Jinny Claire Lee

2014-2019 Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea 
 2019-2023 Scripps Research Institute 
"Jinny Claire Lee"
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YoungSoo Kim research assistant 2017-2019 Yonsei University
Kim David Janda grad student 2019-2023 Scripps Research Institute (Chemistry Tree)
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Lee JC, Shirey RJ, Turner LD, et al. (2024) Discovery of PLD4 modulators by high-throughput screening and kinetic analysis. Results in Chemistry. 7
Lee JC, Eubanks LM, Zhou B, et al. (2022) Development of an Effective Monoclonal Antibody against Heroin and Its Metabolites Reveals Therapies Have Mistargeted 6-Monoacetylmorphine and Morphine over Heroin. Acs Central Science. 8: 1464-1470
Lee JC, Park H, Eubanks LM, et al. (2022) A Vaccine against Benzimidazole-Derived New Psychoactive Substances That Are More Potent Than Fentanyl. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Lee JC, Janda KD. (2021) Development of effective therapeutics for polysubstance use disorders. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology. 66: 102105
Lin M, Lee JC, Blake S, et al. (2021) Broadly Neutralizing Synthetic Cannabinoid Vaccines. Jacs Au. 1: 31-40
Lee JC, Janda KD. (2021) Immunopharmacotherapeutic advancements in addressing methamphetamine abuse. Rsc Chemical Biology. 2: 77-93
Park H, Lee JC, Eubanks LM, et al. (2021) Improvements on a chemically contiguous hapten for a vaccine to address fentanyl-contaminated heroin. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 41: 116225
Lee JC, Kim HY, Lee S, et al. (2020) Discovery of chemicals to clear or indicate amyloid aggregates by targeting memory-impairing anti-parallel Aβ dimers. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
Lee JC, Kim SJ, Hong S, et al. (2019) Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease utilizing amyloid and tau as fluid biomarkers. Experimental & Molecular Medicine. 51: 53
Kim Y, Yoo YK, Kim HY, et al. (2019) Comparative analyses of plasma amyloid-β levels in heterogeneous and monomerized states by interdigitated microelectrode sensor system. Science Advances. 5: eaav1388
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