Xiaochen Zheng

Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands 
cognitive control, language production
"Xiaochen Zheng"
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Ardi Roelofs grad student 2015-2019
Roshan Cools post-doc 2019-


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Vitoria Piai collaborator
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Zheng XY, Hebart MN, Grill F, et al. (2024) Parallel cognitive maps for multiple knowledge structures in the hippocampal formation. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Chupina I, Sierpowska J, Zheng XY, et al. (2022) Time course of right-hemisphere recruitment during word production following left-hemisphere damage: A single case of young stroke. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Hustá C, Zheng X, Papoutsi C, et al. (2021) Electrophysiological signatures of conceptual and lexical retrieval from semantic memory. Neuropsychologia. 161: 107988
Piai V, De Witte E, Sierpowska J, et al. (2020) Language Neuroplasticity in Brain Tumor Patients Revealed by Magnetoencephalography. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-11
Zheng X, Roelofs A, Erkan H, et al. (2020) Dynamics of inhibitory control during bilingual speech production: An electrophysiological study. Neuropsychologia. 107387
Zheng X, Lemhöfer K. (2019) The "Semantic P600" in Second Language Processing: When Syntax Conflicts with Semantics. Neuropsychologia
Zheng X, Roelofs A, Farquhar J, et al. (2018) Monitoring of language selection errors in switching: Not all about conflict. Plos One. 13: e0200397
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