Charlotte Housden
Affiliations: | University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom |
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Lunter CM, Carroll EL, Housden C, et al. (2018) Neurocognitive testing in the emergency department: A potential assessment tool for mild traumatic brain injury. Emergency Medicine Australasia : Ema |
Keong NC, Pena A, Price SJ, et al. (2017) Diffusion tensor imaging profiles reveal specific neural tract distortion in normal pressure hydrocephalus. Plos One. 12: e0181624 |
Ye Z, Rae CL, Nombela C, et al. (2016) Predicting beneficial effects of atomoxetine and citalopram on response inhibition in Parkinson's disease with clinical and neuroimaging measures. Human Brain Mapping |
Peterson KA, Housden CR, Killikelly C, et al. (2015) Apathy, ventriculomegaly and neurocognitive improvement following shunt surgery in normal pressure hydrocephalus. British Journal of Neurosurgery. 1-5 |
Ye Z, Altena E, Nombela C, et al. (2015) Improving response inhibition in Parkinson's disease with atomoxetine. Biological Psychiatry. 77: 740-8 |
Kehagia AA, Housden CR, Regenthal R, et al. (2014) Targeting impulsivity in Parkinson's disease using atomoxetine. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 137: 1986-97 |
Ye Z, Altena E, Nombela C, et al. (2014) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibition modulates response inhibition in Parkinson's disease. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 137: 1145-55 |
Averbeck BB, Djamshidian A, O'Sullivan SS, et al. (2013) Uncertainty about mapping future actions into rewards may underlie performance on multiple measures of impulsivity in behavioral addiction: evidence from Parkinson's disease. Behavioral Neuroscience. 127: 245-55 |
Sugden C, Housden CR, Aggarwal R, et al. (2012) Effect of pharmacological enhancement on the cognitive and clinical psychomotor performance of sleep-deprived doctors: a randomized controlled trial. Annals of Surgery. 255: 222-7 |
Housden CR, O'Sullivan SS, Joyce EM, et al. (2010) Intact reward learning but elevated delay discounting in Parkinson's disease patients with impulsive-compulsive spectrum behaviors. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 35: 2155-64 |