Michael Fanselow

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Fear Conditioning
"Michael Fanselow"
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Eric Hau-Yun Chang research assistant UCLA
Dickson T Chen research assistant 2015-2017 UCLA
Stephan G. Anagnostaras grad student Psychology UCLA
Camron D. Bryant grad student UCLA
Beatrice De Oca grad student UCLA
Cindy Cardwell Fast grad student
Cynthia D. Fast grad student
M. Melissa Flesher grad student UCLA
Fred J. Helmstetter grad student Dartmouth
J. Landeira-Fernandez grad student UCLA
Aron H. Lichtman grad student Dartmouth
Jack W. Lipton grad student Brain Research Institute, UCLA
Sara Markowitz grad student UCLA
Sujean Oh grad student
Nancy J Smith grad student UCLA
Stacey L. Young grad student UCLA
Sarah J. Hersman grad student 2010- UCLA
Jeremy M. Trott grad student 2013-
Jamie Mondello grad student 2018- UCLA
Tania Lugo grad student 2023- UCLA, Department of Psychology
Jeansok J. Kim grad student 1989-1991 UCLA
Jennifer L. Petrie grad student 1996-2000 UCLA
Deborah L. Stote grad student 1994-2001 UCLA
Brian J. Wiltgen grad student 2003 UCLA
Bill P. Godsil grad student 1997-2003 UCLA
Gregory D. Gale grad student 2004 UCLA
Jennifer J. Quinn grad student 2004 UCLA
Vinuta Rau grad student 2005 UCLA
Nathan S. Jacobs grad student 2006-2008 UCLA
Jesse D. Cushman grad student 2004-2010 UCLA
Maxine L. Reger grad student 2005-2011 UCLA
Virginia  A. Long grad student 2006-2011 UCLA
Moriel Zelikowsky grad student 2006-2011 UCLA
Jennifer N. Perusini grad student 2014 UCLA
Sarah R. Sterlace grad student 2008-2014 UCLA
Abha K. Rajbhandari post-doc 2013- UCLA
Ann N. Hoffman post-doc 2014- UCLA
Stephen Maren post-doc 1993-1996 UCLA
Matthew R. Tinsley post-doc 2001-2003
Andrew M. Poulos post-doc 2005-2012 UCLA
Laura Luyten post-doc 2012-2013 UCLA, Brain Research Institute (PsychTree)
Stephanie Bissiere research scientist
Ravikumar Ponnusamy research scientist 2004- UCLA


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Markus Fendt collaborator 2002-2002 University of Bremen
BETA: Related publications


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Fanselow MS, Hoffman AN. (2024) Fear, defense, and emotion: A neuroethological understanding of the negative valence research domain criteria. The American Psychologist
Krasne FB, Fanselow MS. (2024) Remote memory in a Bayesian model of context fear conditioning (BaconREM). Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 17: 1295969
Yavas E, Zhuravka I, Fanselow MS. (2023) PAC1 receptor modulation of freezing and flight behavior in periaqueductal gray. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. e12873
Blair GJ, Guo C, Wang S, et al. (2023) Hippocampal place cell remapping occurs with memory storage of aversive experiences. Elife. 12
Ago Y, Van C, Condro MC, et al. (2023) Overexpression of VIPR2 in mice results in microencephaly with paradoxical increased white matter volume. Experimental Neurology. 362: 114339
Fanselow MS. (2022) Negative valence systems: sustained threat and the predatory imminence continuum. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences
Trott JM, Krasne FB, Fanselow MS. (2022) Sex differences in contextual fear learning and generalization: a behavioral and computational analysis of hippocampal functioning. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 29: 283-296
Conoscenti MA, Smith NJ, Fanselow MS. (2022) Dissociable consequences of moderate and high volume stress are mediated by the differential energetic demands of stress. Plos One. 17: e0273803
Hoffman AN, Watson SL, Chavda N, et al. (2022) Increased fear generalization and amygdala AMPA receptor proteins in chronic traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma
Smith NJ, Markowitz SY, Hoffman AN, et al. (2022) Adaptation of Threat Responses Within the Negative Valence Framework. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 16: 886771
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