Hilbert Kappen
Affiliations: | Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands |
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Baldassi C, Gerace F, Kappen HJ, et al. (2018) Role of Synaptic Stochasticity in Training Low-Precision Neural Networks. Physical Review Letters. 120: 268103 |
Thalmeier D, Uhlmann M, Kappen HJ, et al. (2016) Learning Universal Computations with Spikes. Plos Computational Biology. 12: e1004895 |
Torres JJ, Kappen HJ. (2013) Emerging phenomena in neural networks with dynamic synapses and their computational implications. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7: 30 |
Mejias JF, Kappen HJ, Torres JJ. (2010) Irregular dynamics in up and down cortical states Plos One. 5 |
Marinazzo D, Kappen HJ, Gielen SC. (2007) Input-driven oscillations in networks with excitatory and inhibitory neurons with dynamic synapses. Neural Computation. 19: 1739-65 |
Pantic L, Torres JJ, Kappen HJ. (2003) Coincidence detection with dynamic synapses Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 14: 17-33 |
Torres JJ, Pantic L, Kappen HJ. (2002) Storage capacity of attractor neural networks with depressing synapses Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 66 |
Pantic L, Torres JJ, Kappen HJ, et al. (2002) Associative memory with dynamic synapses Neural Computation. 14: 2903-2923 |