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Joshua Taylor Williams

Psychological and Brain Sciences Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
Interlanguage dynamics in L2 learners of ASL, Multi-modal Bilingual, Lexical Networks, Modality-General Phonological Representations, Manual codes for English reading in Deaf readers, Reading comprehension in Deaf readers, Working memory in second languag
"Joshua Williams"

In 2012, I graduated from the University of Kansas with two bachelor’s degrees in Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences and Disorders (SPLH) and Linguistics. Currently I am in my second year of graduate school at Indiana University pursing a Joint-Ph.D. in Cognitive Science and Psychological and Brain Sciences and a Non-Clinical Masters in Speech and Hearing Sciences. I have received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through both Indiana’s Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) in the “Dynamics of Brain-Body-Environment Systems in Behavior and Cognition” as well as the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) through a grant that I proposed as a senior at KU.

I am interested in understanding bilingual lexical networks, second language acquisition, cognitive effects of bilingualism, and individual differences using neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and behavioral methods.

Mean distance: 19.13 (cluster 26)
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Williams JT, Stone A, Newman SD. (2017) Operationalization of Sign Language Phonological Similarity and its Effects on Lexical Access. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 1-13
WILLIAMS JT, DARCY I, NEWMAN SD. (2017) Neural substrates of sign language vocabulary processing in less-skilled hearing M2L2 signers: Evidence for difficult phonological movement perception Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 21: 550-562
Williams JT, Newman SD. (2016) Spoken Language Activation Alters Subsequent Sign Language Activation in L2 Learners of American Sign Language. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Williams JT, Newman SD. (2016) Connections between Fingerspelling and Print: The Impact of Working Memory and Temporal Dynamics on Lexical Activation Sign Language Studies. 16: 157-183
Williams J, Newman S. (2016) Phonological substitution errors in L2 ASL sentence processing by hearing M2L2 learners Second Language Research. 32: 347-366
Williams JT, Darcy I, Newman SD. (2016) THE BENEFICIAL ROLE OF L1 SPOKEN LANGUAGE SKILLS ON INITIAL L2 SIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Cognitive and Linguistic Predictors of M2L2 Acquisition Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 1-18
Williams JT, Darcy I, Newman SD. (2015) Bimodal bilingualism as multisensory training?: Evidence for improved audiovisual speech perception after sign language exposure. Brain Research
Williams JT, Darcy I, Newman SD. (2015) Modality-specific processing precedes amodal linguistic processing during L2 sign language acquisition: A longitudinal study. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 75: 56-67
Williams JT, Newman SD. (2015) Impacts of Visual Sonority and Handshape Markedness on Second Language Learning of American Sign Language. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Williams JT, Darcy I, Newman SD. (2015) Modality-independent neural mechanisms for novel phonetic processing. Brain Research
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