Terry Page

University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
"Terry Page"
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Neef NA, Nelles DE, Iwata BA, et al. (2003) Analysis of precurrent skills in solving mathematics story problems. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 36: 21-33
Kneringer MJ, Page TJ. (1999) Improving staff nutritional practices in community-based group homes: evaluation, training, and management. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 32: 221-4
Kahng S, Iwata BA, Fischer SM, et al. (1998) Temporal distributions of problem behavior based on scatter plot analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 31: 593-604
Warzak WJ, Page TJ. (1990) Teaching refusal skills to sexually active adolescents. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 21: 133-9
Neef NA, Parrish JM, Hannigan KF, et al. (1989) Teaching self-catheterization skills to children with neurogenic bladder complications. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 22: 237-43
Hyman SL, Porter CA, Page TJ, et al. (1987) Behavior management of feeding disturbances in urea cycle and organic acid disorders. The Journal of Pediatrics. 111: 558-62
Richman GS, Ponticas Y, Page TJ, et al. (1986) Simulation procedures for teaching independent menstrual care to mentally retarded persons. Applied Research in Mental Retardation. 7: 21-35
Mace FC, Page TJ, Ivancic MT, et al. (1986) Analysis of environmental determinants of aggression and disruption in mentally retarded children. Applied Research in Mental Retardation. 7: 203-21
Slifer KJ, Ivancic MT, Parrish JM, et al. (1986) Assessment and treatment of multiple behavior problems exhibited by a profoundly retarded adolescent. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 17: 203-13
Pace GM, Ivancic MT, Edwards GL, et al. (1985) Assessment of stimulus preference and reinforcer value with profoundly retarded individuals. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 18: 249-55
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