
Ellis D, MacLeod KT. (1985) Sodium-dependent control of intracellular pH in Purkinje fibres of sheep heart. The Journal of Physiology. 359: 81-105
Deitmer JW, Ellis D. (1980) Interactions between the regulation of the intracellular pH and sodium activity of sheep cardiac Purkinje fibres. The Journal of Physiology. 304: 471-88
Deitmer JW, Ellis D. (1980) The intracellular sodium activity of sheep heart Purkinje fibres: effects of local anaesthetics and tetrodotoxin. The Journal of Physiology. 300: 269-82
Deitmer JW, Ellis D. (1978) The intracellular sodium activity of cardiac Purkinje fibres during inhibition and re-activation of the Na-K pump. The Journal of Physiology. 284: 241-59
Deitmer JW, Ellis D. (1978) Changes in the intracellular sodium activity of sheep heart Purkinje fibres produced by calcium and other divalent cations. The Journal of Physiology. 277: 437-53
Deitmer JW, Ellis D. (1978) Comparison of the action of various cardiac glycosides on the intracellular sodium activity of sheep heart Purkinje fibres [proceedings]. The Journal of Physiology. 276: 26P-27P
Ellis D, Deitmer JW. (1978) The relationship between the intra- and extracellular sodium activity of sheep heart Purkinje fibres during inhibition of the Na-K pump. Pflã¼Gers Archiv : European Journal of Physiology. 377: 209-15
Deitmer JW, Ellis D. (1978) Is there a link between in regulation of intracellular sodium and intracellular pH in mammalian cardiac tissue? [proceedings]. The Journal of Physiology. 284: 70P-71P
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