Janine Kirstein

Molecular Physiology and Cell Biology University of Bremen, Germany, Bremen, Bremen, Germany 
"Janine Kirstein"
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Marszalek J, De Los Rios P, Cyr D, et al. (2023) J-domain proteins: From molecular mechanisms to diseases. Cell Stress & Chaperones. 29: 21-33
Münch C, Kirstein J. (2023) Protein quality control: from molecular mechanisms to therapeutic intervention-EMBO workshop, May 21-26 2023, Srebreno, Croatia. Cell Stress & Chaperones
Pras A, Houben B, Aprile FA, et al. (2021) The cellular modifier MOAG-4/SERF drives amyloid formation through charge complementation. The Embo Journal. e107568
Ayala Mariscal SM, Kirstein J. (2021) J-domain proteins interaction with neurodegenerative disease-related proteins. Experimental Cell Research. 399: 112491
Gallrein C, Iburg M, Michelberger T, et al. (2020) Novel Amyloid-beta pathology C. elegans model reveals distinct neurons as seeds of pathogenicity. Progress in Neurobiology. 101907
Haenig C, Atias N, Taylor AK, et al. (2020) Interactome Mapping Provides a Network of Neurodegenerative Disease Proteins and Uncovers Widespread Protein Aggregation in Affected Brains. Cell Reports. 32: 108050
Pigazzini ML, Kirstein J. (2020) In Vivo Quantification of Protein Turnover in Aging C. Elegans using Photoconvertible Dendra2. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Claes F, Rudyak S, Laird AS, et al. (2020) Exposure of a cryptic Hsp70 binding site determines the cytotoxicity of the ALS-associated SOD1-mutant A4V. Protein Engineering, Design & Selection : Peds
Pigazzini ML, Gallrein C, Iburg M, et al. (2020) Characterization of Amyloid Structures in Aging C. Elegans Using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Iburg M, Puchkov D, Rosas-Brugada IU, et al. (2020) The noncanonical small heat shock protein HSP-17 from is a selective protein aggregase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 295: 3064-3079
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