University of Cambridge

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
David Aagten-Murphy
Joshua AbbottComputational Cognitive Science, Particle Filters20092010 Zoubin Ghahramani (grad student)
Hunar Abdulrahman MRC CBU Richard Henson (grad student)
Ted Abelsynaptic plasticity, memory, epigenetics, sleep, neurodevelopment disorders, mouse models19861987 Tim Hunt (grad student)
Luigi AcerbiComputational neuroscience Department of Engineering20102014 Daniel M. Wolpert (grad student)
Balazs Aczelhuman learning, biased intuitions20072009 Ian P McLaren (grad student), Nicholas J. Mackintosh (grad student), Mike Aitken (grad student)
Ryan P. Adamspoint process models20042009 David J.C. Mackay (grad student)
Dwaipayan AdhyaAutism, stem cells, iPSC, RNA-sequencing, bioinformatics, organoids
Edgar Douglas Adrian Keith Lucas (post-doc)
Richard Hume Adrian Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (grad student)
Michalis Agathocleous Physiology, Development and Neuroscience20032011 William A. Harris (grad student)
Nikolaos C. AggelopoulosNeurophysiology19922000 Stephen A. Edgley (post-doc)
Carmen Agustín-PavónBehavioural Neuroanatomy, Olfactory Systems, Gene therapy20092010 Angela C. Roberts (post-doc)
Alaa A. Ahmed Daniel M. Wolpert (post-doc)
Mike Aitken
Teemu Aitta-aho John Apergis-Schoute (post-doc)
Michael A. AkeroydHearing Roy Patterson (grad student)
Zeshan Alam Computer Science2019 Rafal Mantiuk (post-doc)
William E. Allenneural circuits, behavior, imaging, genetics MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology20122013 Gregory S X E Jefferis (grad student)
Wolfhard AlmersExocytosis, Shape, Muscle Richard Hume Adrian (post-doc)
Ellemarije AltenafMRI, prefrontal cortex, executive functions, sleep20092012 James Rowe (post-doc)
Joao Nuno AlvesClinical Neurosciences Brain Repair Centre20102014 James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Amir Hossein AmanzadiMultiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Neurodegeneration Pietro Liò (grad student)
Vahe E. Amassian Edgar Douglas Adrian (research assistant)
Piero Amodio Psychology20162020 Ljerka Ostojic (grad student)
Andrew J. AndersonVision, Eye Movements20032005 Roger HS Carpenter (post-doc)
Michael C. AndersonMemory and forgetting
Lucy E. Annett Experimental Psychology19852000 Stephen B. Dunnett (post-doc), Rosalind Mary Ridley (grad student)
James Harry Ansell
Stuart M. AnstisVisual motion perception Richard Gregory (grad student)
Alexander L. Anwyl-Irvine MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20172022 Edwin S. Dalmaijer (grad student), Duncan E. Astle (grad student)
John Apergis-SchouteMemory Systems Denis Burdakov (post-doc)
Dace ApšvalkaCognitive Neuroscience MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20172021 Michael C. Anderson (post-doc)
José Antonio Arias J.Michael Young (post-doc)
Nikitas Arnaoutogloudementia, alzheimer, lewy body, vascular dementia, ad,
Karen M. Arnellcogniton, attention John Duncan (post-doc)
Adam R. AronCognitive Neuroscience, frontal cortex/basal-ganglia20002003 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Jonathan J. Artvertebrate hair cells Physiological Laboratory19821986 Robert Fettiplace (post-doc)
Anat ArziOlfaction, sleep
Richard Asher James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Maliha Ashrafcontrast sensitivity, displays, visual system
Sabrina AsteritiRetinal physiology, phototransducion, retinal network
Zoltan Asztalos
Janette Atkinson Paul Whittle (grad student)
Sarah Augood MRC19851998 Piers Christopher Emson (grad student)
Topun Austinneonatal brain injury, brain imaging, autoregulation
Maryam Azimi Computer Science2019 Rafal Mantiuk (post-doc)
Afnan AziziNeurodevelopment, patterning Physiology, Development and Neuroscience William A. Harris (grad student)
Karsten Bach Onder Albayram (grad student)
Nora Bäcker
Alan Baddeleyworking memory R Conrad (grad student)
Tom Baden
Raymundo Baez MendozaReward Physiology2007 Wolfram Schultz (research scientist)
Sabine Bahnmolecular mechanisms of psychiatric diseases2009 Zoltan Sarnyai (collaborator)
Kate Baker
Curtis L. BakerVisual system Horace Barlow (post-doc)
Francis Maitland Balfourzoology
Bernard W. Balleine19891992 Anthony Dickinson (grad student)
Michael J. Bannondopamine transporter, tachykinins, RGSs, drug abuse19821983 Susan Iversen (post-doc)
Joseph BarcroftHemoglobin, pre- and perinatal physiology John Newport Langley (research scientist)
Helen Barefoot Rosalind Mary Ridley (grad student)
Andrea Baricognition, executive functions, psychopharmacology Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Roger Barker Brain Repair Centre19911994 Stephen B. Dunnett (grad student)
Katie Barker2018 Ewan St. John Smith (grad student)
Horace BarlowComputation & Theory Edgar Douglas Adrian (grad student), William AH Rushton (grad student)
Eric A. Barnard James Frederic Danielli (grad student)
Lydia J Barnes
Simon Baron-CohenAutism, Theory of mind
Damiano Giuseppe BaroneNeuroprosthetics, Brain Machine Interface, Foreign Body Reaction Electrical Engineering George Malliaras (post-doc)
David GT BarrettComputational Neuroscience Mate Lengyel (post-doc)
Daniel Barson Brain Repair Center20122013 Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Frederic Charles BartlettExperimental Psychology Charles Samuel Myers (grad student), James Ward (grad student)
Danielle S. BassettInformation and Decision Systems20042009 Thomas Duke (grad student)
Michael Batepioneer neurons, neurodevelopment John E. Treherne (grad student)
Patrick BatesonEthology Robert A. Hinde (grad student)
Corinna Bauder20102011 Daniel Martins-de-Souza (research assistant)
Marie-Laure Baudet"axon guidance, non-coding RNAs"20072012 Christine E. Holt (post-doc)
Christelle Baunez Trevor W. Robbins (post-doc)
Asha BaylissGPCRs
Denis A. Baylorvision19701972 Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc)
Paul M. BaysWorking Memory, Visual Attention, Motor control
John M. BekkersSynaptic transmission, olfaction19811985 Richard Keynes (grad student)
David BelinAddiction, emotion regulation, compulsivity, impulsivity Barry Everitt (post-doc), Jennifer E. Murray (collaborator)
Aude Belin-RauscentPsychobiology of compulsive disorders Psychology2009 David Belin (post-doc)
Roland Benoit MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20092012 Michael C. Anderson (post-doc)
Barry L. Bentley
Seymour BenzerNeurogenetics19571958 Sydney Brenner (post-doc), Francis Harry Compton Crick (post-doc)
Zara Bergstrom Jon S. Simons (post-doc)
Marc Corrales Berjano Physiology, Development and Neuroscience2019 Albert Cardona (post-doc)
Maria BermudezPhisiology of Reward Wolfram Schultz (post-doc)
Jimena Bernibiological rhythm drosophila Michael Bate (grad student)
Michael J. BerridgeNeuronal calcium, cell signalling, inositol trisphosphate19691972 Vincent Brian Wigglesworth (grad student), John E. Treherne (research scientist)
Hans Albrecht BetheParticle Theory19301931 Ralph H. Fowler (post-doc)
Apoorva BhandariSpatial cognition MRC Unit for Cognition and Brain Science20082013 John Duncan (grad student)
Arjun BhariokeVisual system, Computational Neuroscience, Mouse Visual Cortex, ssEM Connectomics, Drosophila, Motion Detection20082015 Simon Laughlin (grad student)
Giacomo Bignardi MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20172022 Edwin S. Dalmaijer (grad student), Duncan E. Astle (grad student)
Brian BillupsSynaptic transmission
Marjan BiriaOCD, mood, anxiety Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Sonia J. BishopCognitive Neuroscience Trevor W. Robbins (research scientist)
Alan Blackwell
Jonathan M. Blagburnsynapse development, synaptic morphology and physiology19821986 David B. Sattelle (post-doc)
Colin BlakemoreVisual development Fergus W. Campbell (research scientist)
William F. Blakemore
Stefan Bleeck Ian M. Winter (post-doc)
Antonin Blot20092009 Brian Billups (research assistant)
Clemence Blouetenergy balance, hypothalamus, brainstem, leucine
Walter Fred Bodmerpopulation genetics, somatic cell hybrids, stem cells Ronald A. Fisher (grad student)
Annika BoldtMetacognition20142017 Benedetto De Martino (post-doc), Benedetto De Martino (post-doc)
Johan J. Bolhuisbirdsong, imprinting, memory, learning Gabriel Horn (grad student)
Arielle Bonneville-Roussy Psychology2014 John Rust (grad student)
Thomas George Bonney1856 George Gabriel Stokes (grad student)
Heidi M. Bonnici Jon S. Simons (post-doc)
Martin D. BootmanCalcium signalling Michael J. Berridge (grad student)
Linda BownsVision, Motion1989 Oliver J. Braddick (grad student)
James Dixon Boyd
Mirjana Boziclanguage Lorraine K. Tyler (grad student), William D. Marslen-Wilson (grad student)
Oliver J. Braddick19651968 Richard Gregory (grad student)
Andrea H. BrandDrosophila nervous system development
Peter Brasted Brain Repair Centre20052008 Stephen B. Dunnett (grad student)
Daniel BraunSensorimotor learning, Decision making20082010 Daniel M. Wolpert (post-doc)
John Brecknell James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Matthew Brett
Giles S. Brindley Horace Barlow (collaborator), William AH Rushton (collaborator), P A. Merton (collaborator)
Donald E. BroadbentAttention Frederic Charles Bartlett (grad student)
Kendal Scot Broadieneurogenetics, synaptpgenesis, neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity Michael Bate (grad student)
Detlev W. Bronknervous tissue metabolism and electric activity1928 Edgar Douglas Adrian (post-doc)
Donald M. Broom William Homan Thorpe (grad student)
Alexander P Y BrownNeurophysiology, Systems Neuroscience, Visual Neuroscience Paediatrics20172019 David H. Rowitch (post-doc)
Oscar Browning
Joan BteshPain, hyperalgesia, trpv120092015 Peter A. McNaughton (grad student)
Stefan F. Bucher
Marie Buda Jon S. Simons (grad student)
Sophie Buller Clemence Blouet (grad student)
Edward BullmoreBrain image analysis
Denis Burdakovhypothalamus, neuropeptides, orexin
Diana C. Burk20112013 Daniel M. Wolpert (grad student)
Christopher J. Burke20072010 Wolfram Schultz (grad student)
Chloe Burman
Joshua Harold BurnAutonomic nervous system, pharmacology Joseph Barcroft (research assistant)
Malcolm Burrows
Brian G. BurtonLearning & Memory19972001 Simon Laughlin (grad student)
Kenneth Burton Malcolm Dixon (grad student)
Elisabeth Busch-Nentwich
Timothy J. BusseyCognitive/Behavioural Neuroscience19921995 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Philip ButteryNeuroscience Peter Scheiffele (post-doc)
William ByrneSpeech processing
Roberta CagnettaNeurobiology Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Physiology, Development and Neuroscience UK Dementia Research Institute20182019 Christine E. Holt (grad student), Christine E. Holt (post-doc), William A. Harris (collaborator), Giovanna R. Mallucci (collaborator)
Emma CahillMemory Reconsolidation2014 Amy Milton (post-doc)
Barak CaineBehavioral Pharmacology of Stimulant Drugs and Brain Dopamine Systems Trevor W. Robbins (post-doc), Barry Everitt (post-doc)
Gerard Callejo20162020 Ewan St. John Smith (post-doc)
Fergus W. CampbellVisual psychophysics19531954 Colin Blakemore (collaborator), William AH Rushton (post-doc), Gerald Westheimer (collaborator)
Natalia del Campo Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Javier Campos-BuenoPsychology Experimental Psychology19941995 Nicholas J. Mackintosh (research scientist)
Florencia Canoubiquitin, RNA, immunity
Daniele CaprioliReward and motivation Emiliano Merlo (collaborator)
Rudolf N. Cardinal19972000 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student), Barry Everitt (grad student)
Albert Cardonaconnectomics, fruit fly, brain microarchitecture, circuitry, neural circuit reconstruction, TrakEM2, CATMAID
Albert D. CarlsonInvertebrate zoology and physiology John E. Treherne (research scientist)
Alejandro Carnicer Lombarte
Francesca Carotalanguage Psychology William D. Marslen-Wilson (post-doc)
Roger HS CarpenterNeurophysiology, Eye Movements Fergus W. Campbell (grad student)
Ofelia P. de CarvalhoLearning, Neurodevelopment, Human Genetics20012008 Wolfram Schultz (post-doc)
Lynford Caryl
Gonçalo Castelo-Branco The Gurdon Institute Tony Kouzarides (post-doc)
Matthew S. CaywoodVisual cortex David J. Tolhurst (grad student)
Iva Cek The Psychometrics Centre20102015 John Rust (grad student)
Giovanni Cesareni19751978 Sydney Brenner (post-doc)
Sampurna Chakrabarti Department of Pharmacology20162020 Ewan St. John Smith (grad student)
Bhismadev ChakrabartiEmotion, autism, fMRI, genetics Psychiatry20032007 Edward Bullmore (collaborator), Edward Bullmore (grad student), Simon Baron-Cohen (grad student)
Samuel Chamberlain Department of Psychiatry Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Fiona Yin Wah ChanPsychometrics The Psychometrics Centre2012 John Rust (grad student)
STH Chanembryology, transgenic technology Robert G. Edwards (post-doc)
Britton Chancecytology, cancer, enzymology19401942 Francis John Worsley Roughton (grad student), Glenn A. Millikan (grad student)
W. Knox ChandlerE-C coupling in skeletal muscle Physiological Laboratory Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc)
Menghon Cheah James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Lucy Gaia Chekeneuroscience, experimental psychology Psychology Psychology20082012 Nicola Clayton (grad student), Jon S. Simons (research scientist)
James Chell Andrea H. Brand (grad student)
Dorothy CheneyPrimatology Robert A. Hinde (grad student)
Quentin ChevyHippocampus, LTP, Spines, KCC220102010 Brian Billups (research assistant)
Luciana B. ChiariniCell Biology Aviva Tolkovsky (research scientist)
Mazviita ChirimuutaNeurophilosophy 20002004 David J. Tolhurst (grad student)
Pit Shan Rosanne ChongDepression, Cognitive aging, Neurodevelopmental programming by maternal obesity
Amit Kumar ChouhanDrug screening, Neurodegenerative disease modeling, Human stem cells, Biomaterials, Tissue engineering, Nerve regeneration, Electrophysiology, Drosophila genetics School of Clinical Medicine20072012 Gregory T. Macleod (research assistant)
Anastasia ChristakouIntegrative Neuroscience20002002 Barry Everitt (grad student), Trevor W. Robbins (research assistant)
George ChristopoulosCognitive Neuroscience, Neuroeconomics, Social Neuroscience20042008 Wolfram Schultz (post-doc)
Brian ChuDrosophila Phototransduction2007 Roger C. Hardie (grad student)
Yogita ChudasamaBehavioural Neuroscience Trevor W. Robbins (post-doc)
Lindsay ChuraNeuroendocrinology, Fetal Programming
Ernesto Ciabatti LMB2014 Marco Tripodi (grad student)
Roberto Cipolla
Christopher Munro ClarkHistory of Europe History1991 Jonathan Steinberg (grad student)
Alex Clarke Lorraine K. Tyler (grad student)
Hannah F. ClarkeBehavioural Neuroscience, serotonin, prefrontal cortex Angela C. Roberts (grad student), Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Edward Daniel ClarkeMineralogist17991803 Thomas Robert Malthus (research scientist), William Frend (grad student)
Nicola Clayton
Ann Cloos Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Tim H. Clutton-Brock1972 Robert A. Hinde (grad student)
Paul Cocker Psychology20162018 David Belin (post-doc)
Zahira Ziva CohenCognitive neuropsychology, Numerical cognition, Embodied cognition MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20202022 Michael C. Anderson (post-doc)
Antonella De Cola2019 Manav Pathania (post-doc)
Vincent P. Collins
Alastair Compston
R Conrad Frederic Charles Bartlett (grad student)
Isabel H ConzeNeuropeptides, Nuclear Hormone Receptors, C. elegans, Feeding MRC LMB2023 William R. Schafer (grad student)
Rachel Cooke
Anne C. CookeNeurotransmission, vesicle cycling, neuroscience Neurobiology20022003 Leon Lagnado (grad student), Leon Lagnado (post-doc)
Roshan Cools2003 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Rose A. CooperMemory, Neuroscience
Philip R. CorlettPrediction error, Associative Learning, NMDA receptors, Psychosis20022006 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student), Paul Fletcher (grad student)
Ana Correia Physiology, Development and Neuroscience2020 Albert Cardona (grad student)
Edward Corrigan
Rosemary A. Cowellvisual system, memory, computational models Lisa M. Saksida (grad student), Timothy J. Bussey (grad student)
Alan Cowey Larry Weiskrantz (grad student)
Thomas Cranmer15311515 Simon Grynaeus (research scientist), Edward Lee (research scientist)
Andrew Crawford
Maite Crespo-Garcia MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20212024 Michael C. Anderson (post-doc)
Francis Harry Compton Crickmolecular biology / Consciousness1954 Max F. Perutz (grad student)
Sarah CrispMotor system development (Drosophila)20042007 Michael Bate (grad student)
Molly J. CrockettSerotonin, social neuroscience, neuroeconomics2006 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Rachel Crosby Psychology2016 Ljerka Ostojic (grad student)
Ian Cross
Zoltan Cseresnyés Ca2+ signals in neurons and Image Analysis
A Claudio CuelloAlzheimer's Disease, cognitive behavior, neurochemistry, immunocytochemistry, neuropharmacology and molecular biology. Leslie Iversen (post-doc)
Noel J. CusackPurines19751977 Gustav V.R. Born (post-doc)
Brian Cuthbert
Catherine S. Cutts2012 Stephen Eglen (grad student)
Henry Hallett DalePharmacology18981900 John Newport Langley (grad student)
Jeff DalleyBehavioural neuroscience Barry Everitt (collaborator), Trevor W. Robbins (post-doc), Emiliano Merlo (collaborator)
Edwin S. Dalmaijerattention, working memory, eye movements, child development, socioeconomic status, disgust MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20172021 Duncan E. Astle (post-doc)
James Frederic Daniellicell membranes
Francis Darwin
Jonathan A. David David B. Sattelle (post-doc)
Peter Francis Davies1975 David E. Bowyer (grad student)
Oliver Davis Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Hallowell Davis19221923 Edgar Douglas Adrian (post-doc)
Greg Davisattention19931996 Jon Driver (grad student)
Simon W. Davismemory, DTI2011 Jon S. Simons (grad student), Lorraine K. Tyler (post-doc)
John DawsonSurgeon Edward Waring (grad student)
Siddharth De Alessandro Esposito (post-doc)
Edward M. De Robertis John B. Gurdon (grad student)
Rob de Ruyter van SteveninckVisual system Simon Laughlin (post-doc)
Sanne de Wit Anthony Dickinson (grad student)
Julia Deakin Department of Psychiatry Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Laura Deardendevelopmental programming hypothalamus
Gyorgy Denes Computer Science Rafal Mantiuk (grad student)
Peter B. Detwiler Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc)
Yuncheng Diao Physiology19731977 Colin Blakemore (post-doc)
Anthony Dickinson
Kelly MJ Diederenreward, learning, fMRI, hallucinations, psychosis
James P. DilgerLigand gated ion channels, anesthetics, electrophysiology19801982 Denis Arthur Haydon (post-doc)
Ray Dingledineepilepsy, glutamate receptors, neuroinflammation19751977 Leslie Iversen (post-doc)
Robert W. Ditchburn1928 Joseph John Thomson (grad student)
Kai Otto DonnerVisual system, adaptation19551956 William AH Rushton (post-doc)
Alex PA DonovanDevelopmental neurobiology Gurdon Institute Andrea H. Brand (post-doc)
Patrick Edward Dorey1972 Edward Corrigan (grad student)
Barbora Doslikovaobesity, serotonin20092014 Lora K. Heisler (grad student)
Robert DudleyBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology Charles P. Ellington (grad student)
Jasdip Dulai2019 Ewan St. John Smith (grad student)
Steve Dunnett
Stephen B. Dunnettneuroscience, transplantation, behaviour Brain Repair Centre19882000 Susan Iversen (post-doc), Susan Iversen (grad student), James W. Fawcett (collaborator)
Gill Dymond
Stephen S. Easter Jr.Fish, Visual System, Retina, Development19671968 William AH Rushton (post-doc)
Daina EconomidouAddiction Barry Everitt (post-doc)
Stephen A. EdgleySensorimotor neuroscience David M. Armstrong (grad student)
Steve Edgley Anatomy19921993 Parveen Bawa (collaborator)
Karin M. Edoffneuroblasts, development
John Tileston EdsallProtein Physical Chemistry19241926 Frederick Gowland Hopkins (research assistant)
Robert G. Edwardsreproductive medicine, in-vitro fertilisation
Peter P. Edwards physics Nevill Francis Mott (grad student)
Stephen EglenVisual system, Development, Computational modelling20062009 Andrew Morton (collaborator)
Katharina EichlerEM connectomics, Drosophila neuroanatomy Department of Zoology2020 Gregory S X E Jefferis (post-doc)
Fredrik ElinderIon channels19941998 Richard Keynes (post-doc)
Michelle R. EllefsonCognitive Development Charles A. Nelson (research assistant)
Charles P. EllingtonBiomechanics of Insect Flight Torkel Weis-Fogh (grad student)
Allan ElliottGABA, neurochemistry19271933 Frederick Gowland Hopkins (grad student)
Rebecca Elliott Barbara Sahakian (grad student), Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Piers Christopher EmsonBasal ganglia,Neurodegenration,Parkinsons and HUntingtons
Haakon Engen MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20162018 Michael C. Anderson (post-doc)
Sinead English
Henry F. EpsteinMuscle Sydney Brenner (post-doc)
Karen Ersche Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Andisheh Eslamboli Rosalind Mary Ridley (grad student)
Alessandro EspositoBiophysics, cancer biology, microscopy Clemens Kaminski (post-doc), Virgilio Lew (post-doc)
Richard Eva James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Richard Eva
Wyn Evanstheoretical astrophysics
Peter EvansBiogenic amine GPCRs John E. Treherne (grad student)
Martin J. Evans1963 Matthew H. Kaufman (collaborator), Malcolm Dixon (research assistant)
Barry EverittMotivation
Alejandro Ezquerro-Nassar
Aldo A. FaisalComputational Neuroscience, Channel noise, Axon, Action Potential, Time20062004 Simon Laughlin (grad student), Malcolm Burrows (grad student), Daniel M. Wolpert (post-doc), Luc PJ Selen (collaborator)
Olivier FaivreOptical imaging20052005 Mikko Juusola (grad student), Berthold Hedwig (grad student)
Ben Farrar Psychology2017 Ljerka Ostojic (grad student)
James W. Fawcett
Wilhelm FeldbergNeuropharmacology19251927 John Newport Langley (post-doc)
Oriel FeldmanHallCognitive Neuroscience, Social, Moral Decision-Making Dean Mobbs (grad student), Tim Dalgleish (grad student)
John C. FentressNeuroethology Robert A. Hinde (grad student)
Antonio Ferragud Psychology David Belin (grad student), Amy Milton (grad student)
André Ferreira CastroNeuroscience Physiology, Development and Neuroscience2020 Albert Cardona (post-doc)
Penny Fidler James W. Fawcett (grad student)
David J. FieldComputation & Theory19861990 David J. Tolhurst (post-doc)
Alan FineNeurophysiology Susan Iversen (post-doc)
Nick Finer
James FitzGerald James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Norman A Fleck
Paul FletcherPsychiatry, psychosis, schizophrenia, ketamine, fMRI, glutamate, NMDA
Brian Flumerfelt Physiology Physiology Charles Cameron Donald Shute (grad student), Payton Randolph Lewis (grad student)
Peter FoldiakComputation & Theory19871992 Horace Barlow (grad student)
Hugh S Forrest1951 Alexander Robertus Todd (grad student)
Suzanna E. ForwoodVisual Cognition, Computational modelling, Incidental learning20042007 Timothy J. Bussey (grad student), Lisa M. Saksida (post-doc)
Amelia Foss2021 Manav Pathania (grad student)
Dian FosseyGorrillas Robert A. Hinde (grad student)
William A. Foster Zoology John E. Treherne (grad student)
Michael FosterNeurophysiology
Maxime FouyssacAddiction Psychology2014 David Belin (grad student)
Blas Frangione César Milstein (post-doc)
David W. FranklinMotor Control, Motor Learning, Reflexes Daniel M. Wolpert (post-doc)
Robin J.M. Franklin William F. Blakemore (grad student)
Anne M.M. FransenPerception, Electrophysiology, Neurobiology, Cognition20092010 Jeremy E. Niven (grad student), Simon Laughlin (grad student)
Kristian FranzeMechanobiology, development, optic pathway, regeneration, spinal cord injuries
Sarah Jane FrenchNeuropharmacology of schizophrenia19941997 Michael V. Sofroniew (grad student)
William Frend17751781 William Paley (grad student), Lynford Caryl (grad student)
Courtney E. FroehligAutism
Paul A. FuchsIon channels, auditory neuroscience19811983 Andrew Crawford (post-doc), Robert Fettiplace (post-doc)
Mike G. Fuortes1950 Edgar Douglas Adrian (post-doc)
Pierre Gagnepain"Implicit and Explicit memory, spoken word recognition" MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20102012 Michael C. Anderson (post-doc)
Francisco Galindo19911994 Donald M. Broom (grad student)
Elisa Galliano Venkatesh N. Murthy (post-doc)
Francis GaltonHuman behavioral genetics1847 William Hopkins (grad student)
Guillermo García-AlíasAxonal Regeneration
Jane Garrison Jon S. Simons (grad student)
Etienne GaudrainHearing, Speech perception, Cochlear implant20082010 Roy Patterson (post-doc)
Andrew Gee
Helena M Gellersenmemory; ageing; dementia Psychology20172022 Jon S. Simons (grad student), Richard Henson (collaborator), Andrea Luppi (collaborator)
Luc J. Gentetneurophysiology Stephen R. Williams (post-doc)
Zoubin GhahramaniMachine learning
George Gibbons Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Rebecca A GilbertShort-term memory, psycholinguistics, research methods, web-based experiments MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20172022 Matthew H. Davis (post-doc)
Claire M. GillanHabit Learning, OCD20092013 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Francesco M. S. GiorlandoTemporal awareness, Bipolar Disorder, Eye Movements, Dissociatiative Disorders20082009 Roger HS Carpenter (grad student)
Julijana Gjorgjieva Stephen Eglen (grad student)
Ian M. Glynnmembrane transport1956 Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (grad student)
Hedwig GockelHearing Roy Patterson (post-doc)
Keith B. GodfreyVisual system, computational neuroscience, neural development, detailed modeling20082009 Stephen Eglen (post-doc)
Michel Goedert MRC19781981 Piers Christopher Emson (grad student)
Ofer Golan20022006 Simon Baron-Cohen (grad student)
Antonio Gonzalez Denis Burdakov (post-doc)
Ana González-Rueda LMB Marco Tripodi (post-doc)
David Good
Jane GoodallPrimatology Robert A. Hinde (grad student)
Patrick T. GoodbournVision20082012 John D. Mollon (grad student)
Zara Goozée Psychology20132016 Emiliano Merlo (grad student)
William Sealy GossetStatistics19121924 Ronald A. Fisher (research assistant)
Usha Goswami Department of Psychology Peter Bryant (grad student)
Jessica Adrienne Grahnauditory system, rhythm perception, music neuroscience Matthew Brett (grad student)
Stephen Gray17071708 Roger Cotes (research scientist)
James GrayExperimental Zoology Leonard Doncaster (grad student)
Albert E. Green1937 Geoffrey Ingram Taylor (grad student)
Richard Gregory1950 Frederic Charles Bartlett (grad student)
Charles GrossVisual system Larry Weiskrantz (grad student)
Elizabeth Gubba James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Hatice Gunes
Kunal Guptaepilepsy, neurogenesis, neurosurgery
John B. Gurdon
Kalina T Haas Alessandro Esposito (post-doc)
Barbara Haenzi James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Mark P. Haggard
Jeremy HallPsychiatry Barry Everitt (grad student)
Frank Scott HallAddiction Genetics19901994 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
James M HallettNMDA receptors, Substantia Nigra
Duco Hamasaki Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Giles S. Brindley (post-doc)
Ester M HammondHypoxia Pamela Rabbits (post-doc)
Charles Samuel Hanesplant amylases1931 Frederick Frost Blackman (grad student)
Roger C. Hardievisual system, phototransduction Matti Weckstrom (collaborator), Simon Laughlin (grad student)
Edward C HardingNeuroscience, Biophysics, Sleep, Thermoregulation, Anaesthetics Institute of Metabolic Science, Department of Clinical Biochemistry2020 Florian T. Merkle (post-doc)
G H (Godfrey Harold) HardyMathematics1903 Augustus Edward Hough Love (research assistant), Edmund Taylor Whittaker (research assistant)
Richard Harlandneural development Ron A. Laskey (grad student)
Laurence R. HarrisMultisensory psychophysics19741978 Colin Blakemore (grad student)
William A. Harrisneural development
Peter M. C. Harrisonmusic cognition
Ian D. Harrow David B. Sattelle (grad student)
Berit HartjenAttention, Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG Psychology Psychology20152016 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student), Michael C. Anderson (grad student)
Brian S. Hartley19521958 Malcolm Dixon (post-doc)
Gareth J. Hathway Patrick Humphrey (grad student)
Olaf Hauk
Michael HawkenVisual system Colin Blakemore (post-doc)
Denis Arthur HaydonIon channels, anesthetics
Dave J. Hayesemotion, aversion, reward, neurotransmitters, serotonin, 5-HT, GABA, glutamate, dopamine, receptor, pharmacology, behaviour, behavior, rat, human, fMRI, imaging, place conditioning, self-stimulation Jeff Dalley (research scientist)
M Ryan HaynesReward Wolfram Schultz (grad student), Daniel R. Weinberger (grad student), Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (research scientist)
Henry HeadNeurology
James B HealdSensorimotor learning Engineering20152019 Daniel M. Wolpert (grad student)
James HealdSensorimotor learning
Berthold Hedwig
David W. Heeleyvisual system, color19751978 Oliver J. Braddick (grad student)
Nicholas Heeley Clemence Blouet (grad student)
Krisztina Hegyi2004 J K. Sethi (grad student)
Lora K. Heislerobesity, serotonin, neuroscience Larry Tecott (post-doc)
Kim HellemansBehavioural neuroscience Experimental Psychology20042006 Barry Everitt (post-doc)
Janosch Peter Hellerastrocytes Clinical Neurosciences20102014 James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Brian Hendrich
John Stevens HenslowBotany James Cumming (grad student), Edward Daniel Clarke (grad student)
Joe HerbertNeuroendocrinology
Alexis G. Hervais-AdelmanCognitive Neuroscience, Speech, Hearing, Multilingualism, Reading20072009 Roy Patterson (post-doc)
Robert F. Hess Fergus W. Campbell (post-doc)
Archibald Vivian Hill Physiology19051914 John Newport Langley (grad student), Walter Morley Fletcher (research assistant)
Daniel F. HillLearning, memory, reward, dopaminergic signaling PDN2019 Wolfram Schultz (post-doc)
Bertil HilleIon channels19671968 Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc), Richard Keynes (post-doc)
Robert A. HindeAnthropology
Melissa HinesBehavioral Neuroendocrinology
Iasonas HitzazisPartial Differential Equations, General Relativity (Einstein Equations), Yang-Mills Equations, Fluid Mechanics, Integrable Systems, Sobolev Inequalities Michael C. Dafermos (post-doc), Michael C. Dafermos (collaborator)
Mahlon Hoagland1960 Francis Harry Compton Crick (research scientist)
Jim Hockley20162019 Ewan St. John Smith (post-doc)
Dorit HockmanDevelopmental Biology, Evolutionary Biology PDN20092013 Clare Baker (grad student)
Alan Lloyd HodgkinBiophysics19661969 Edgar Douglas Adrian (grad student), Mordecai Blaustein (collaborator)
Ruth E. HoggARMD, vision
Matthew J. HollocksNeurodevelopmental Disorders, Emotion, Anxiety, Depression
Staffan HolmqvistNeurobiology, Stem cells
Christine E. HoltAxon growth and guidance William A. Harris (collaborator)
Richard Holton
Tahl HoltzmanImpulsivity, Frontal Cortex, Nucleus Accumbens
Garry Honey
Gabriel HornNeural plasticity, learning, development
Paul HorowiczPhysiology Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc)
G. Adrian HorridgeInsect vision Carl Fredrick Abel Pantin (grad student)
Nicole K. Horst2011 Angela C. Roberts (post-doc)
Charlotte Housden Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Ian Spencer HowardMotor Control, Speech Analysis and Production20032012 Daniel M. Wolpert (grad student)
Kim Howell
Yi-Fang HsuCognitive Neuroscience, Predictive Processing Centre for Neuroscience in Education20072010 Denes Szucs (grad student)
Jeffrey K Huangoligodendrocyte, myelination, regeneration20052012 Robin J.M. Franklin (post-doc)
Fei-Yang HuangReward, economic decision-making, reinforcement learning, neuromodulation Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience20172021 Wolfram Schultz (grad student), Fabian Grabenhorst (research scientist)
Ean Huddleston Michael C. Anderson (grad student)
Patrick Humphrey
Tim Hunt1968 Asher Korner (grad student)
Zoé Husson20152018 Ewan St. John Smith (post-doc)
Dan Hutcheson Barry Everitt (post-doc)
Quentin HuysComputational Neuroscience, psychiatry Roger HS Carpenter (research assistant)
Martha Hvoslef-EideBehavioural neuroscience, memory, attention Timothy J. Bussey (post-doc), Lisa M. Saksida (post-doc), Trevor W. Robbins (post-doc)
Arman Idani The Psychometrics Centre2011 John Rust (grad student)
Leopold Ilagmass spectrometry, proteins, biomolecules, NMR, structural biology, toxins, neurodegeneration, environment, aerosols
Andrei Iliescu Computer Science2018 Rafal Mantiuk (grad student)
Douglas L Ingram
Erin IngudomnukulAutism
Yani A IoannouNeural Networks, Machine Learning, Computer Vision Engineering20152018 Roberto Cipolla (grad student)
Naoya Itataniauditory system, streaming, neurophysiology Ian M. Winter (grad student)
Rutsuko ItoBehavioural Neuroscience Barry Everitt (grad student)
Barbara JachsConsciousness, Meditation
Stephen P. JacksonDNA damage response
Kshitij Jadhav Psychology2021 David Belin (post-doc)
Sridhar rajan JagannathanConsciousness, Computational Modelling Psychology Department of Zoology20192021 Tristan Andres Bekinschtein (grad student), Gregory S X E Jefferis (post-doc)
Baland JalalNeuropsychiatry
Malcolm A. Jeeves Frederic Charles Bartlett (grad student)
Gregory S X E JefferisOlfactory System, Drosophila
Thomas M. JessellSynaptic development Leslie Iversen (grad student)
Mark H. Johnsondevelopmental cognitive neuroscience19821985 Gabriel Horn (grad student), Patrick Bateson (grad student), Richard Griffin (collaborator)
Sietse JonkmanBehavioural Neuroscience Barry Everitt (grad student)
Dhaval Joshi Psychology2019 David Belin (grad student)
Hosung Jungchemokines, pain
Mikko JuusolaVisual system, Mechanorecptors, Neural processing, Circuits19961997 Hugh P. C. Robinson (post-doc)
Joel L. Kaar Chemistry20082010 Alan Roy Fersht (post-doc)
Shinichi KakagawaNeural Development Christine E. Holt (post-doc)
Julia A. Kaltschmidtneural circuitry Andrea H. Brand (grad student), Alfonso Martinez-Arias (post-doc)
Clemens Kaminski
Jonathan W. Kanenserotonin, emotion, memory reconsolidation, OCD Psychology2015 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Yul H R KangDecision making, spatial navigation, episodic memory, active learning Engineering20182022 Mate Lengyel (post-doc)
Sunil KappagantulaNeuroscience Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair20052009 James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Cansu Karabiyikprotocadherins Medical Genetics David Rubinsztein (grad student)
Ilknur Karadeniznatural language processing, bioinformatics, information retrieval MMLL20222023 Anna Korhonen (research scientist)
Ragnhildur Thora KaradottirOligodendrocytes
Hamid Karimi-RouzbahaniVisual system, Object recognition, Attention2018 Alexandra Woolgar (post-doc)
Mahesh Karnani Denis Burdakov (grad student)
Golan KarvatMotor circuits, Optogenetics, Oscillations, Cognition, Memory MRC Cognitive and Brain sciences Unit2023 Michael C. Anderson (post-doc)
Maki KasaharaNeuroscience20082010 Zoltan Sarnyai (grad student), Emmanuel A. Stamatakis (post-doc), David K. Menon (post-doc)
Muzaffer Kaser Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Matthew H. Kaufman
Malak Kawan Damiano Giuseppe Barone (grad student)
Alan R. KayMetalloNeurobiology19791983 Malcolm Burrows (grad student)
Brianne A. KentHippocampus, memory, perirhinal cortex Psychology Psychology20112015 Timothy J. Bussey (grad student), Lisa M. Saksida (grad student)
Gerald A. KerkutNeuroscience19481951 James Eric Smith (grad student)
Dan KerstenVisual psychophysics Horace Barlow (post-doc)
Barry KeverneAnimal Behaviour and Behavioural Neuroscience
Richard Keynes Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (grad student)
Seyed-Mahdi Khaligh-Razavivision, computational neuroscience, memory, fMRI, MEG MRC CBU20122014 Nikolaus Kriegeskorte (grad student)
John A Kiernan
Tim Christian Kietzmannvision, object recognition, visual attention, visual representations, awareness, machine learning MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20162019 Nikolaus Kriegeskorte (post-doc)
Simon Killcross Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Charissa Kim Angela C. Roberts (grad student)
Minjung KimVision, colour perception, material perception, lighting Computer Science2019 Rafal Mantiuk (post-doc)
John Kimura Physiological Laboratory1974 Richard Keynes (grad student)
Peter KirwanCortical circuitry, pluripotent stem cells20082013 Frederick Livesey (grad student)
Erin Heather KnockNeurodevelopment, neural stem cells, neural differentiation, Alzheimer's Disease, Glial biology Biology20092012 Brian Hendrich (post-doc)
David A Knowles Zoubin Ghahramani (grad student)
Shunsuke KobayashiPhisiology of Reward Wolfram Schultz (research scientist)
Ece KocagoncuSemantic representations, language, connectivity Psychology20122016 Lorraine K. Tyler (grad student)
Alex Kogan
Michael M. KohlSynaptic Plasticity, Sensory Processing, Systems Neuroscience Physiology, Development and Neuroscience20102012 Ole Paulsen (post-doc)
Sarah Kohnke
Garry Kong Paul M. Bays (post-doc)
George F. KoobNeurobiology of emotion Susan Iversen (post-doc), Leslie Iversen (post-doc)
Max KoppersNeurodegeneration, Axon guidance, Developmental Neuroscience, Local translation20102016 Jeroen Pasterkamp (grad student)
Laurence Jay Korn John B. Gurdon (post-doc)
Yutaka KosakiAssociative learning, behavioural neuroscience Experimental Psychology20042008 Anthony Dickinson (grad student)
Michal Kosinskisocial and personality psychology, artificial intelligence The Psychometrics Centre Psychology department20092014 John Rust (grad student), David Good (grad student), Alan Blackwell (grad student)
Tony Kouzarides
Holger KrappVisual system Simon Laughlin (collaborator)
Dina KronhausFMRI, cognitive neuroscience
Corne Kroshair cells, physiology Andrew Crawford (grad student)
Katrin Krumbholzhuman auditory processing Roy Patterson (post-doc)
Duvaraka Kula-Alwar
J. Janusz KulikowskiVision research, Color vision, Spatial vision, Modelling of the visual system, Visual electrophysiology, Visual psychophysics, Retina Physiology Physiology Fergus W. Campbell (post-doc), David J. Tolhurst (collaborator)
Aditi Kulkarni Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Kristjan LaaneHedonic Value, Pleasure, Motivation, Incentive Learning, Addiction, Positive Affect, Subjective Well-Being, Evaluative Conditioning Trevor W. Robbins (research assistant), Anthony Dickinson (grad student), Jeff Dalley (research assistant)
Guy LabanHuman-Robot interaction, Social Robotics, Affective Computing, Conversational Agents2023 Hatice Gunes (post-doc)
Chongxi LaiNeuroengineering, Neuroscience, Neuro-AI, Brain-Machine Interface Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience20142020 Ole Paulsen (grad student)
Meng-Chuan LaiAutism, ADHD, Psychiatry, Resilience, Sex/Gender, Social neuroscience Psychiatry20082012 Simon Baron-Cohen (grad student)
Armin LakDecision Making, Dopamine, Electrophysiology20132015 Wolfram Schultz (grad student), Wolfram Schultz (post-doc)
Andras LakatosRegenerative Neurobiology Robin J.M. Franklin (grad student)
Joyce LamVisual system, topographic map, engrailed
Brian Y LamGenomics Institute of Metabolic Science Giles S. H. Yeo (post-doc), Stephen O'Rahilly (post-doc)
Daniel D. Lam20062010 Lora K. Heisler (grad student)
Donald LamingExperimental psychology
Matthias LandgrafDrosophila, motor system, dendrites, development19921996 Michael Bate (grad student)
John Newport Langleyautonomic nervous system18731876 Michael Foster (grad student), Henry Newell Martin (grad student)
Naomi LangmoreEvolution, Behavioural Ecology Nicholas (Nick) Barry Davies (grad student)
Jeffry B. Lansmancellular neurophysiology19851986 Denis Arthur Haydon (post-doc)
Elizabeth Lasater-GuttmannPhilosophy of Neuroscience, Mind, Medicine Philosophy Richard Holton (grad student)
Simon LaughlinVisual system, energy efficiency, neural circuit design, natural image statistics, information theory, noise constraints, optimal coding Roger C. Hardie (collaborator)
Gilles LaurentOlfaction Malcolm Burrows (post-doc)
Ryan MC Lawlanguage, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive science MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK2022 Olaf Hauk (grad student), Matthew A. Lambon Ralph (grad student)
Edmund Law1723 Daniel Waterland (grad student)
Janel E. Le BelleStem cell biology, Autism, Brain repair20002003 Maeve Caldwell (post-doc)
Jonathan LeeMemory, behavioural neuroscience Barry Everitt (grad student)
Edward Lee15031504 Thomas More (grad student)
Mike Lee
Terence (Terry) R. LeeEnvironmental psychology Psychology19491954 Frederic Charles Bartlett (grad student)
Edward Legg
Gordon E. Leggevision Fergus W. Campbell (post-doc)
Jiang Lei Damiano Giuseppe Barone (grad student)
Patrick Lemaire John B. Gurdon (grad student)
Mate Lengyelcomputational neuroscience
Peter LennieVisual Cortex Paul Whittle (grad student)
Louis LeungZebrafish, Neuroscience William A. Harris (grad student), Christine E. Holt (grad student)
S. Rock Levinson Physiological Laboratory19701975 Richard Keynes (grad student)
Virgilio Lew
Payton Randolph Lewis
Luchen Li
Martijn vd Lienden
Theresa LiiVisual system20102011 Peter A. McNaughton (research assistant)
Sol Lim Marcus Kaiser (grad student)
Weng Khong LimGenetics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomic Medicine Genetics20082011 Gos Micklem (grad student)
Colleen Limegrover Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Andrew C. Linolfactory sensory coding, learning and memory20042009 Christine E. Holt (grad student)
Rachel Lin Clinical Neuroscience20032007 James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Julie Qiaojin LinNeurodegenerative diseases, axon guidance, axon survival Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Christine E. Holt (grad student)
Zhonghua Liu The Psychometrics Centre2011 John Rust (grad student)
Frederick LiveseyCortical development
Cameron Lloyd2021 Manav Pathania (research assistant)
Yah Nee Lo20112012 Brian Billups (grad student)
Aiden Loe The Psychometrics Centre2013 John Rust (grad student)
Michael V. Lombardo Psychiatry20072010 Edward Bullmore (grad student), Bhismadev Chakrabarti (grad student), Sally J. Ozonoff (research assistant), Simon Baron-Cohen (grad student)
Arwen Long20012002 Mark O'Connell (grad student), John Pickard (grad student), Alonso Pena (grad student)
Keith Lucas Physiology Michael Foster (research scientist), Walter Morley Fletcher (grad student)
Sarah C. Lummis David B. Sattelle (grad student)
Laura Lungu Physiology, Development and Neuroscience2020 Albert Cardona (grad student)
Andrea Luppi
Mary-Ellen LynallSystems neuroscience2009 Edward Bullmore (research assistant)
Mary F. LyonGenetics1950 Ronald A. Fisher (grad student)
F I. M. CraikCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology Donald E. Broadbent (grad student)
Alexis Deighton MacIntyreSensorimotor, Auditory, Speech, Rhythm, Temporal, Cognition Centre for Music & Science20162017 Ian Cross (grad student)
David J.C. MackayBayesian inference, Machine learning
Nicholas J. Mackintosh
Donald I. A. MacLeodVision19701974 William AH Rushton (post-doc), Paul Whittle (grad student)
Colin MacLeod Donald E. Broadbent (grad student)
Simon Maddrellinsect physiology
Vaishali Mahalingam The Psychometrics Centre, Department of Psychology2011 John Rust (grad student)
Omar AR Mahroo
Antonio Maldonado Anthony Dickinson (grad student)
Giovanna R. Mallucci
Sanjay G. ManoharCognition, Decision making20002002 Roger HS Carpenter (research assistant), John D. Mollon (grad student)
Rafal Mantiuk
Braudel Maqueira
Jeremy N. Marchant-FordeAnimal Welfare Science, Ethology, Applied Ethology Clinical Veterinary Medicine19901994 Donald M. Broom (grad student)
Peter R. MarlerAudition1954 William Homan Thorpe (grad student), Robert A. Hinde (grad student)
Philip Marley MRC Piers Christopher Emson (grad student)
David Marr19661973 Giles S. Brindley (grad student)
John Marshall19871990 Eric A. Barnard (grad student)
Lucia Marti-Prats Psychology2016 David Belin (post-doc)
Henry Newell MartinPhysiology18701873 Michael Foster (grad student), Thomas Henry Huxley (grad student)
Nayra Martin-Key Wendy J. Adams (grad student)
Mari-Carmen MarxNeurotransmission, Neuronal-glial interactions20102015 Brian Billups (grad student)
Laura Masullo LMB2015 Marco Tripodi (grad student)
Marcelo Gomes MattarComputational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Reinforcement Learning Department of Engineering2016 Mate Lengyel (post-doc)
Bryan Matthews Edgar Douglas Adrian (grad student)
Jason Mattingley
Eric Mayer Brain Repair Centre19881992 Stephen B. Dunnett (grad student)
Grainne McAlonanCognitive Neuroscience Barry Everitt (grad student)
Brian McCabe Animal Behavioiur Gabriel Horn (post-doc)
Diana McCarthy
Matthew Ryan McCormackMitochondrial Genetics Department of Genetics20202024 Hansong Ma (grad student)
William McDougallpsychology1899 William Halse Rivers (research assistant), James Ward (grad student)
Jill McGaughyBehavioral Neuroscience19982000 Trevor W. Robbins (post-doc), Barry Everitt (post-doc)
Kyle McGeehan20202021 Manav Pathania (grad student)
Carolyn McGettiganSpeech, vocal communication, cognitive neuroscience20032004 Lorraine K. Tyler (research assistant), Matthew H. Davis (research assistant)
Peter A. McNaughtonPain, sensory transduction, ion channels Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc)
Michael McNicholas2018 Manav Pathania (research assistant)
John McTaggart James Ward (grad student), Henry Sidgwick (grad student)
Duncan S. MearnsNeuroscience, Neuroethology20122013 William A. Harris (research assistant)
DeForest Jr. MellonOlfactory system, near field receptors John E. Treherne (research scientist)
Jinghao Menvirus entry
Michael T. MendlAnimal Welfare, Emotion and Cognition Donald M. Broom (post-doc)
David K. MenonAnaesthesia, Neuroscience
Emiliano MerloMemory20092016 Barry Everitt (post-doc)
P A. Merton William AH Rushton (collaborator), William AH Rushton (grad student)
Barbara J. MeyerGenetics Sydney Brenner (post-doc)
Elizabeth Michael Christopher Summerfield (grad student)
Frank MichalPlatelet biology Gustav V.R. Born (research scientist)
Gos Micklem Kim Nasmyth (grad student)
Hendrik Miessner2019 Ewan St. John Smith (grad student)
David Miller19831984 Sydney Brenner (post-doc)
Glenn A. Millikan
Brenda MilnerMemory Oliver L. Zangwill (research assistant)
Amy MiltonBehavioural neuroscience, learning & memory Emiliano Merlo (collaborator)
Michele Miozzo
Alfred E. MirskyMolecular biology19241925 Joseph Barcroft (grad student)
Guy Mittlemanneuroscience Experimental Psychology Trevor W. Robbins (post-doc)
Krishna P. Miyapuramreward, motor learning Wolfram Schultz (grad student), Philippe N. Tobler (grad student)
Ahmed Dahir MohamedNeuropsychopharmacology20092012 Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Stephanie Mok
Robert M. MokCognitive Neuroscience MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20202023 John Duncan (post-doc)
John D. MollonVisual system, Color vision
Marcella Montagnese
Tessa G MontagueThe neural basis of cuttlefish camouflage Genetics20102011 Daniel St Johnston (grad student)
Gabriela Montejo-Kovacevichevolution, butterflies, ecology, local adaptation, genomics
Lawrence David Falcon MoonSpinal cord injury, regeneration, plasticity, chondroitinase ABC, stroke Centre for Brain Repair Centre for Brain Repair19972001 James W. Fawcett (grad student), Stephen B. Dunnett (grad student)
Darren Moore Babraham Institute19982001 Piers Christopher Emson (grad student)
George Edward MooreMental Philosophy and Logic
Brian C.J. MooreAuditory Perception
Alexa Morcommemory, aging
Thomas More
Michael J. Morganvision Experimental Psychology Oliver L. Zangwill (post-doc)
Sarah Morgan
Daniel Morgenstern James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Ezequiel E. Morsellaconscious and unconscious action production in the brain Michele Miozzo (research assistant)
David B. MortonDrosophila neurobiology, cGMP signaling, ALS19801983 Peter Evans (grad student)
John Mortoncognitive psychology Applied Psychology Donald E. Broadbent (research scientist)
Abteen MostofiMotor systems, cerebellum2004 Stephen A. Edgley (grad student)
J Anthony MovshonVision19751978 Ian D. Thompson (collaborator), Colin Blakemore (grad student)
Kathy T. Mullenvisual psychophysics, colour perception19791983 Horace Barlow (grad student)
Emily R. MurphyBehavioral neuroscience, neuroethics20032007 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Fionnuala Murphy Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Jennifer E. MurrayAddiction, Learning20092016 Barry Everitt (post-doc)
Henry A. MurrayMotivation, TAT, psychoanalysis1928 Frederick Gowland Hopkins (grad student)
Aamir Mustafa Computer Science2019 Rafal Mantiuk (grad student)
Camilla Myers
Charles Samuel Myersexperimental psychology William Halse Rivers (grad student)
Toshiki Nagayama Malcolm Burrows (post-doc)
Amit NairTRP channels20022005 Michael Bate (grad student)
Shigehiro Nakajima Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc)
Peter Neri Simon Laughlin (post-doc)
Caroline Nettekoven Department of Computer Science and Technology Sarah Morgan (post-doc)
Veronika Neuert Ian M. Winter (grad student)
Virginia NewcombeTraumatic brain injury, imaging
Phil NewlandSignal processing, olfaction, neuroethology Malcolm Burrows (post-doc)
Ray Kit NgDevelopment John B. Gurdon (grad student)
Alexandra Nicaise Department of Clinical Neurosciences Stefano Pluchino (grad student), Stefano Pluchino (post-doc)
Victoria Nicholls
Maria Niedernhuberconsciousness, pain Department of Psychology Department of Medicine Tristan Andres Bekinschtein (grad student), Mike Lee (collaborator)
Bart Nieuwenhuis James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Jeremy E. NivenNeuroethology, Fly photoreceptors, Locust motor system20032005 Aldo A. Faisal (collaborator), Simon Laughlin (post-doc), Mikko Juusola (post-doc), Swidbert R. Ott (collaborator)
Camilla L NordPsychiatry, neuroimaging, depression, brain stimulation Tim Dalgleish (post-doc)
Claire O'Callaghan
David Charles O'CarrollInsect vision, neurophysiology Simon Laughlin (post-doc)
Mark O'Connellneurotrauma
Rodney Philip O'ConnorNeuroengineering, Bioelectronics, Biophotonics, Bioelectrics, Bioengineering, Electrophysiology, In vivo imaging, Calcium signalling20032006 Martin D. Bootman (grad student)
Eamon Feichin O'Doherty Frederic Charles Bartlett (grad student)
Catherine M. O'Hare (Massaro)synapse, zebrafish2010 Christine E. Holt (post-doc)
Martin O'NeillNeurophysiology of Reward Wolfram Schultz (post-doc), Verity J. Brown (grad student)
Stephen O'Rahilly
John Oakeshott John Bryan Gibson (grad student)
Robert D. Ogilvie Robert T. Wilkinson (grad student)
Shin-ichi Ohnuma Christine E. Holt (post-doc)
Jeroen OlieslagersLearning, behavioural modelling, planning Engineering Engineering20202021 Mate Lengyel (research assistant), Daniel M. Wolpert (collaborator)
Cella OlmsteadBehavioural neuroscience, drug addiction Trevor W. Robbins (post-doc)
Daniel Navin Olschewski Andras Lakatos (post-doc)
Amy Orben Andrew K. Baukney-Przybylzki (grad student)
Tisha J. Ornstein Psychiatry Psychiatry19962001 Barbara Sahakian (grad student), Peter J. McKenna (grad student)
Ljerka Ostojiccomparative psychology, comparative cognition, animal cognition, animal behaviour Psychology2011 Edward Legg (collaborator)
Anthony OtsukaC. Elegans19791981 Sydney Brenner (post-doc)
Swidbert R. OttInvertebrate Neurobiology19962000 Malcolm Burrows (grad student)
W. Geoffrey Owenearly visual system Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc)
Andrew J. Oxenhampsychophysics, auditory system Brian C.J. Moore (grad student)
Timothy O’Leary
Damon Pagesocial brain, development Peter Lawrence (grad student)
William Paley17581768 Edmund Law (grad student)
Zheng Pan Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience20242028 Keita Tamura (grad student), Angela C. Roberts (grad student)
Luca PandolfiniMolecular biology20152018 Tony Kouzarides (grad student)
Antonios Pantazis20022006 Roger C. Hardie (grad student)
Carl Fredrick Abel PantinNerve nets
Marco Paolineurobiology, calcium imaging, sensory coding, honeybee Brain Repair Centre20102012 Maria Grazia Spillantini (post-doc)
Antonis Petros PapadakisComputational Fluid Dynamics, Plasmas, Electromagnetics
John A. ParkinsonMotivation, stimulus-induced behaviour Barry Everitt (grad student), Angela C. Roberts (post-doc), Trevor W. Robbins (grad student), Timothy J. Bussey (collaborator)
Matthew M. ParsonsSensory integration, motor control20042009 Simon Laughlin (grad student), Holger Krapp (grad student)
Luigi Pasinetti Economics Economics1963 Piero Sraffa (grad student), Richard Kahn (grad student)
Gordon Speedie PaskCybernetics Experimental Psychology Physiology Frederic Charles Bartlett (grad student), Edgar Douglas Adrian (grad student)
Leonard Magruder Passano, III19521953 Carl Fredrick Abel Pantin (post-doc)
Alexandre Pastor-Bernier PDN20132020 Wolfram Schultz (post-doc)
Sarah Paterson April A Benasich (post-doc)
Manav Pathaniabrain tumors
Roy PattersonAuditory perception
Luke Pattison2017 Ewan St. John Smith (grad student)
Ole PaulsenNeuronal oscillations, Synaptic plasticity
Karl Pearsonstatistics Francis Galton (grad student)
Rafael PedrosaNeuroscience
Adar PelahVisual system, motor systems, medical devices19941996 Fergus W. Campbell (grad student), Horace Barlow (post-doc)
Denis G. PelliVisual sensitivity, object recognition, crowding19751981 Fergus W. Campbell (grad student), John G. Robson (grad student), Horace Barlow (grad student)
Yann PellouxAddiction Barry Everitt (post-doc)
Alonso Pena
Omar David Perezlearning, decision-making, neuroeconomics
Richard Perhamimmunology
Muriel PerronRetina19961999 William A. Harris (post-doc)
Carl C. H. PetersenBarrel Cortex1992 Michael J. Berridge (grad student)
Veselina Petrova James W. Fawcett (grad student), Andras Lakatos (post-doc)
Carl Pfaffmanntaste electrophysiology1939 Edgar Douglas Adrian (grad student)
Anna Philpott Oncology Ron A. Laskey (grad student), Shin-ichi Ohnuma (collaborator)
John Pickardneurotrauma
Malcolm Piercy
Arthur Cecil Pigou history1896 Oscar Browning (grad student)
Robert D. Pinnock David B. Sattelle (post-doc)
Valentino Pironti Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Chris J. PlackHearing, Psychoacoustics Brian C.J. Moore (grad student)
Stefano Pluchino
Joseph Polex-Wolf
Marina Popleteeva Alessandro Esposito (post-doc)
Ruben Portugues DAMTP Paul Kingsley Townsend (grad student)
Daniel PressnitzerHearing Roy Patterson (post-doc), Ian M. Winter (post-doc)
Lucia L. Prieto-Godinoolfactory system, evolution, development Michael Bate (grad student)
Andreas ProkopSynapse formation, axonal growth, Drosophila19931997 Michael Bate (post-doc)
David L. Proleion channels
Clifford Ladd Prosser Edgar Douglas Adrian (post-doc)
Mickaël Puaud Psychology2010 David Belin (research assistant)
Pamela Rabbits
Dominika Radziun Department of Psychology Maria Niedernhuber (research assistant)
Charlotte L. Rae James Rowe (grad student)
Towfique Raj Francois Balloux (grad student)
Robert F. Rakowskisynaptic transmission, ion channels1975 Richard Hume Adrian (post-doc)
Vilayanur S. RamachandranNeurology19761979 Oliver J. Braddick (grad student)
Nikon A. RasumovNeuroscience, Visual System, Computational Neuroscience, Fly Vision, Calliphora vicina20082012 Simon Laughlin (grad student), Stephen Eglen (research assistant), Robert P. Carlyon (research assistant), Jeremy E. Niven (grad student), Mate Lengyel (grad student)
Sarah E Regan Department of Psychology20142015 John D. Mollon (grad student)
Mark Renshaw Department of Psychology20102015 Amy Milton (grad student)
Kate Rhodes James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Joanna Richardson
Derek RichterNeurochemistry, psychiatry Hugh Blaschko (post-doc)
Rebecca Rickman2018 Ewan St. John Smith (grad student)
Donald L. RiddleC. Elegans19731978 Sydney Brenner (post-doc)
C. Nicholas RiddleMotor systems, spinal cord Stephen A. Edgley (grad student), Stuart N. Baker (grad student)
Rosalind Mary RidleyComparative Cognition, Prion Disease, Neuropsychology
Ralph RileyGenetics John Marion Thoday (grad student)
Lidia Ripoll-Sáncheznetwork analysis, C.elegans, connectomics, neuromodulation Psychiatry20202023 Petra Vértes (grad student)
William Halse RiversNeurology, anthropology
Sandra Robb
Trevor W. Robbins1980 Susan Iversen (grad student), Katya Rubia (collaborator), Barry Everitt (collaborator)
Angela C. Roberts Joe Herbert (grad student), Trevor W. Robbins (post-doc)
clark robertsNeuromodulation, learning, affect, cognition
Dennis Holme Robertson Economics Alfred Marshall (grad student)
Harold Arthur Robertsonneuroscience, pharmacology19711974 Simon Maddrell (grad student)
James D. Robertsonion regulation Experimental Zoology1937 James Gray (grad student)
Oliver Robinson Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Hugh P. C. Robinson
John G. RobsonEarly vision Fergus W. Campbell (collaborator), Fergus W. Campbell (grad student), Gerald Westheimer (collaborator)
Jack C. RogersLanguage Comprehension Ambiguity
Jonathan RoiserNeuroimaging, psychopharmacology, biological psychiatry Barbara Sahakian (grad student), Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
George John RomanesComparative Psychology
Chris Rorden19931996 Jon Driver (grad student)
David RoseVisual system, consciousness, philosophy of science Physiology19711974 Colin Blakemore (grad student)
Emma Roth Clemence Blouet (grad student)
Francis John Worsley Roughton
James B RoweCognition, Prefrontal, Parkinson's
C. H. F. RowellNeuroethology Gabriel Horn (grad student)
David H. Rowitcholigodendrocyte, glioblastoma, stem cells Richard Perham (grad student)
Judy Rubinsztein Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Jane Rudling
Bernardo RudyK+ channels, GABAergic interneurons, Neocortex Richard Keynes (grad student)
Amber N V RuigrokSexual Dimorphism, White Matter, Neuroendocrinology
William AH RushtonRetina19251928 Gerald Westheimer (collaborator), Edgar Douglas Adrian (grad student)
Andreas P. RussNeurogenetics, Developmental genetics Martin J. Evans (post-doc)
John Rust
Mel Rutherfordanimacy perception, social perception, face perception Simon Baron-Cohen (research scientist)
Barbara Sahakianneuropsychology
Lisa M. Saksidacomputational neuroscience
John D. SalamoneDA and motivation Susan Iversen (post-doc)
Michele SanguaniniAlzheimer's disease, ageing
Zoltan Sarnyaistress and mental health, psychopharmacology
David B. Sattelle John E. Treherne (grad student)
Nathalie SauratStem Cells, Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration, Aging, Disease Modelling Gurdon Institute20102014 Frederick Livesey (grad student)
Mark SaylesAuditory system; electrophysiology; clinical development Ian M. Winter (grad student)
Kevin van Schie MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20192021 Michael C. Anderson (post-doc)
Taylor W. SchmitzBasal forebrain, acetylcholine, memory MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20122016 Michael C. Anderson (post-doc)
Ralf Schnabel19831987 Sydney Brenner (post-doc)
Stefan Schöneich
Moritz Schramm Department of Psychology20092013 Amy Milton (grad student)
Susanne SchreiberComputational Neuroscience Simon Laughlin (grad student)
Laura-Nadine Schuhmacher20132016 Ewan St. John Smith (grad student)
Wolfram Schultzreward, decision making John Carew Eccles (post-doc)
Jakob Seidlitz
Luc PJ SelenDonders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour20082012 Daniel M. Wolpert (post-doc), Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Biswa SenguptaMetabolic efficiency, Bayesian Statistics, PDEs Engineering20162014 Simon Laughlin (grad student), Jeremy E. Niven (grad student), David J.C. Mackay (grad student), Martin B. Stemmler (grad student), Harold H. Zakon (collaborator), Rodolphe Sepulchre (research scientist)
Sukanya SenguptaDrosophila Phototrasduction2007 Roger C. Hardie (grad student)
Rodolphe Sepulchre
Anil K. SethNeuroscience, Consciousness19941994 Nicholas J. Mackintosh (research assistant), Andy Young (research assistant)
J K. Sethi
Robert M. ShapleyVisual cortex Fergus W. Campbell (post-doc), John G. Robson (post-doc)
Alexander D. ShawPharmaco-MEG
Hannah SheahanMotor learning, computational neuroscience, cognitive science Engineering20142018 Daniel M. Wolpert (grad student)
Charles Scott SherringtonNeurophysiology, spinal reflexes Michael Foster (research assistant), John Newport Langley (grad student)
Yoshiro ShibaAnxiety, Prefrontal Cortex, Amygdala20092010 Angela C. Roberts (grad student), Carmen Agustín-Pavón (collaborator)
Andria Shimi
Maxwell Shinn20152016 Edward Bullmore (grad student)
Eric M. ShooterNeurotrophic factors1950 Paley Johnson (grad student)
Emma L. Short
Charles Cameron Donald Shute James Dixon Boyd (grad student)
Omid Siddiqui Alessandro Esposito (post-doc)
Melody Siegler Malcolm Burrows (grad student)
Ann Silver
Michael A. Simmonds Leslie Iversen (post-doc)
Jon S. SimonsCognitive neuroscience, human memory John R. Hodges (grad student)
Simon Sinclair James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Nikolina Skandali Department of Psychiatry Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
Magdalena SkipperGenetics, Sex determination Genetics19941998 Jonathan Hodgkin (grad student)
Carolyn W. SlaymanGenetics of Ion Transport19631964 Ian M. Glynn (post-doc)
George K. Smelserophthalmology Francis Hugh Adam Marshall (post-doc)
Grafton Elliot SmithAnatomy18961898 Alexander Macalister (research assistant)
Tess Smith Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Cedric Austen Bardell SmithStatistics and Genetics1942 John Wishart (grad student), Joseph Oscar Irwin (grad student)
Garth SmithNeuroscience Physiology Physiology Roger C. Thomas (grad student), Christof J. Schwiening (grad student)
James Eric Smith Zoology Zoology1944 Carl Fredrick Abel Pantin (grad student), James Gray (grad student)
Ewan St. John SmithSensory transduction, ion channels, naked mole-rats, pain20032006 Peter A. McNaughton (grad student)
Robert SnowdenVisual motion processing19861989 Oliver J. Braddick (grad student)
Sara Soleman James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Charles Spencecrossmodal space, attention19921995 Jon Driver (grad student)
Jonathan P. Spencer Kerry PSJ Murphy (grad student)
Maria Grazia Spillantini
Henning SprekelerComputational Neuroscience
Reiner SprengelmeyerNeuropsychology Andy Young (post-doc)
Piero Sraffa
Daniel St Johnston Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (post-doc)
Emmanuel A. StamatakisBrain Imaging, Neuroscience, Experimental Psychology20082010 David K. Menon (post-doc)
Peter R. Stanfieldpotassium channels Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (grad student)
Brielle C Starklanguage production; aphasia; cognitive neuroscience; gesture; inner speech Clinical Neuroscience20122016 Elizabeth Warburton (grad student)
Arkadiusz Stasiak Ian M. Winter (post-doc)
William R. StaufferReward systems neurophysiology 2009 Wolfram Schultz (post-doc), Armin Lak (collaborator)
Jonathan Steinberg
Sonja Stiebahl Psychology2020 David Belin (grad student)
Andrew Stockmanvision, color science John D. Mollon (grad student)
Willem Storm van Leeuwenneurophysiology1949 Edgar Douglas Adrian (post-doc)
Michael H. B. StowellStructure and Mechanism at the Chemical Synapse Nigel Unwin (post-doc)
Jason Stretton
John William Strutt (Lord Rayleigh)Human sound localization, wave theory1868 Edward John Routh (grad student)
Lubert StryerVision, G proteins, signal transduction19621963 John C. Kendrew (post-doc)
Li SuNeuroimaging
Francisco SuarezBasal ganglia, electrogenic transporters, motor systems20022005 Jose M. Solis (grad student), Alasdair J. Gibb (post-doc)
John SucklingNeuroimaging
Clara SuiedHearing Roy Patterson (post-doc)
John E. SulstonApoptosis, developement1966 Colin B. Reese (grad student)
Luning Sun The Psychometrics Centre20102014 John Rust (grad student)
Rui Sunsocial psychology Psychology20132017 Alex Kogan (grad student)
John SwettenhamAutism, Social Cognition, Attention Simon Baron-Cohen (grad student)
Artur Hugo Swiergiel Douglas L Ingram (grad student)
Denes SzucsMath, Working memory, Attention
Vito L TagarielliSolid Mechanics Engineering engineering20022006 Norman A Fleck (grad student), Vikram S Deshpande (grad student)
Paula TallalAuditory Perceptual Training, Dyslexia, Specific Language Impairment Malcolm Piercy (grad student)
Keita Tamura
Sin Lih Tan20142017 Ewan St. John Smith (grad student)
Joana Taylor Tavares Department of Psychology Barbara Sahakian (grad student)
John Gerald Taylor Mathematics faculty19531956 Frank Smithies (grad student), James Hamilton (grad student)
Toni S Taylor Department of Pharmacology20162019 Ewan St. John Smith (grad student)
Jane R. TaylorAddictive behaviors, learning and memory Trevor W. Robbins (grad student), Philip R. Corlett (collaborator)
Irena Tetkovicmental health
Irena Tetkovic Tamsin Jane Ford (grad student)
Stephen Theron-GrimaldiBilingualism, Selective Attention, Non-verbal Behaviour, Decision-Making
James Thom Jon S. Simons (grad student)
Kerrie ThomasMolecular neurobiology, learning & memory Barry Everitt (post-doc)
Adrian ThurrellVisual neurphysiology Physiological Laboratory19982002 Adar Pelah (grad student)
Michael J. Tildesley Nigel O. Weiss (grad student)
Sebastian Timmlermyelination, neuron-myelin adhesion
Michelle ToVision20052010 John D. Mollon (grad student), David J. Tolhurst (post-doc)
Philippe N. ToblerPhysiology of Reward Wolfram Schultz (research scientist)
David J. Tolhurst19741978 J Anthony Movshon (collaborator), Ian D. Thompson (collaborator), John G. Robson (grad student)
Andreas S. Tolias David J. Tolhurst (research assistant)
Aviva Tolkovsky
Alessandro TomassiniVision, decision making, dopamine, dementia
Livia Tomova Psychology Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (post-doc)
Emily Towner Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (grad student)
John E. TreherneInvertebrate physiology Vincent Brian Wigglesworth (research scientist)
Ali Trelle Jon S. Simons (grad student)
Immanuel TremelliusHebrew Thomas Cranmer (grad student)
Barry Andrew TrimmerInvertebrate neurobiology, robotics19791983 Michael J. Berridge (grad student)
Andrew L Trinh Alessandro Esposito (post-doc)
Marco TripodiNeuroscience2003 Michael Bate (grad student)
Anthony Hiu King TsangMetabolism, Circadian Rhythms Institute of Metabolic Science2016 Clemence Blouet (post-doc)
Karl W. K. TsimAChE, neuromuscular junctions1987 Eric A. Barnard (grad student)
Ken-Ichiro Tsutsuireward, learning, higher cognitive functions, 3D vision20022005 Wolfram Schultz (post-doc)
Richard E. Turnerauditory and visual sensory processing, Bayesian brain, unsupervised learning Roy Patterson (research assistant)
Karly M. Turner
Benita Turner-Bridger Christine E. Holt (grad student)
Lorraine K. Tyler
Giulia Tyzack Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Nigel Unwin Metallurgy19651968 Robin B. Nicholson (grad student)
Gonzalo P. UrcelayLearning theories, behavioural neuroscience Anthony Dickinson (post-doc), Trevor W. Robbins (post-doc)
Nneka Uwechue20082012 Brian Billups (grad student)
Delshad VaghariNeuroimaging, Neurodegenerative disease, AI
Matilde M. Vaghineuroscience, psychiatry20132016 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Stavros VagionitisGlia, Myelination, Remyelination, Developmental Neuroscience, Oligodendrocyte Biology Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem cell institute2021 Ragnhildur Thora Karadottir (post-doc)
Sander van BreeCognitive Neuroscience, Neural Oscillations, Metascience MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit Benedikt Zoefel (research assistant)
Ronald van den Bergvisual perception, Bayesian models2012 Daniel M. Wolpert (post-doc)
Derek van der Kooy19791980 Leslie Iversen (post-doc)
Peter van Roessel Andrea H. Brand (grad student)
Richard Van Sluyters Colin Blakemore (post-doc)
Louk VanderschurenAddiction Barry Everitt (post-doc)
Thomas F. VarleyConsciousness, complex systems, anesthesia, TBI Clinical Neurosicences20172018 Emmanuel A. Stamatakis (grad student)
Samarth VarmaEpisodic Memory, Consolidation, Mindwandering Neurolex20122013 William D. Marslen-Wilson (research assistant)
Clara Velazquez-SanchezAddiction Psychology20172021 David Belin (post-doc)
Anne Venner Denis Burdakov (grad student)
Magdalena Dorothea Vernonstudy of reading difficulties in children
Petra Vértes
Andrea S. ViczianVisual system, Cone formation19982002 William A. Harris (post-doc)
David Vogelsang Jon S. Simons (grad student)
Heinz von FoersterCybernetics Ludwig Wittgenstein (grad student)
George Vousden Department of Psychology Department of Psychology20162016 Amy Milton (grad student), Amy Milton (post-doc)
Alex R. WadeVision19941995 John D. Mollon (research assistant)
Syed Mohammad Adil Wafa Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience20132014 Kristian Franze (research assistant)
Keith A. Wafford David B. Sattelle (grad student)
Joni WallisPFC19951998 Angela C. Roberts (grad student)
Natalie Waran19861989 Donald M. Broom (grad student)
Elizabeth Warburton
James Ward
Jamie WardSynaesthesia1994 Rosaleen McCarthy (grad student)
Elizabeth K. WarringtonMemory, perception, language, semantic dementia - human neuropsychology in general Psychology Oliver L. Zangwill (post-doc)
Daniel Waterland
Andrew B. Watsonvision, perception, psychology, neuroscience, imaging technology19771980 John G. Robson (post-doc)
Paul A. WattersCognitive and neural modeling19961997 David J. Tolhurst (grad student)
Colin Watts Brain Repair Centre20062009 Stephen B. Dunnett (grad student)
Chelan Weaver Michael C. Anderson (grad student), James Rowe (grad student)
Michael A. WebsterVisual system John D. Mollon (post-doc)
Silvio WeidmannElectrophysiology, cardiac muscle19481950 Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc), Andrew Fielding Huxley (post-doc)
Torkel Weis-FoghInsect flight
Victor Frederick Weisskopf1933 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (post-doc)
Lea Wenger Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Christopher WeyrerNeurophysiology, Synaptic Transmission, Synaptic Plasticity Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience20132017 Ole Paulsen (grad student)
Matthew Whim
Ariadne Whitby Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Alfred North Whitehead Mathematics1884 Edward John Routh (research assistant), William Davidson Niven (grad student)
Victor P. Whittakerneurochemistry
Paul Whittlehuman visiion Lorrin Riggs (post-doc)
Lutz WiegrebePsychoacoustic Roy Patterson (post-doc), Ian M. Winter (post-doc)
Cornelis A. G. Wiersma Edgar Douglas Adrian (research assistant)
Martin Wilby James W. Fawcett (grad student)
Robert T. Wilkinson Applied Psychology Unit Oliver L. Zangwill (grad student)
Rhiannan Williams Denis Burdakov (grad student)
Stephen R. Williamscortical neurons
Benjamin Willmoreauditory system19992002 David J. Tolhurst (grad student), Matthew S. Caywood (collaborator)
Martin Wilson1973 John E. Treherne (grad student)
Jonathan Wilson
Scott R WilsonConnectomics, Learning and Memory, Synaptic Plasticity Physiology, Development and Neuroscience2021 Albert Cardona (grad student)
Maria Wimber MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit20102012 Michael C. Anderson (post-doc)
Alan WindleNano materials
Alle Meije WinkNeuroimaging, Image analysis, Signal processing Psychiatry Psychiatry20042007 Edward Bullmore (post-doc), John Suckling (post-doc)
Ian M. Winter
Boyer D. Winters19982002 Timothy J. Bussey (post-doc), Stephen B. Dunnett (grad student)
Verena WolframDrosophila Neuromuscular junction20012004 Mikko Juusola (grad student)
William Hyde WollastonChemistry, Physics, Optics1794 William Herschel (grad student)
Noham Wolpe Department of Engineering Clinical Neurosciences20102013 Daniel M. Wolpert (grad student), James Rowe (grad student)
Hovy Ho-Wai WongNeuroscience, Neural Wiring, Local Translation, Synaptic Plasticity, Synaptogenesis, Axon Maintenance Physiology, Development & Neuroscience Physiology, Development & Neuroscience20162017 Christine E. Holt (grad student), Christine E. Holt (post-doc)
Keri K. WongSchizotypal personality, antisocial behavior, aggression, ADHD
Willy WongSensory and neural engineering, theory19981999 Horace Barlow (post-doc)
Melissa Allison Wood Experimental Psychology20062010 Barry Everitt (grad student)
Geoffrey WoodardMolecular Cell Signalling in Neuroreceptors Physiology James W. Fawcett (research scientist)
Richard WranghamAnthropology1975 Robert A. Hinde (grad student)
Edmond WrightPhilosophy, Poetry
Youyou Wu Psychology2012 John Rust (grad student)
Pao-Shu WuCNS development20062011 Andrea H. Brand (grad student)
Wei XuCerebellum Stephen A. Edgley (grad student)
Kangning Xuphotonics
Lu Yang Andras Lakatos (grad student)
Timothy J. YatesPSP, CBD2011 James Rowe (research scientist)
King-Wai Yauvision, olfaction19791980 Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc)
Yasemin Yazar Jon S. Simons (grad student)
Nanyang Ye Computer Science Rafal Mantiuk (grad student)
Giles S. H. YeoMetabolism, Genetics, Genomics
Nick YeungAttention and Cognitive control Stephen Monsell (grad student)
Jiwon Yi20172018 Ewan St. John Smith (grad student)
Ali Özgür Yontem Computer Science2019 Rafal Mantiuk (post-doc)
J.Michael Young
Esther Yu
Changmin YuComputational neuroscience Mate Lengyel (post-doc)
Alan YuilleComputation & Theory1981 Stephen Hawking (grad student)
Shahnaz P. YusafIon Channels
Olof ZachrissonParkinson's Disease, Neuropeptides19992001 Peter A. McNaughton (post-doc)
Michael S. ZandiNeuroimmunology Alastair Compston (grad student)
Adroaldo J. Zanella19881991 Donald M. Broom (grad student)
Leopold ZangemeisterNeuroscience, Reward, Decision-Making, Economic Choices, Risk-based choices, fMRI Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience20132017 Wolfram Schultz (grad student)
Oliver L. Zangwill Frederic Charles Bartlett (grad student)
Mojtaba ZareiNeuroimaging19992001 Alastair Compston (post-doc)
Hugo ZebergFiring patterns, gamma oscillations, dynamic clamp Hugh P. C. Robinson (grad student)
Song Zexing Piero Sraffa (research scientist)
Lu ZhaoNeuromuscular juntion
Fangcheng Zhong Computer Science Rafal Mantiuk (grad student)
Xiaolin ZhouLanguage, Attention, Social behavior William D. Marslen-Wilson (grad student)
Richard E. Zigmondneurochemical plasticity in adult neurons Leslie Iversen (post-doc)
Marta Zlatic Zoology20002004 Michael Bate (grad student)
Leor ZmigrodCognitive psychology, neuroscience, political psychology Psychology20162019 Trevor W. Robbins (grad student)
Flavio ZolessiNeural development Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience20032006 William A. Harris (post-doc)
Michael ZuberNeural development William A. Harris (post-doc)
Maarten F. ZwartDrosophila motor system, development Matthias Landgraf (grad student)