Christian Kroos

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Bayern, Germany 
"Christian Kroos"
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Bundgaard-Nielsen RL, Kroos C, Baker BJ, et al. (2016) Consonantal timing and release burst acoustics distinguish multiple coronal stop place distinctions in Wubuy (Australia). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 140: 2794
Bundgaard-Nielsen RL, Baker BJ, Kroos CH, et al. (2015) Discrimination of Multiple Coronal Stop Contrasts in Wubuy (Australia): A Natural Referent Consonant Account. Plos One. 10: e0142054
Antoniou M, Best CT, Tyler MD, et al. (2011) Inter-language interference in VOT production by L2-dominant bilinguals: Asymmetries in phonetic code-switching. Journal of Phonetics. 39: 558-570
Antoniou M, Best CT, Tyler MD, et al. (2010) Language context elicits native-like stop voicing in early bilinguals' productions in both L1 and L2. Journal of Phonetics. 38: 640-653
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