Sammy Floyd

2016- Department of Psychology Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"Sammy Floyd"
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Cuneo N, Floyd S, Goldberg AE. (2024) Word meaning is complex: Language-related generalization differences in autistic adults. Cognition. 244: 105691
Floyd S, Jeppsen C, Goldberg AE. (2020) Brief Report: Children on the Autism Spectrum are Challenged by Complex Word Meanings. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Floyd S, Goldberg AE. (2020) Children make use of relationships across meanings in word learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Jara-Ettinger J, Floyd S, Huey H, et al. (2019) Social Pragmatics: Preschoolers Rely on Commonsense Psychology to Resolve Referential Underspecification. Child Development
Jara-Ettinger J, Floyd S, Tenenbaum JB, et al. (2017) Children Understand That Agents Maximize Expected Utilities. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
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