Hugh P. Kelly, Ph.D.

1959-1963 Physics University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
 1963-1965 Physics University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
 1965-1992 Physics University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Atomic Physics, Many-Body Perturbation Theory
"Hugh Kelly"

From the early 1960s until he passed away in 1992, Hugh P. Kelly led the application of diagrammatic techniques in many-body-perturbation theory (MBPT) to problems in many-electron systems in atomic physics. All of his work was pioneering, whether it related to the calculation of electron correlation energies, atomic polarizabilities, photoionization, or electron scattering. In addition to his excellent insight into physics problems, he excelled as a faculty member in the Physics Department at the University of Virginia, serving as Department Chairman, Faculty Dean and, ultimately, as University Provost.

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Kenneth M. Watson grad student 1959-1963 UC Berkeley
 (Dissertation: Correlation effects in atoms)
Keith A. Brueckner post-doc 1963-1965 UCSD


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Arne W. Fliflet grad student 1975 UVA
Michael S. Pindzola grad student 1975 UVA
Steven L. Carter grad student 1976 UVA
Ellen R. Brown grad student 1981 UVA
Zikri Altun grad student 1982 UVA
Lee J. Garvin grad student 1983 UVA
Cheng Pan grad student 1988 UVA (Astronomy Tree)
Mickey D. Kutzner grad student 1989 UVA
Wasantha P. Wijesundera grad student 1989 UVA
James J. Boyle grad student 1986-1992 UVA
Jyh-Ching Chang grad student 1993 UVA
Jinchao Liu grad student 1994 UVA
Zuwei Liu post-doc 1994 UVA
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