Jacob Jolij

University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands 
visual awareness, social neuroscience, TMS
"Jacob Jolij"
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Henk Spekreijse research assistant 2000-2001 Amsterdam
Victor A.F. Lamme grad student 2001-2006 Amsterdam
Michael H. Herzog post-doc 2006-2006 EPFL


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Hannah Nadine Encke grad student 2008-2012 RUG
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Yaple ZA, Vakhrushev R, Jolij J. (2016) Corrigendum: Investigating Emotional Top Down Modulation of Ambiguous Faces by Single Pulse TMS on Early Visual Cortices. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 10: 501
Jolij J, Meurs M, Haitel E. (2011) Why do we see what's not there? Communicative & Integrative Biology. 4: 764-7
Jolij J, Scholte HS, van Gaal S, et al. (2011) Act quickly, decide later: long-latency visual processing underlies perceptual decisions but not reflexive behavior. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 23: 3734-45
Jolij J, Meurs M. (2011) Music alters visual perception. Plos One. 6: e18861
Jolij J, Lamme VA. (2010) Transcranial magnetic stimulation-induced 'visual echoes' are generated in early visual cortex. Neuroscience Letters. 484: 178-81
Scharnowski F, Ruter J, Hermens F, et al. (2010) Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of early visual cortex reveals a window of integration of substantial duration Journal of Vision. 7: 1016-1016
Jolij J, Lamme VA. (2010) Transcranial magnetic stimulation of striate cortex induces illusory percepts of past and future events Journal of Vision. 6: 509-509
Jolij J. (2010) One-tenth of a second to make a first impression: Early visual evoked potentials correlate with perceived trustworthiness of faces International Journal of Psychophysiology. 77: 207-207
Scharnowski F, Rüter J, Jolij J, et al. (2009) Long-lasting modulation of feature integration by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Journal of Vision. 9: 1.1-10
Scholte HS, Jolij J, Fahrenfort JJ, et al. (2008) Feedforward and recurrent processing in scene segmentation: electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20: 2097-109
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