Sungwoo Park

Robotics Lab Hyundai Motor Company 
 2020-2021 School of Engineering and Applied Science Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Exoskeleton, Locomotor adaptation, Neurorehabilitation, Motor Learning
"Sungwoo Park"
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James M. Finley grad student 2014-2020 USC
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Park S, Finley JM. (2022) Manual stabilization reveals a transient role for balance control during locomotor adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology
Liu C, Park S, Finley J. (2022) The choice of reference point for computing sagittal plane angular momentum affects inferences about dynamic balance. Peerj. 10: e13371
Park S, Liu C, Sánchez N, et al. (2021) Using Biofeedback to Reduce Step Length Asymmetry Impairs Dynamic Balance in People Poststroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 15459683211019346
Buurke TJW, Liu C, Park S, et al. (2020) Maintaining sagittal plane balance compromises frontal plane balance during reactive stepping in people post-stroke. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon). 80: 105135
Sánchez N, Park S, Finley JM. (2017) Evidence of Energetic Optimization during Adaptation Differs for Metabolic, Mechanical, and Perceptual Estimates of Energetic Cost. Scientific Reports. 7: 7682
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