Elida V. Laski

2003-2008 Lynch School of Education (ADEP) Boston College, Newton, MA, United States 
"Elida Laski"
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Robert Siegler grad student 2003-2008 Boston College


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Jiwon Ban grad student 2021-2027 Boston College
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Dearing E, Casey B, Davis-Kean PE, et al. (2022) Socioeconomic Variations in the Frequency of Parent Number Talk: A Meta-Analysis. Education Sciences. 12
Schiffman J, Laski EV. (2018) Materials count: Linear-spatial materials improve young children's addition strategies and accuracy, irregular arrays don't. Plos One. 13: e0208832
Shen C, Vasilyeva M, Laski EV. (2016) Here, but not there: Cross-national variability of gender effects in arithmetic. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 146: 50-65
Laski EV, Siegler RS. (2014) Learning from number board games: you learn what you encode. Developmental Psychology. 50: 853-64
Laski EV, Yu Q. (2013) Number line estimation and mental addition: examining the potential roles of language and education. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 117: 29-44
Laski EV, Siegler RS. (2007) Is 27 a big number? Correlational and causal connections among numerical categorization, number line estimation, and numerical magnitude comparison. Child Development. 78: 1723-43
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