Radboud University Nijmegen

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Kopal Agarwal Neuroinformatics20212023 Adrián Alemán-Zapata (research assistant)
Martijn AgterbergAuditory system, BAHA 20092011 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student)
Anke Marit Albers Ivan Toni (grad student)
Bart Alberts20102010 Tom J. van Grootel (research assistant), Denise van Barneveld (grad student)
Bart BGT AlbertsSpatial orientation, spatial updating, visual stability2012 Luc PJ Selen (grad student)
Marian Albinski1959 Frans Jozef Theo Rutten (grad student)
Artoghrul Alishbayliauditory system, electrophysiology Neurophysiology20192023 Bernhard Englitz (grad student), Tansu Celikel (research assistant)
Everhardus Jacobus Ariëns
Jeroen Atsma Pieter Medendorp (grad student), Femke Maij (grad student)
Tarimotimi AwipiMemory, Medial temporal lobe20092010 Guillén Fernández (post-doc)
Giosuè Baggio20042009 Peter Hagoort (grad student)
Ali BahramisharifAttention and Alpha, Source localization, Brain Computer Interfacing, Machine learning methods20082012 Marcel A. J. van Gerven (grad student), Tom Heskes (grad student)
Maaike Bakker20062009 Ivan Toni (grad student)
Francesco P. BattagliaHippocampus, computational neuroscience, memory, systems neuroscience, neurotechnology
Babak Ehteshami Bejnordi
Harold Bekkering
Marijke Bergman1988 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student), Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen (grad student)
Sabine Beurze Pieter Medendorp (grad student)
Mark Blokpoel Ivan Toni (grad student)
Miriam de Boer Ivan Toni (grad student)
Peter Bremenauditory system, spatial hearing, scene analysis20072009 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student), Marc Mathijs van Wanrooij (collaborator)
Loek Brinkman Ivan Toni (grad student)
Philip van den Broek
Mirjam Broersma
Laurence Bruggeman Mirjam Broersma (grad student)
Nicolas BrunetMonkey Neurophysiology2008 Pascal Fries (post-doc)
Verena Buchholz Pieter Medendorp (grad student), Ole Jensen (grad student)
Hans Buffart1982 Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)
Jan K. Buitelaarneuropsychiatric and developmental disorders
Piet J. A. CalonDevelopmental psychology and clinical psychology1950 Sjef Prick (grad student)
Alfons Choruspsychology1940 Frans Jozef Theo Rutten (grad student)
Antonius Matheus Louis Coenenbiological psychology1971 Antonius Johannes Henricus Vendrik (grad student)
Michael X. Cohen
Ton CoolenStatistical physics, machine learning, medical statistics
Roshan Cools
Joannes Franciscus Crul
Katinka F.M. Damen2005 Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der Staak (grad student)
Sander M. DaselaarEpisodic Memory, Aging, fMRI
Annette M. B. de GrootSecond language acquisition, mental lexicon1983 Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen (grad student)
Floris P. de Langeperception, decision making, expectation, attention20032007 Ivan Toni (grad student)
Hubert R.A. De Mey1981 Jo Vossen (grad student)
Koenraad De Smedt1990 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student)
Maaike De Vrijer20102011 Pieter Medendorp (grad student), Luc PJ Selen (collaborator)
Charles de WeertPsychophysics1976 Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)
Sebastiaan den BoerCognitive Neuroimaging Ole Jensen (research assistant)
Hanneke EM den OudenfMRI, computational learning models, DCM, decision making Roshan Cools (post-doc)
Jan J. L. Derksenclinical psychology, psychological assessment and psychotherapy1983 Karel J. M. van de Loo (grad student)
Peter Desain
Joost Dessing Pieter Medendorp (post-doc)
Tjeerd DijkstraBio-Informatics, Computer Science19881993 Stan C. Gielen (grad student), Stan C. Gielen (grad student)
Ton DijkstraBilingualism, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics1990 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student)
Boukje Dijkstra2009 Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der Staak (grad student)
Michiel Dirkx Marc Mathijs van Wanrooij (grad student)
Reinder Dorman Neurophysiology20152017 Bernhard Englitz (research assistant)
Klaus H. Drieschner2005 Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der Staak (grad student)
Jos I.M. Eggerclinical psychology, genetics, neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, psychopathology Clinical Psychology and Personality2003 Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der Staak (grad student)
Ronny Eichler Francesco P. Battaglia (grad student)
Bernhard Englitzcomputation & theory, auditory system
Casper Johannes ErkelensEye movements, Visual system19781979 Antonius Johannes Henricus Vendrik (research assistant)
Cecile C. Exterkate2007 Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der Staak (grad student)
Guillén Fernándezmemory, cognitive neurology
Fernando Fernández de CuevasDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Paula Fikkert
Jolien C. FranckenLanguage, Perception, Prediction Peter Hagoort (grad student)
Stefan L. Frank
Maarten A. FrensEye movement, Vestibular system, Cerebellum19911995 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student)
Monja Froböse
Jose A. Garcia Uceda Calvo2014 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student)
Sipke Johannes Geerts
Sarah A. Gerson20112014 Harold Bekkering (post-doc), Sabine Hunnius (post-doc)
Stan C. Gielencomputational neuroscience19761980 Jan van Gisbergen (research scientist), Jan van Gisbergen (grad student)
Teun van Gils Neurophysiology2016 Bernhard Englitz (research assistant)
Jeroen HHLM Goossens19931997 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student)
Urszula Gorska Neurophysiology20152018 Bernhard Englitz (grad student)
Julie GouletComputational Neurosciences
Thomas Graefnitz20102011 Marc Mathijs van Wanrooij (grad student), Yoollah Massoudi (grad student)
Frank W.J. Gribnau1975 Paul G.A.B. Wijdeveld (grad student), Flip (Philippus) J. Hoedemaeker (grad student)
Meike GrolNeuro-imaging Ivan Toni (grad student)
Franc A. GrootjenInformation Retrieval
Rachel Gross-Hardt Marc Mathijs van Wanrooij (grad student), John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student)
Yağmur Güçlütürkneurotech, perception, machine learning Biophysics Richard J.A.. van Wezel (post-doc)
Peter HagoortCognitive Neuroscience: Language1991 Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)
Jesse Heckman Neurophysiology20142016 Bernhard Englitz (research assistant)
Rick Helmich20052010 Ivan Toni (grad student)
Petrus Thomas Henderson Department of Pharmacology1971 Everhardus Jacobus Ariëns (grad student)
Hans H.L. Hendrickx Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine1985 Joannes Franciscus Crul (grad student), Peter Safar (grad student)
Denise Henriques Stan C. Gielen (research assistant)
Frouke HermensVisual perception20012004 Stan C. Gielen (grad student)
Tom Heskes1993 Stan C. Gielen (grad student)
Eduard C.M. Hoenkamp1983 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student), Leo A.M. Verbeek (grad student)
Christian HoffmannPsycholinguistics
Paul M. HofmanAuditory system, plasticity, localisation19951999 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student)
Ben Hofstede1992 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student)
Esther HollemanMemory, systems neuroscience, hippocampus, PFC2012 Francesco P. Battaglia (grad student)
Nienke HoogenboomVisual gamma-band activity20022007 Pascal Fries (grad student)
Kim Horvers2005 Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der Staak (grad student)
Chao HuangNeural Circuit Modeling, Network electrophysiology Neurophysiology20142016 Bernhard Englitz (grad student)
Carla Huls1995 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student), Charles de Weert (grad student)
Wouter Hulstijn
Ko HummelenForensic psychiatry1997 Goos Zwanikken (grad student), Jan J. L. Derksen (grad student)
Sabine Hunnius
Frans Jozef A. HuygenFamily care medicine
Petrus Ignatius Marie Johannesma1969 Antonius Johannes Henricus Vendrik (grad student)
Hilbert Kappen
Katrin Karadachkacomparative neuroimaging, white matter, structure-function integration Donders Institute Donders Institute20202024 Rogier B. Mars (grad student), Pieter Medendorp (grad student)
Gerard A.M. Kempenpsycholinguistics, language technology1970 Johan (Sjeng) Kremers (grad student)
Roy Kesselsmemory; neuropsychology; spatial cognition19972001 Edward De Haan (grad student)
Johannes Keysersensorimotor Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Pieter Medendorp (grad student), Luc PJ Selen (grad student)
Laurens Kirkels Biophysics Richard J.A.. van Wezel (grad student)
Peter M. F. Kisterswebpages20032005 Egon L. van den Broek (research assistant)
Jan Klee2016 Francesco P. Battaglia (grad student)
Piet W. C. KloppenborgEndocrinology1966 Cornelis L.H. Majoor (grad student)
Naoki Kogo Biophysics Richard J.A.. van Wezel (post-doc)
Thijs Kok20032008 Egon L. van den Broek (research assistant)
Herman H. J. Kolk1974 Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)
Yutaro Komuro
Florian Krause
Florian Krausestress, real-time fMRI, neurofeedback, numerical cognition, embodied cognition Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour20092014 Ivan Toni (grad student), Harold Bekkering (grad student), Oliver Lindemann (grad student), Sabine Hunnius (collaborator), Marlene Meyer (collaborator)
Johan (Sjeng) KremersPsychology of learning and memory1960 Frans Jozef Theo Rutten (grad student)
E.L.J. LeeuwenbergPerception1967 Johan (Sjeng) Kremers (grad student)
Kristin Lemhöfercognition of bilingualism, psycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience of language19992004 Herbert Schriefers (grad student), Ton Dijkstra (grad student)
Frank Leone Pieter Medendorp (grad student)
Frank Leone' Ivan Toni (grad student)
Oliver Lindemann
Rui Liu Ivan Toni (grad student)
Ili Madecision neuroscience, developmental cognitive neuroscience, psychiatry Developmental psychology Social Development Anouk P. Scheres (grad student), Antonius H. N. Cillessen (grad student)
Femke Maijvisual system, psychophysics, multi-sensory integration, haptics Pieter Medendorp (post-doc), Pieter Medendorp (post-doc)
Jasminka Majdandžić Ivan Toni (grad student)
Cornelis L.H. Majoor
Remy Manuel Department of Animal Physiology Ruud van den Bos (grad student)
Rogier B. MarsMotor system20022006 Ivan Toni (grad student), Michael G. H. Coles (grad student), Wouter Hulstijn (grad student)
Yoollah MassoudiAuditory cortex neurophysiology20082012 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student), Marc Mathijs van Wanrooij (grad student)
Brigit McGuinnessZebra Finch, mineralocorticoid receptors
Pieter MedendorpVisuomotor control Stan C. Gielen (grad student), Jan van Gisbergen (grad student), Douglas Blair Tweed (post-doc)
Guus Meijers1987 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student)
Monica Meijsing1986 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student)
Laura Menentilanguage, neuroimaging2005 Peter Hagoort (grad student)
Lucas MensPerception1988 E.L.J. Leeuwenberg (grad student)
Marlene Meyer
Arne F MeyerSensory system, computational neuroscience Donders Institute2019 Francesco P. Battaglia (post-doc)
Lee E. MillerMotor systems19901992 Stan C. Gielen (post-doc)
Ashutosh Mishra Neurophysiology2016 Bernhard Englitz (grad student)
Arjen Mol Biophysics Richard J.A.. van Wezel (grad student)
Robert Moszyński Adrianus van der Avoird (post-doc)
Joep M. A. MunnichsPsychogerontology1964 Piet J. A. Calon (grad student)
Gerard L.J. Nas1983 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student)
Zaneta Navratilova Francesco P. Battaglia (post-doc)
Adnan NiaziReal-time fMRI20112013 Marcel A. J. van Gerven (research scientist), Peter Desain (research scientist), Philip van den Broek (research scientist), Femke Nijboer (grad student)
Sietse J. NijdamPsychiatry, psychotherapy
David NorrisMR Physics
Annelies van Nuland Ivan Toni (grad student)
Robert OostenveldAdvanced MEG/EEG analysis20022003 Pascal Fries (post-doc), Dick F. Stegeman (grad student)
Leonie Oostwoud Wijdenessensorimotor control
Machteld A. Ouwens2005 Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der Staak (grad student)
E.J.M. Penterman2015 Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der Staak (grad student)
Florian PerdreauVisual cognition, eye-hand interaction, sensorimotor integration, visuospatial representation2014 Pieter Medendorp (post-doc)
Vitoria Piailanguage production Ardi Roelofs (grad student), Herbert Schriefers (grad student)
Payam Piray Ivan Toni (grad student)
Albert Postmaclinical neuropsychology1991 Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen (grad student), Herman H. J. Kolk (grad student)
Sjef PrickNeurology and psychiatry
Marco PutsPsychophysics Charles de Weert (grad student), Susan te Pas (grad student)
Jeroen G.W. RaaijmakersMemory modelling1979 Edward E.C.I. Roskam (grad student)
Dick RaesForensic psychiatry1988 Sietse J. Nijdam (grad student), Piet W. C. Kloppenborg (grad student)
Mark RijpkemaCognitive Neuroscience Guillén Fernández (post-doc)
Eva M. Rikxoortimage segmentation20042005 Egon L. van den Broek (research assistant)
Liliana Rincon Gonzalezoptogenetics and neuroprosthesis Social Science20132014 Pieter Medendorp (post-doc)
Ardi RoelofsSpeech Production1992 Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student), Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student)
Kees van Rooijen Neurophysiology2016 Bernhard Englitz (research assistant)
Edward E.C.I. Roskam
Mark Rowley Mathematics Ton Coolen (grad student)
Frans Jozef Theo Ruttenpsychology
Johanna van Schaik Ivan Toni (grad student)
C.G. Schoemaker2004 Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der Staak (grad student)
Jan-Mathijs SchoffelenCortico-spinal coherence20022006 Pascal Fries (grad student)
Lambert RB SchomakerEMG analysis facial muscles, computational neuroscience, motor control, neural networks1991 Stan C. Gielen (grad student), Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen (grad student)
Theo E. SchoutenImage processing1977 Remy T. Van de Walle (grad student)
Herbert Schriefers Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)
Evelien Schut2014 Francesco P. Battaglia (grad student)
Katja Seeligercognitive computational neuroscience, neural networks, end-to-end learning, neural coding, visual system, sensory reconstruction Donders Center for Cognition20152020 Marcel A. J. van Gerven (grad student)
Luc PJ SelenDonders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour2009 Pieter Medendorp (post-doc)
Justin C. ShenkMachine Learning, Cognitive Science, Neurobiology
Agnes SianiparCognitive Neuroscience, Multilingualism, Emotion
Maike Smeenk20102010 Tom J. van Grootel (research assistant), Marc Mathijs van Wanrooij (grad student)
Sandra SmeetsVisual attention Pascal Fries (grad student)
Simone Sprenger2003 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student), Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)
Bert Steenbergen2000 Gerard van Galen (grad student)
Arjen Stolk Ivan Toni (grad student)
Tamara Y. SwaabCognitive Neuroscience: Language1996 Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student), Peter Hagoort (grad student)
Susan te PasPsychophysics Charles de Weert (post-doc)
Arnold J. W. M. Thomassenexperimental psychology1970 Johan (Sjeng) Kremers (grad student)
Ivan Toni
Anna Tyborowska Ivan Toni (grad student)
Hans van AbeelenBehavior Genetics1965 Sipke Johannes Geerts (grad student)
Denise van BarneveldAudio-vestibular interactions20072011 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student), Marc Mathijs van Wanrooij (grad student)
Ruben S. van BergenComputational Neuroscience, Machine Learning
Wim H.J. van Bon1984 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student)
Karel J. M. van de Looclinical psychology and psychopathology1952 Sjef Prick (grad student)
Leo B.A. van de Puttepathogenetic mechanisms of chronic inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis, treatment modalities
Jaron van de WardtMovement disorders, hepatitis E
Ruud van den Bos
Egon L. van den BroekCognitive Computer Vision and Empathic Computing20012005 Charles de Weert (grad student), Theo E. Schouten (grad student), Louis G. Vuurpijl (grad student), Ton Dijkstra (research assistant)
Thom van den Heuvel2012 Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der Staak (grad student)
Suzanne V.H. van der Feestchild phonology, phonetics, speech perception20012007 Paula Fikkert (grad student)
Maarten van der Heijden20062007 Pieter Medendorp (grad student), Jan van Gisbergen (grad student), Rens Vingerhoets (grad student)
Peter Van der HelmPerception1988 E.L.J. Leeuwenberg (grad student), Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen (grad student)
Maarten van der Kraan20122012 Marc Mathijs van Wanrooij (grad student)
Cornelis Petrus Franciscus van der StaakClinical psychology Comparative and physiological psychology1975 Jo Vossen (grad student)
Jurrian Van Der WerfSensorimotor integration, MEG, oscillations Pieter Medendorp (grad student), Ole Jensen (grad student)
Robert F. Van der WilligenAuditory system, gaze control20072011 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student), Marc Mathijs van Wanrooij (collaborator)
Jacques Th.M. van EijkMedical Sociology1979 Frans Jozef A. Huygen (grad student), Hans Philipsen (grad student)
Otto R. van Eikema HommesMultiple sclerosis19591964 Sjef Prick (post-doc)
Mats W.J. van EsNeuroscience, computational neuroscience, neuroimaging DCCN Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen (grad student)
Marcel A. J. van Gerven20082010 Tom Heskes (post-doc)
Jan van Gisbergenoculomotor system, visuo-vestibular interaction20091974 Antonius Johannes Henricus Vendrik (grad student), Petrus Ignatius Marie Johannesma (grad student), Luc PJ Selen (collaborator)
Tom J. van GrootelVisual system, Visual development, Auditory system, Gaze control, Oculomotor system20062010 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student), Joyce Vliegen (research assistant), Pieter R. Roelfsema (research assistant), Rozemarijn Houtkamp (research assistant)
Noud van Kruysbergenpsychophysics19871994 Charles de Weert (grad student)
Rob J. van LierVisual perception19901996 E.L.J. Leeuwenberg (grad student), Peter Van der Helm (grad student)
Gilles van LuijtelaarBiological Psychology
John Adrianus van OpstalGaze control, Auditory System, Multisensory Integration19871988 Jan van Gisbergen (grad student), Stan C. Gielen (grad student), Jos J. Eggermont (grad student)
Stan van PeltHuman visual gamma-band activity2008 Pascal Fries (post-doc), Pieter Medendorp (grad student)
Piet L.C.M. van Riel1983 Leo B.A. van de Putte (grad student), Frank W.J. Gribnau (grad student)
Iris van RooijCognitive Psychology
Jacques M. van Rossumdopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia1958 Everhardus Jacobus Ariëns (grad student)
Marc Mathijs van WanrooijAuditory System, Sound Localization, Multisensory integration20072006 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student), John Adrianus van Opstal (post-doc)
Sigrid van WetterAuditory cortex neurophysiology20042009 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student)
Richard J.A.. van Wezelvisual system
Carel H. van Wijk1987 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student)
Jan G. Veening
Antonius Johannes Henricus Vendrikmedical physics
Lennart Verhagenvisuomotor control Ivan Toni (grad student)
Annabel Vermeer Psychology Alan G. Sanfey (grad student)
Huib VersnelAuditory system20012004 John Adrianus van Opstal (post-doc)
Frans AJ VerstratenCognitive Neuroscience19881990 Charles de Weert (research assistant)
Juan VidalNeuronal correlates of perceptual decisions20062008 Pascal Fries (post-doc)
Rens Vingerhoets Pieter Medendorp (grad student)
Joyce VliegenAuditory system, gaze control20022006 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student), Marc Mathijs van Wanrooij (collaborator)
Inge Volman Ivan Toni (grad student)
Jo VossenComparative and physiological psychology1966 Frans Jozef Theo Rutten (grad student), Sjef Prick (grad student)
Louis G. VuurpijlPen Computing, Man-Machine Interaction, Neural Networks1998 Jan Vytopil (grad student), Theo E. Schouten (grad student)
Ying Wang Biophysics Richard J.A.. van Wezel (grad student)
Cornelis (Cees) Wegman1979 Gerard A.M. Kempen (grad student)
Paul G.A.B. Wijdeveld1961 Cornelis L.H. Majoor (grad student)
Jinbiao YangPsycholinguistics, EEG, Computational model, language unitization CLS20172021 Stefan L. Frank (grad student)
Wenjun Zhang Biophysics Richard J.A.. van Wezel (grad student)
Johanna M. ZumerMEG, fMRI, attention, multisensory integration
Goos Zwanikken1968 Sjef Prick (grad student)
Marcel ZwiersDiffusion Tensor Imaging19982002 John Adrianus van Opstal (grad student)
Pienie Zwitserloodpsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience1989 Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)