Aleks Stolicyn

2013-2016 Informatics University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom 
"Aleks Stolicyn"
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Fu CHY, Antoniades M, Erus G, et al. (2024) Neuroanatomical dimensions in medication-free individuals with major depressive disorder and treatment response to SSRI antidepressant medications or placebo. Nature. Mental Health. 2: 164-176
Stolicyn A, Harris MA, de Nooij L, et al. (2024) Disrupted limbic-prefrontal effective connectivity in response to fearful faces in lifetime depression. Journal of Affective Disorders
Fu CHY, Erus G, Fan Y, et al. (2023) AI-based dimensional neuroimaging system for characterizing heterogeneity in brain structure and function in major depressive disorder: COORDINATE-MDD consortium design and rationale. Bmc Psychiatry. 23: 59
Stolicyn A, Steele JD, Seriès P. (2020) Prediction of depression symptoms in individual subjects with face and eye movement tracking. Psychological Medicine. 1-9
Stolicyn A, Harris MA, Shen X, et al. (2020) Automated classification of depression from structural brain measures across two independent community-based cohorts. Human Brain Mapping
Stolicyn A, Steele JD, Seriès P. (2016) Conditioned task-set competition: Neural mechanisms of emotional interference in depression. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience
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