Dale W Griffin

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
Judgment and Decision Making
"Dale Griffin"
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Daniel Kahneman research assistant
Lee Ross grad student
Amos Tversky grad student


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Thomas Allard grad student Nanyang Business School
S. A. Brasel grad student Boston College
Roger Buehler grad student Wilfrid Laurier University
Sandra L. Murray grad student SUNY Buffalo (PsychTree)
Shangwen Yi grad student UBC
Ray Charles "Chuck" Howard grad student 2015-2020 UVA (PsychTree)
Ekin Ok grad student 2016-2022 Queen's University, Canada (PsychTree)
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Murray SL, McNulty JK, Xia J, et al. (2023) Pursuing safety in social connection regulates the risk-regulation, social-safety, and behavioral-immune systems. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Murray SL, Lamarche V, Seery MD, et al. (2020) The social-safety system: Fortifying relationships in the face of the unforeseeable. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Allard T, Hardisty DJ, Griffin D. (2019) When “More” Seems Like Less: Differential Price Framing Increases the Choice Share of Higher-Priced Options Journal of Marketing Research. 56: 826-841
Harris PR, Griffin DW, Napper LE, et al. (2018) Individual differences in self-affirmation: Distinguishing self-affirmation from positive self-regard Self and Identity. 18: 589-630
Murray SL, Holmes JG, Griffin DW, et al. (2015) The equilibrium model of relationship maintenance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 108: 93-113
Murray SL, Holmes JG, Derrick JL, et al. (2013) Cautious to a Fault: Self-Protection and the Trajectory of Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 49: 522-533
Brenner LA, Griffin DW, Koehler DJ. (2012) A case-based model of probability and pricing judgments: Biases in buying and selling uncertainty Management Science. 58: 159-178
Griffin DW, Gonzalez R, Koehler DJ, et al. (2012) Judgmental Heuristics: A Historical Overview The Oxford Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning
Buehler R, Griffin D, Lam KC, et al. (2012) Perspectives on prediction: Does third-person imagery improve task completion estimates? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 117: 138-149
Griffin DW, Harris PR. (2011) Calibrating the response to health warnings: limiting both overreaction and underreaction with self-affirmation. Psychological Science. 22: 572-8
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