Russell Greiner

Computing Science University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 
"Russell Greiner"
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Liu YS, Talarico F, Metes D, et al. (2024) Early identification of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Plos Digital Health. 3: e0000620
Li Y, Song Y, Sui J, et al. (2024) Prospective prediction of anxiety onset in the Canadian longitudinal study on aging (CLSA): A machine learning study. Journal of Affective Disorders
Song Y, Liu YS, Talarico F, et al. (2023) Associations between differential aging and lifestyle, environment, current, and future health conditions: Findings from Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Gerontology
Song Y, Qian L, Sui J, et al. (2023) Corrigendum to "Prediction of depression onset risk among middle-aged and elderly adults using machine learning and Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging cohort" [J. Affect. Disord. vol. 339 (2023) page 52-57]. Journal of Affective Disorders
Song Y, Qian L, Sui J, et al. (2023) Prediction of depression onset risk among middle-aged and elderly adults using machine learning and Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging cohort. Journal of Affective Disorders
Yousefnezhad M, Zhang D, Greenshaw AJ, et al. (2022) Editorial: Multi-site neuroimage analysis: Domain adaptation and batch effects. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 16: 994463
Paul AK, Bose A, Kalmady SV, et al. (2022) Superior temporal gyrus functional connectivity predicts transcranial direct current stimulation response in Schizophrenia: A machine learning study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13: 923938
Liu YS, Kiyang L, Hayward J, et al. (2022) Individualized Prospective Prediction of Opioid Use Disorder. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie. 7067437221114094
Obuobi-Donkor G, Eboreime E, Bond J, et al. (2022) An E-Mental Health Solution to Prevent and Manage Posttraumatic Stress Injuries Among First Responders in Alberta: Protocol for the Implementation and Evaluation of Text Messaging Services (Text4PTSI and Text4Wellbeing). Jmir Research Protocols. 11: e30680
Sawalha J, Yousefnezhad M, Shah Z, et al. (2022) Detecting Presence of PTSD Using Sentiment Analysis From Text Data. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12: 811392
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