Juliet Silberstein

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, United States 
"Juliet Silberstein"
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Silberstein J, Harvey PD. (2019) Cognition, social cognition, and Self-assessment in schizophrenia: prediction of different elements of everyday functional outcomes. Cns Spectrums. 1-6
Harvey PD, Strassnig MT, Silberstein J. (2019) Prediction of disability in schizophrenia: Symptoms, cognition, and self-assessment Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. 10: 204380871986569
Silberstein J, Harvey PD. (2018) Impaired introspective accuracy in schizophrenia: an independent predictor of functional outcomes. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. 1-12
Silberstein JM, Pinkham AE, Penn DL, et al. (2018) Self-assessment of social cognitive ability in schizophrenia: Association with social cognitive test performance, informant assessments of social cognitive ability, and everyday outcomes. Schizophrenia Research
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