Carol K. Peck

University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States 
visual and ocular motor systems
"Carol Peck"

Ph.D. UCLA, 1969, Donald B. Lindsley, advisor
trained Ph.D students Laura Barnes, Kent Harrington and Brian Foutch

Mean distance: 14.22 (cluster 29)
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Harrington LK, Bassi CJ, Peck CK. (2005) Luminous efficiency and the measurement of daytime displays, signals, and visors. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 76: 448-55
Harrington LK, Peck CK. (1998) Spatial disparity affects visual-auditory interactions in human sensorimotor processing. Experimental Brain Research. 122: 247-52
Peck CK, Baro JA. (1997) Discharge patterns of neurons in the rostral superior colliculus of cat: activity related to fixation of visual and auditory targets. Experimental Brain Research. 113: 291-302
Peck CK. (1996) Visual-auditory integration in cat superior colliculus: implications for neuronal control of the orienting response. Progress in Brain Research. 112: 167-77
Peck CK, Baro JA, Warder SM. (1995) Effects of eye position on saccadic eye movements and on the neuronal responses to auditory and visual stimuli in cat superior colliculus. Experimental Brain Research. 103: 227-42
Peck CK. (1989) Visual responses of neurones in cat superior colliculus in relation to fixation of targets. The Journal of Physiology. 414: 301-15
Peck CK. (1987) Visual-auditory interactions in cat superior colliculus: their role in the control of gaze. Brain Research. 420: 162-6
Wark RC, Peck CK. (1982) Behavioral consequences of early visual exposure to contours of a single orientation. Brain Research. 281: 218-21
Peck CK, Schlag-Rey M, Schlag J. (1980) Visuo-oculomotor properties of cells in the superior colliculus of the alert cat. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 194: 97-116
Schlag J, Schlag-Rey M, Peck CK, et al. (1980) Visual responses of thalamic neurons depending on the direction of gaze and the position of targets in space. Experimental Brain Research. 40: l70-84
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