Adena M. Schachner

Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
Social cognition, music cognition, development, evolution of cognition
"Adena Schachner"
Mean distance: 15.12 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree


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Laurie Santos research assistant 2004-2006 Yale
Karen Wynn research assistant 2005-2006 Yale
Elizabeth S. Spelke grad student 2007- Harvard
Erin E. Hannon grad student 2006-2007 Harvard
Susan Carey grad student 2009-2012 Harvard
 (The Evolutionary and Cognitive Basis of the Perception and Production of Dance.)
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Atwood S, Schachner A, Mehr SA. (2022) Expectancy Effects Threaten the Inferential Validity of Synchrony-Prosociality Research. Open Mind : Discoveries in Cognitive Science. 6: 280-290
Pesowski ML, Powell LJ, Cikara M, et al. (2022) Interpersonal utility and children's social inferences from shared preferences. Cognition. 232: 105344
Hilton CB, Moser CJ, Bertolo M, et al. (2022) Acoustic regularities in infant-directed speech and song across cultures. Nature Human Behaviour
Qi W, Vul E, Schachner A, et al. (2022) Triadic conflict "primitives" can be reduced to welfare trade-off ratios. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 45: e117
Schneider RM, Pankonin A, Schachner A, et al. (2021) Starting small: Exploring the origins of successor function knowledge. Developmental Science. e13091
Savage PE, Loui P, Tarr B, et al. (2020) Music as a coevolved system for social bonding. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 1-42
Hannon EE, Schachner A, Nave-Blodgett JE. (2017) Babies know bad dancing when they see it: Older but not younger infants discriminate between synchronous and asynchronous audiovisual musical displays. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 159: 159-174
Schachner A, Zhu L, Li J, et al. (2017) Is the bias for function-based explanations culturally universal? Children from China endorse teleological explanations of natural phenomena. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 157: 29-48
Mehr SA, Schachner A, Katz RC, et al. (2013) Two randomized trials provide no consistent evidence for nonmusical cognitive benefits of brief preschool music enrichment. Plos One. 8: e82007
Schachner A, Carey S. (2013) Reasoning about 'irrational' actions: when intentional movements cannot be explained, the movements themselves are seen as the goal. Cognition. 129: 309-27
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