Giuseppe M. Attardi, M.D.
Affiliations: | Biology | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
Mitochondrial biogenesis, mitochondrial geneticsGoogle:
"Giuseppe Attardi"Bio:
Discovered heterogeneous nuclear RNA in avian and mammalian cells. Discovered mtDNA transcription in mammalian cells. Showed complete symmetrical transcription of mtDNA. Made early transcript maps.
First mammalian mtDNA-less cells were created in his laboratory. Established cellular models of mitochondrial diseases.
Sign in to add mentorLuigi Bucciante | grad student | 1941-1947 | University of Padua |
Melvin Cohn | post-doc | 1957-1959 | Washington University (Chemistry Tree) |
Renato Dulbecco | post-doc | 1959-1960 | Caltech (Neurotree) |
François Gros | post-doc | 1961-1962 | (Chemistry Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeJoel A. Huberman | grad student | 1963-1967 | Caltech (PombeTree) |
Francesco Amaldi | post-doc | 1964-1967 | Caltech (Neurotree) |
Julio Montoya | post-doc | 1979-1983 | Caltech |
Ian Holt | post-doc | 1989-1990 | Caltech |
Anne Chomyn | research scientist | 1979-2007 | Caltech |
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Chen A, Raule N, Chomyn A, et al. (2012) Decreased reactive oxygen species production in cells with mitochondrial haplogroups associated with longevity. Plos One. 7: e46473 |
Iwata N, Zhang J, Atzmon G, et al. (2007) Aging-related occurrence in Ashkenazi Jews of leukocyte heteroplasmic mtDNA mutation adjacent to replication origin frequently remodeled in Italian centenarians. Mitochondrion. 7: 267-72 |
Villani G, Attardi G. (2007) Polarographic assays of respiratory chain complex activity. Methods in Cell Biology. 80: 121-33 |
Hájek P, Chomyn A, Attardi G. (2007) Identification of a novel mitochondrial complex containing mitofusin 2 and stomatin-like protein 2. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282: 5670-81 |
Walker DW, Hájek P, Muffat J, et al. (2006) Hypersensitivity to oxygen and shortened lifespan in a Drosophila mitochondrial complex II mutant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103: 16382-7 |
Duvezin-Caubet S, Jagasia R, Wagener J, et al. (2006) Proteolytic processing of OPA1 links mitochondrial dysfunction to alterations in mitochondrial morphology. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281: 37972-9 |
Martin M, Cho J, Cesare AJ, et al. (2005) Termination factor-mediated DNA loop between termination and initiation sites drives mitochondrial rRNA synthesis. Cell. 123: 1227-40 |
Fish J, Raule N, Attardi G. (2004) Discovery of a major D-loop replication origin reveals two modes of human mtDNA synthesis. Science (New York, N.Y.). 306: 2098-101 |
Bai Y, Hu P, Park JS, et al. (2004) Genetic and functional analysis of mitochondrial DNA-encoded complex I genes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1011: 272-83 |
Helm M, Attardi G. (2004) Nuclear control of cloverleaf structure of human mitochondrial tRNA(Lys). Journal of Molecular Biology. 337: 545-60 |