Osamu Abe | | | | | |
Rie Ako | | | | | Hiroshi Kawasaki (research assistant) |
Kaoru Amano | "Visual system" or "MEG" | Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics | 1999 | 2001 | Ichiro Kuriki (grad student) |
Yasumasa Arai | | | | | Kiyoshi Takewaki (grad student) |
Ken-ichi Arai | | | | | |
Yoichi Araki | AMPA receptor trafficking, Imaging | | 2001 | 2007 | Toshiharu Suzuki (grad student) |
Claus Aranha | | Engineering | 2005 | 2010 | Hitoshi Iba (grad student) |
Carey D. Balaban | Neuranatomy, Vestibular Neurophysiology | | 1979 | 1982 | Masao Ito (post-doc) |
Ken Berglund | Synaptic transmission, Clomeleon | | 1997 | 2002 | Masao Tachibana (grad student) |
Haruhiko Bito | | | | | |
Mingbo Cai | Spontaneous thoughts, Brain imaging, Decision making, Learning, Time Perception, Machine learning | Princeton Neuroscience Institute | 2015 | | Yael Niv (post-doc) |
HONGYU CHANG | Learning and memory, sleep, VR | International Research Center for Neurointelligence | 2018 | 2020 | Haruo Kasai (grad student) |
Amirmahmoud Houshmand Chatroudi | | Department of Life Sciences | 2000 | 2025 | Yuko Yotsumoto (grad student) |
Eizaburo Doi | Computation & Theory | | | | |
Kenji Doya | reinforcement learning | Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics | 1990 | 1991 | Shun-ichi Amari (research assistant), Shuji Yoshizawa (research assistant), Jin-ich Nagumo (grad student), Kaoru Nakano (grad student) |
Setsurou Ebashi | | | | | |
Kazuo Emoto | dendrtie development | Department of Biological Sciences | 2013 | | Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc) |
Zhiwei Fan | | | | | Yuko Yotsumoto (grad student) |
Antonio R Fidalgo | Behavioural Neuroscience | | 2012 | 2012 | Katsumi Watanabe (post-doc) |
Shigeyoshi Fujisawa | | | | | Yuji Ikegaya (grad student) |
Shohei Furutachi | | | | | Yukiko Gotoh (grad student) |
Akira Fushiki | | | | | Akinao Nose (grad student) |
Kensuke Futai | | | | | Tomoyuki Takahashi (grad student) |
Elisa M. Gallego | | Life Sciences | 2018 | 2023 | Yuko Yotsumoto (grad student) |
June Goto | cortical development, TSC, hydrocephalus | Oncology | 2000 | 2006 | Tadashi Yamamoto (grad student) |
Yukiko Gotoh | | | | | |
Laurent Guillaud | | | | | Nobutaka Hirokawa (post-doc) |
Masamitsu Harasawa | Experimental Psychology, Visual Perception | | 1996 | 2001 | Takao Sato (grad student) |
Isao Hasegawa | | | | | Yasushi Miyashita (research scientist) |
Kunihiko Hashida | | | | | Kenji Osawa (research scientist) |
Yuki Hashimoto | | Life Sciences | 2013 | 2016 | Yuko Yotsumoto (grad student) |
Tadafumi Hashimoto | Alzheimer's disease, Neurodegenerative disorders | | | | |
Itaru Hayakawa | | | | | Hiroshi Kawasaki (research assistant) |
Yasunori Hayashi | Synaptic Plasticity, Glutamate Receptor, Hippocampus, Memory | | 1994 | 1996 | Tomoyuki Takahashi (post-doc) |
Takashi Hayashi | | | | | |
Marito Hayashi | | Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences | 2007 | 2008 | Yukiko Gotoh (research assistant) |
Akiko Hayashi-Takagi | Psychiatry | Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine, | 2010 | 2016 | Haruo Kasai (research scientist) |
Takao K. Hensch | critical period, visual cortex, GABA, sleep | | 1988 | 1990 | Masao Ito (grad student) |
Stephen M. Highstein | Vestibular system, cerebellum, Motor learning | | | 1976 | Masao Ito (grad student) |
Okihide Hikosaka | | | 1973 | 1978 | Hiroshi Shimazu (grad student) |
Yusuke Hirabayashi | | | | 2013 | Yukiko Gotoh (research scientist) |
Masaki Hiramoto | Visual System, Mechanosensory System | | 1995 | 1999 | Yoshiki Hotta (grad student) |
Nobutaka Hirokawa | Microtubule Motors | | | | |
Natsuko Hitora-Imamura | Memory, Fear | | 2009 | 2015 | Norio Matsuki (grad student), Yuji Ikegaya (grad student), Hiroshi Nomura (grad student) |
Yasushi Hojo | | | | | |
Toshinori Hongo | | | | | Toshihiko Tokizane (grad student) |
Tetsuya Hori | | | 2004 | | Tomoyuki Takahashi (grad student), Tomoyuki Takahashi (post-doc) |
Toshihiko Hosoya | Retina | | | | Yoshiki Hotta (grad student) |
Yoshiki Hotta | Genetics, Developmental Neuroscience | | | | Setsurou Ebashi (grad student) |
Wolf Huetteroth | insect brain, learning, memory, neuropeptides, olfaction, development | | 2007 | 2007 | Ryohei Kanzaki (grad student) |
Hitoshi Iba | | | | | |
Toshiharu Ichinose | | | | | Tetsuya Tabata (grad student) |
Kei M. Igarashi | Olfaction, Memory | | | | Kensaku Mori (grad student), Hitoshi Sakano (research assistant) |
Yasuo Ihara | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=59 | | | | |
Muneki Ikeda | C. elegans, Cognition, Consciousness | | 2019 | 2020 | Suguru Kawato (grad student), Masafumi Oizumi (post-doc) |
Yuji Ikegaya | hippocampus, calcium imaging, synaptic plasticity | | | | Norio Matsuki (grad student) |
Yoshiho Ikeuchi | Axon growth, protein synthesis, motor nerve | | | | |
Kazuhiko Imakawa | | | | | |
Hidehiko K. Inagaki | | | 2006 | 2008 | Hitoshi Sakano (research assistant), Kei Ito (research assistant) |
Yasushi Ino | | | | | |
Kasumi Inokuchi | Neuroscience | | | | Hitoshi Sakano (grad student) |
Hiroshi Ishikane | Retina, Visual information processing | | 1995 | 2000 | Masao Tachibana (grad student) |
Taro Ishikawa | | | 2002 | 2004 | Tomoyuki Takahashi (grad student), Tomoyuki Takahashi (post-doc) |
Kei Ito | Drosophila, Anatomy | | | | Yoshiki Hotta (grad student) |
Sunao Iwaki | Visual system, Neuroimaging, Cognitive neuroscience | | | | Shoogo Ueno (grad student) |
Shinichi Iwasaki | | | | | Tomoyuki Takahashi (grad student) |
Takeshi Iwatsubo | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=45 | | | | Yasuo Ihara (grad student) |
Yoshinao Kajikawa | | | | | Tomoyuki Takahashi (grad student) |
Takeo Kamada | | | | | |
Kimihiko Kameyama | | | | | |
Azusa Kamikouchi | | | | | Kei Ito (grad student) |
Yukiko Kano | | | | | |
Shinichi Kano | | Immunology | | | Tadatsugu Taniguchi (grad student) |
Ryohei Kanzaki | Neuroethology, Robotics | | | | John G. Hildebrand (post-doc), Tatsuaki Shibuya (grad student) |
Tomomi Karigo | | | | | Yoshitaka Oka (grad student) |
Haruo Kasai | Spine | | | | Masao Ito (grad student), Yasushi Miyashita (research scientist) |
Kiyoto Kasai | | Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School | 2000 | 2002 | Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research scientist) |
Tetsuhiko Kashima | plasticity | | | | |
Yasuji Katsuki | | | | | Kunihiko Hashida (research scientist) |
Keith J. Kawabata-Duncan | Reading, TMS, fMRI, MEG, using neuroimaging data to test models of reading | | 2009 | 2010 | Katsuyuki Sakai (research scientist) |
Daichi Kawaguchi | | | | | Yukiko Gotoh (grad student) |
Jun I. Kawahara | attention | | 1997 | 1998 | Takao Sato (post-doc) |
Takashi Kawashima | Serotonin, systems neuroscience, computational neuroscience, genetics | | 2009 | 2013 | Haruhiko Bito (grad student) |
Suguru Kawato | | | | | Akira Ikegami (grad student), Setsurou Ebashi (grad student) |
Teruaki Kido | | Department of Life Sciences | 2020 | 2025 | Yuko Yotsumoto (grad student) |
Hideyuki Kikyo | | | | | Yasushi Miyashita (grad student) |
Ryang Kim | Animal behaviors | | | | Haruhiko Bito (post-doc) |
Marino Kimira | | | | | |
Tetsuya Kimoto | | | | | |
Haruo Kinoshita | | | | | Takeo Kamada (grad student) |
Yutaka Kirino | Classical Conditioning, Biophysics | | | | |
Keiichi Kitajo | computational neuroscience, TMS-EEG, nonlinear dynamics, oscillations, synchrony, noise-induced phenomenon | Education | | | Yoshiharu Yamamoto (grad student) |
Takuma Kitanishi | Hippocampus, place cells, synapses | | | | Norio Matsuki (grad student) |
Michiteru Kitazaki | Experimental Psychology, Virtual Reality | | 1992 | 1997 | Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student) |
Shigeru Kitazawa | Cognitive Neuroscience, Motor systems | | | | Toshinori Hongo (grad student) |
Ko Kobayakawa | Olfaction | | | | Hitoshi Sakano (grad student) |
Shunsuke Kobayashi | Phisiology of Reward | | | | Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc) |
Katsunori Kobayashi | | | | | Tomoyuki Takahashi (grad student), Masao Tachibana (grad student), Toshiya Manabe (grad student) |
Kenji Kobayashi | Decision Making, fMRI | | 2008 | 2011 | Ikuya Murakami (grad student) |
Shinsuke Koike | | | | | |
Maki Koike-Tani | | | 2002 | 2005 | Tomoyuki Takahashi (post-doc) |
Daisuke Kojima | Vision | | | | |
Sayaka Komano-Inoue | | | | | Kensaku Mori (grad student) |
Minoru Koyama | | | | | Yasushi Miyashita (grad student) |
Kenji W. Koyano | Memory, electrophysiology, MRI | | 2005 | 2014 | Yasushi Miyashita (grad student), Yuji Naya (grad student) |
Kaoru Kubokawa | | | | | |
Kisou Kubota | behavioral neurophysiology | Primate Research Inst. | | | Toshihiko Tokizane (grad student) |
Ichiro Kuriki | color vision, psychophysics, imaging | | | | |
Shinya Kuroda | Systems Biology | | | | |
Sumiya Kuroda | | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems | 2019 | 2021 | Yasuyuki Ozeki (research assistant) |
Juxi Leitner | Robotic Manipulation, Robotic Vision, AI, Cognitive Robotics, Developmental Robotics, Eye-Hand Coordination | | | | |
Luhe Li | | Life Sciences | 2017 | 2019 | Yuko Yotsumoto (grad student) |
Wen-Jing Lin | | | 2018 | 2019 | Yuko Yotsumoto (post-doc) |
Toshiya Manabe | NMDA channels, LTP, hippocampus, amygdala | | | | Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc), Motoy Kuno (grad student), Tomoyuki Takahashi (research scientist) |
Kazushi Maruya | | | | | Takao Sato (grad student) |
Ko Matsui | Synaptic transmission, Neuron-glia interaction, Glial cells, Retina, Cerebellum | | 1996 | 2001 | Masao Tachibana (grad student) |
Norio Matsuki | | | | | Toshio Narahashi (post-doc) |
Hideyuki Matsumoto | Olfactory System | | | | |
Nobuyoshi Matsumoto | Hippocampus | | 2010 | 2017 | Yuji Ikegaya (grad student) |
Masanori Matsuzaki | | | | | Haruo Kasai (grad student) |
Mitsuharu Midorikawa | Exocytosis | | 2001 | 2007 | Masao Tachibana (grad student) |
Hiroaki Misonou | Trafficking, ion channels | | 1998 | 2001 | Yasuo Ihara (post-doc) |
Akinori Mitani | | | | | Takanori Uka (research assistant) |
Satoru K. Miura | | | | | Hitoshi Sakano (research assistant) |
Tsuyoshi Miyakawa | Behavioral Neuroscience, Biological Psychiatry | | | | Hiroaki Niki (grad student) |
Kazunari Miyamichi | mosaic analysis with double markers | | 2013 | | Hitoshi Sakano (grad student), Kazushige Touhara (research scientist) |
Daisuke Miyamoto | Sleep, Memory, Electrophysiology, Optogenetics | | 2009 | 2014 | Norio Matsuki (grad student) |
Kentaro Miyamoto | | | | | |
Yasushi Miyashita | | | | 1978 | Masao Ito (grad student) |
Takaaki Miyazaki | Gustatory system | Department of Computational Biology, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science Department of Computational Biology, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science | 2005 | 2010 | Kei Ito (grad student), Hitoshi Sakano (grad student), Kei Ito (grad student), Hitoshi Sakano (grad student) |
Haruo Mizutani | Neural circuits, Synaptic connectivity, 3D imaging | | 2002 | 2006 | Tomoyuki Takahashi (grad student) |
Kensaku Mori | Olfactory system | | | | |
Chamin Morikawa | | | | | Michael Lyons (research assistant) |
Yosuke Morishima | prefrontal cortex | | 2005 | 2009 | Katsuyuki Sakai (post-doc) |
Koichi Motokawa | | | | | Kunihiko Hashida (research scientist) |
Hideo Mukai | | | | | Suguru Kawato (grad student) |
Yuki Murai | | Department of Life Sciences | 2014 | 2017 | Yuko Yotsumoto (grad student), Ikuya Murakami (grad student) |
Satoshi Murakami | | | | | Tetsuya Tabata (grad student) |
Ikuya Murakami | | | | | Shinsuke Shimojo (grad student) |
Rieko Muramatsu | | Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences | | | Ryuta Koyama (grad student) |
Yukie Nagai | | | | | |
Shin Nagayama | | | 2000 | 2004 | Kensaku Mori (grad student) |
Jin-ich Nagumo | | | | | |
Yutaka Naitoh | | | | | Haruo Kinoshita (grad student) |
Terunaga Nakagawa | | | | | Nobutaka Hirokawa (grad student) |
Yasushi Nakagawa | Neurobiology Biology | Institute of Medical Science | 1992 | 1996 | Ken-ichi Arai (grad student) |
Kiyoshi Nakahara | | | 1997 | 2006 | Yasushi Miyashita (research scientist) |
Miho Nakajima | Thalamus | | | | Hitoshi Sakano (grad student) |
Yukihiro Nakamura | | | 2006 | 2007 | Tomoyuki Takahashi (grad student), Tomoyuki Takahashi (post-doc) |
Aaron Nakamura | Neuroscience, Developmental/Social/Clinical Psychology, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), fMRI, Ethnic Identity, Diversity | International Research Center for Neuroscience | 2021 | 2024 | Mingbo Cai (research assistant) |
Kaoru Nakano | | | | | |
Kazuhito Nakao | hippocampus, LTP, local field potential, unit | | | | |
Hirofumi Nakatomi | | | | | |
Hiroyuki Nakayama | | | | | |
Ryota Nakayama | in vivo neurophysiology, hippocampus, memory | | | | |
Shigehiro Namiki | | | | | |
Yuji Naya | | | | | Yasushi Miyashita (grad student) |
Hiroaki Niki | prefrontal cortex | | | | Toshihiko Tokizane (research scientist) |
Nasimul Noman | | Engineering | 2004 | 2007 | Hitoshi Iba (grad student) |
Hiroshi Nomura | | | | | Norio Matsuki (grad student), Yuji Ikegaya (research scientist) |
Keishi Nomura | | LIfe Sciences | 2018 | 2020 | Yuko Yotsumoto (grad student) |
Hiroaki Norimoto | sleep, memory, | | 2011 | 2016 | Yuji Ikegaya (grad student) |
Akinao Nose | | | | | Corey S. Goodman (post-doc) |
Daichi Nozaki | Motor control, Motor learning | | | | |
Takashi Ogawa | | | | | Sadaji Takagi (grad student) |
Mari Ikeda Ogiue | | | | | |
Yohei Ohashi | | | 2006 | | Yasushi Miyashita (grad student) |
Kenichi Ohki | | | | | Yasushi Miyashita (post-doc) |
Masafumi Oizumi | | | | | Masato Okada (grad student) |
Yoshitaka Oka | | | | | |
Shigeo Okabe | | | | | |
Takashi Okada | | | 1986 | 1995 | Masao Tachibana (grad student) |
Masato Okada | | | | | |
Miku Okajima | | | | | |
Toya Okonogi | in vivo Electroneurophysiology, Behavioral Neuroscience | Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2017 | 2022 | Yuji Ikegaya (grad student), Takuya Sasaki (grad student) |
Teruhiro Okuyama | Behavioral Neuroscience | | | | |
Masayo Omura | | | | | Kazushige Touhara (grad student) |
Fuminori Ono | | | | | |
Kenji Osawa | | | | | |
Leon F Palafox | Machine Learning, Neuroscience, planetary science, data science | Electric Engineering Information Science | 2010 | 2013 | Hideki Hashimoto (grad student), Hitoshi Iba (grad student) |
Laxmi Kumar Parajuli | | | | | Karen Zito (post-doc) |
Takeshi Sakaba | Exocytosis, Synaptic Transmission | | 1994 | 1998 | Masao Tachibana (grad student) |
Masamichi Sakagami | | | | | Hiroaki Niki (grad student) |
Kin-ichiro Sakaguchi | | | | | |
Katsuyuki Sakai | Prefrontal cortex, fMRI | | | | |
Kuniyoshi L. Sakai | Neuroimaging | | | | |
Hitoshi Sakano | Olfaction | | | | |
Hideo Sakata | Visual System | | | | Toshihiko Tokizane (grad student) |
Takuya Sasaki | multi-neuron imaging | | 2005 | 2010 | Yuji Ikegaya (grad student) |
Takashi R. Sato | Visual system, two photon imaging | | | | Yasushi Miyashita (research assistant) |
Makoto Sato | | | | | Tetsuya Tabata (research scientist) |
Takao Sato | Visual Psychophysics | | | | |
Chihiro Sato | | | | | Hiroshi Kawasaki (research assistant) |
Keisuke Sehara | | | | | Hiroshi Kawasaki (grad student) |
Shou Serizawa | Olfaction | | | | Hitoshi Sakano (grad student) |
Yu Shikano | Learning and memory; electrophysiology; behavioral neuroscience | | | | |
Shuhei Shima | | | | | |
Hiroshi Shimazu | Vestibulo-oculomotor system | | | | |
Toru Shinoe | Synaptic Plasticity, Single particle tracking | | | | |
Kazunori Shinomiya | Drosophila, Visual system, Anatomy, Electron microscopy, Connectomics | | 2010 | 2011 | Kei Ito (grad student), Kei Ito (post-doc) |
John I. Simpson | | | | | Masao Ito (post-doc) |
Sudhir Sivakumaran | Neuronal Oscillations, Cortical Activity, Neuronal Excitability, Ion-regulatory proteins, Epilepsy, Stroke, GABA, Development, Hippocampus, Memory, Synaptic Plasticity | | 2002 | 2004 | Shinya Kuroda (research assistant) |
Vishal Soam | | Electric Engineering Engineering Engineering | 2011 | 2012 | Leon F Palafox (research assistant), Hideki Hashimoto (grad student), Hitoshi Iba (grad student) |
Atsushi Sugie | | | | | Tetsuya Tabata (grad student) |
Toshiharu Suzuki | | | | | |
Toshiharu Suzuki | Alzheimers Disease | | | | |
Tetsuya Tabata | | | | | |
Masashi Tabuchi | Neurophysiology, Sleep, Neural coding, Synaptic plasticity | | 2010 | 2013 | Ryohei Kanzaki (grad student) |
Ryosuke O. Tachibana | Vocalization, Auditory system, Neuroethology, Behavioral neuroscience, fMRI | | 2012 | | Kazuo Okanoya (post-doc) |
Masao Tachibana | Retina, Visual information processing, Synaptic transmission | | | | |
Masanori Taira | | | | | Igor Dawid (post-doc) |
Satohiro Tajima | Visual system, Computational neuroscience | | | | Masato Okada (grad student) |
Sadaji Takagi | perception, gestalt psychology | | | | |
Yuji Takahashi | | | | | Kensaku Mori (research scientist) |
Naoya Takahashi | | | | | Yuji Ikegaya (grad student) |
Taiki Takahashi | Neuroeconomics | | | | |
Kaori Takehara-Nishiuchi | Memory Consolidation, Prefrontal cortex, in vivo electrophysiology | | 2001 | 2006 | Yutaka Kirino (grad student) |
Hiromasa Takemura | Visual system | | 2007 | 2012 | Ikuya Murakami (grad student) |
Kiyoshi Takewaki | | | | | |
Keita Tamura | | | | | Yasushi Miyashita (grad student) |
Masashi Tanaka | songbird | | 2008 | 2013 | Masao Tachibana (grad student) |
Keiko Tanaka | Synaptic plasticity, Postsynaptic regulation | | | | |
Ryosuke Tanaka | | | | | |
Tadatsugu Taniguchi | | | | | |
Hiromu Tanimoto | Fly behavior | | | | Tetsuya Tabata (grad student) |
Kentaro Tao | Systems Neurophysiology | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute for Quantitative Biosciences | 2018 | 2013 | Ryuta Koyama (grad student), Teruhiro Okuyama (collaborator) |
Hidenori Taru | neurodegeneration | | 1997 | 2002 | Toshiharu Suzuki (grad student) |
Yasuo Terao | neurophysiology | | | | |
Hiroki Terashima | Auditory system, Computational neuroscience | | 2009 | | Masato Okada (grad student) |
Tomohisa Toda | | | | | |
Toshihiko Tokizane | | | | | Kunihiko Hashida (grad student) |
Taisuke Tomita | Alzheimer's disease | | | | Takeshi Iwatsubo (grad student) |
Susumu Tomita | | | 1995 | 2001 | Toshiharu Suzuki (grad student) |
Kazushige Touhara | Olfaction | | | | |
Masafumi Tsuboi | | | | | |
Nakaakira Tsukahara | | | | | Masao Ito (collaborator), Toshihiko Tokizane (grad student) |
Kazuhide Tsuneizumi | | | | | Tetsuya Tabata (research scientist) |
Yusuke Tsuno | Neurophysiology, Imaging, Learning and Memory, Neuromodulation, Sleep, Circadian Rhythm, Olfaction | Department of Physiology Laboratory of Neurobiophysics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2003 | 2009 | Kensaku Mori (grad student), Yutaka Kirino (research assistant) |
Tomokazu Tsurugizawa | | | | | Suguru Kawato (grad student) |
Ken-Ichiro Tsutsui | reward, learning, higher cognitive functions, 3D vision | | 1994 | 1996 | Hiroaki Niki (grad student) |
Kazuo Ueda | | | | | |
Shoogo Ueno | | | | | |
Atsushi Usami | | | | | |
Mu-Yun Wang | | | 2009 | 2013 | Lars Chittka (grad student) |
Katsumi Watanabe | Cognitive Science (Perception, Crossmodal interaction, Sensorimotor learning, Development, Attention, Eye movement, Social cognition, Decision Making); Neuroscience(Motivation, Reward, Basal ganglia, Brain Imaging) | | | | |
Takamitsu Watanabe | | | 2009 | 2013 | Yasushi Miyashita (grad student) |
Sho Yagishita | | | | | Haruo Kasai (grad student) |
Yoshiharu Yamamoto | | | | | |
Tadashi Yamamoto | | | | | |
Shinya Yamamoto | Genetics, Drosophila, Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases, Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders, Developmental Biology | Department of Veterinary Medicine | 2002 | 2005 | Kazuhiko Imakawa (research assistant) |
Takayuki Yamashita | synaptic transmission; sensory processing | | 2001 | 2007 | Tomoyuki Takahashi (grad student) |
Atsushi Yokoi | Motor control and learning | | 2008 | 2013 | Daichi Nozaki (grad student) |
Masatoshi Yoshida | | | | | Yasushi Miyashita (post-doc) |
Yoshihiro Yoshihara | Olfactory system, Neural circuit | Department of Physiology | | | Kensaku Mori (post-doc) |
Hiroshi Yoshimatsu | | | | | |
Airi Yoshimoto | | | | | Yuji Ikegaya (grad student) |
Shuji Yoshizawa | | | | | |
Yuko Yotsumoto | Cognitive Neuroscience | | | | |
Kenichi Yuasa | | | 2013 | 2016 | Yuko Yotsumoto (grad student) |
Shoko Yuki | | | | | Kazuo Okanoya (grad student) |
Taiping Zeng | computational neuroscience, robotics, spatial navigation | International Research Center for Neurointelligence | 2021 | 2023 | Mingbo Cai (post-doc) |
Xiao-Min ZHANG | synapse plasiticity, synaptic vesicle | | | | |
Chunjie Zhao | | | | | Nobutaka Hirokawa (grad student) |