Jamie Mondello

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
"Jamie Mondello"
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Gano A, Barney TM, Vore AS, et al. (2023) Cues associated with a single ethanol exposure elicit conditioned corticosterone responses in adolescent male but not female Sprague-Dawley rats. Developmental Psychobiology. 66: e22442
Mondello JE, Gano A, Vore AS, et al. (2023) Cues associated with repeated ethanol exposure facilitate the corticosterone response to ethanol and immunological challenges in adult male Sprague Dawley rats: implications for neuroimmune regulation. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 1-11
Gano A, Mondello JE, Doremus-Fitzwater TL, et al. (2019) Rapid alterations in neuroimmune gene expression after acute ethanol: Timecourse, sex differences and sensitivity to cranial surgery. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 337: 577083
Hennessy MB, Deak T, Sensenbaugh JD, et al. (2019) Central neuroimmune activity and depressive-like behavior in response to repeated maternal separation and injection of LPS. Physiology & Behavior. 199: 366-374
Barney TM, Vore AS, Gano A, et al. (2018) Assessment of Interleukin-6 Signaling Effects on Behavioral Changes Associated with Acute Alcohol Intoxication in adult male rats. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.)
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