Calum Hartley

Psychology Lancaster University, Bailrigg, England, United Kingdom 
"Calum Hartley"
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Rothwell C, Westermann G, Hartley C. (2023) How do Autistic and Neurotypical Children's Interests Influence their Accuracy During Novel Word Learning? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Cheung RW, Hartley C, Monaghan P. (2022) Multiple Mechanisms of Word Learning in Late-Talking Children: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 65: 2978-2995
Hartley C, Bird LA. (2022) Exploring the Influence of Object Similarity and Desirability on Children's Ownership Identification and Preferences in Autism and Typical Development. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Cheung RW, Hartley C, Monaghan P. (2021) Receptive and expressive language ability differentially support symbolic understanding over time: Picture comprehension in late talking and typically developing children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 214: 105305
Cheung RW, Hartley C, Monaghan P. (2021) Caregivers use gesture contingently to support word learning. Developmental Science. e13098
Hartley C, Harrison N, Shaw JJ. (2021) Does Autism Affect Children's Identification of Ownership and Defence of Ownership Rights? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Carter CK, Hartley C. (2020) Are Children With Autism More Likely to Retain Object Names When Learning From Colour Photographs or Black-and-White Cartoons? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Hartley C, Bird LA, Monaghan P. (2020) Comparing cross-situational word learning, retention, and generalisation in children with autism and typical development. Cognition. 200: 104265
Hartley C, Fisher S, Fletcher N. (2020) Exploring the influence of ownership history on object valuation in typical development and autism. Cognition. 197: 104187
Hartley C, Bird LA, Monaghan P. (2019) Investigating the relationship between fast mapping, retention, and generalisation of words in children with autism spectrum disorder and typical development. Cognition. 187: 126-138
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