Henrick Joan Joost Wellens

1973-1977 University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
 1977-2002 Maastricht University, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands 
Cardiac electrophysiology
"Henrick Joan Joost Wellens"

(1935 - 2020)
Prof. dr. H.J.J. Wellens, 1935 - 2020 at the Album Academicum of the University of Amsterdam


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Dirk Durrer grad student 1971 Amsterdam
 (Electrical stimulation of the heart in the study of tachycardias)
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Tomcsányi J, Bózsik B, Wellens H. (2020) Peri-infarction block, a marker for VT risk? Journal of Electrocardiology. 62: 57-58
Wellens HJ. (2020) An unusual supraventricular tachycardia in a patient with ventricular preexcitation. Heart Rhythm. 17: 672-673
Farré J, Wellens HJ. (2018) Response by Farré and Wellens to Letter Regarding Article, "Unique ECG During Sinus Rhythm in a Patient With a Postmyocardial Infarction-Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia". Circulation. 138: 330
Farré J, Wellens HJ. (2018) Unique ECG During Sinus Rhythm in a Patient With a Postmyocardial Infarction-Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia. Circulation. 137: 527-530
Wellens HJ. (2018) An inferior myocardial infarction with conduction abnormalities. Heart Rhythm. 15: 151-152
Wellens HJ. (2017) A supraventricular tachycardia with atrioventricular block in a patient with a previous anteroseptal myocardial infarction. Heart Rhythm. 14: 1896-1897
Wellens HJ, Josephson ME. (2017) A patient with an anterior myocardial infarction showing different QRS complexes. Heart Rhythm. 14: 466-467
Wellens HJ, Josephson ME. (2015) Advanced A-V Block in Acute Inferior Myocardial Infarction. Heart Rhythm : the Official Journal of the Heart Rhythm Society
Majidi M, Kosinski AS, Al-Khatib SM, et al. (2015) Implications of ventricular arrhythmia "bursts" with normal epicardial flow, myocardial blush, and ST-segment recovery in anterior ST-elevation myocardial infarction reperfusion: a biosignature of direct myocellular injury "downstream of downstream". European Heart Journal. Acute Cardiovascular Care. 4: 51-9
Lemmert ME, de Vreede-Swagemakers JJ, Eurlings LW, et al. (2012) Electrocardiographic predictors of out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest in patients with coronary artery disease. The American Journal of Cardiology. 109: 1278-82
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