Paul Newman

Oxford Robotics Institute University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
"Paul Newman"
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De Martini D, Gadd M, Newman P. (2020) kRadar++: Coarse-to-Fine FMCW Scanning Radar Localisation. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 20
Tanner M, Piniés P, Paz LM, et al. (2020) Large-scale outdoor scene reconstruction and correction with vision: The International Journal of Robotics Research. 27836492093705
Maddern W, Pascoe G, Linegar C, et al. (2017) 1 year, 1000 km: The Oxford RobotCar dataset: The International Journal of Robotics Research. 36: 3-15
Boden M, Bryson J, Caldwell D, et al. (2017) Principles of robotics: regulating robots in the real world Connection Science. 29: 124-129
Wang DZ, Posner I, Newman P. (2015) Model-free detection and tracking of dynamic objects with 2D lidar The International Journal of Robotics Research. 34: 1039-1063
Lowry S, Sunderhauf N, Newman P, et al. (2015) Visual Place Recognition: A Survey Ieee Transactions On Robotics
Mathibela B, Newman P, Posner I. (2015) Reading the Road: Road Marking Classification and Interpretation Ieee Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems. 16: 2072-2081
Mcmanus C, Upcroft B, Newman P. (2015) Learning place-dependant features for long-term vision-based localisation Autonomous Robots. 39: 363-387
Paul R, Newman P. (2013) Self-help: Seeking out perplexing images for ever improving topological mapping The International Journal of Robotics Research. 32: 1742-1766
Churchill W, Newman P. (2013) Experience-based navigation for long-term localisation The International Journal of Robotics Research. 32: 1645-1661
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