Lexine A Stapinski

Psychology Macquarie University, Macquarie Park, New South Wales, Australia 
"Lexine Stapinski"
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Grummitt L, Rowlinson K, Cassar J, et al. (2025) A randomised controlled implementation trial of the feasibility and effectiveness of school staff delivery of a selective substance use and mental health program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bmc Public Health. 25: 349
Prior K, Baillie AJ, Newton N, et al. (2024) Web-based intervention for young adults experiencing anxiety and hazardous alcohol use: Study protocol for an 18-month randomized controlled trial. Addiction (Abingdon, England)
Prior K, Piggott M, Hunt S, et al. (2024) Motherhood and drinking: The relative importance of mental health and psychosocial factors on maternal alcohol misuse during the postpartum period. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs
Peeters M, Prior K, Salemink E, et al. (2024) Dynamic Associations Between Anxiety Symptoms and Drinking Behavior From Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine
Prior K, Salemink E, Piggott M, et al. (2023) Web-Based Cognitive Bias Modification Program for Young People With Social Anxiety and Hazardous Alcohol Use: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy Study. Jmir Formative Research. 7: e46008
Slade T, Chapman C, Conroy C, et al. (2023) 24-month outcomes of an eHealth universal program for students and parents to prevent adolescent alcohol use: A cluster randomized controlled trial in schools. Internet Interventions. 33: 100648
Guckel T, Prior K, Newton NC, et al. (2023) Mediators and Moderators in the Co-Occurring Anxiety and Alcohol Use Relationship: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Jmir Research Protocols. 12: e48875
Newton NC, Debenham J, Slade T, et al. (2022) Effect of Selective Personality-Targeted Alcohol Use Prevention on 7-Year Alcohol-Related Outcomes Among High-risk Adolescents: A Secondary Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama Network Open. 5: e2242544
Devine EK, Teesson M, Debenham J, et al. (2022) Updated systematic review of Australian school-based prevention programmes for alcohol and other drugs: a review protocol. Bmj Open. 12: e059795
Stapinski L, Routledge K, Snijder M, et al. (2022) A Web-Based Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Program (Strong & Deadly Futures) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander School Students: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Jmir Research Protocols. 11: e34530
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