Yoshitaka Oka

The University of Tokyo, Bunkyō-ku, Tōkyō-to, Japan 
"Yoshitaka Oka"
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Fujimori C, Sugimoto K, Ishida M, et al. (2024) Long-lasting redundant expression in GnRH neurons enabled apparent switching of paralog usage during evolution. Iscience. 27: 109304
Nakajo M, Kanda S, Oka Y. (2024) Involvement of the kisspeptin system in regulation of sexual behaviors in medaka. Iscience. 27: 108971
Tanaka A, Umatani C, Oka Y. (2023) Acetylcholine Inhibits Spontaneous Firing Activity of Terminal Nerve GnRH Neurons in Medaka. Zoological Science. 40: 151-159
Oka Y. (2023) Neural Control of Sexual Behavior in Fish. Zoological Science. 40: 128-140
Oka Y. (2023) Neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction by GnRH neurons: multidisciplinary studies using a small fish brain model. Endocrine Journal. 70: 343-358
Ikegami K, Kajihara S, Umatani C, et al. (2022) Estrogen upregulates the firing activity of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH1) neurons in the evening in female medaka. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 34: e13101
Umatani C, Yoshida N, Yamamoto E, et al. (2022) Co-existing Neuropeptide FF and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone 3 Coordinately Modulate Male Sexual Behavior. Endocrinology. 163
Ogawa S, Yamamoto N, Hagio H, et al. (2021) Multiple gonadotropin-releasing hormone systems in non-mammalian vertebrates: Ontogeny, anatomy, and physiology. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. e13068
Umatani C, Oka Y. (2019) Multiple functions of non-hypophysiotropic gonadotropin releasing hormone neurons in vertebrates. Zoological Letters. 5: 23
Kikuchi Y, Hiraki-Kajiyama T, Nakajo M, et al. (2019) Sexually dimorphic neuropeptide B neurons in medaka exhibit activated cellular phenotypes dependent on estrogen. Endocrinology
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